InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thieves put Theives in Their Place ❯ Relocated ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

They had managed to relocate rather quickly, Inuyasha's gang went on “vacation” in other words were laying low in some other town, and Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango, and of coarse Kirara were at a shrine run by Kaede an old friend of Inuyasha's.
Right at the moment it was around twelve and Kagome was pacing around her room trying to talk herself out of going into Inuyasha's room.
I don't need to go in his room; I'm perfectly capable of sleeping in a room by my self. Kagome thought as she sat down. I mean he's in the other room, he's right through that wall, that isn't far at all…Kagome went and laid near the top of her bed. I wonder if he's asleep…Great another thing to wonder about! With that Kagome got out of bed and walked next door and quietly opened it. Her eye sight quickly adjusted and she looked at the bed. Inuyasha was lying on his stomach so she couldn't see if he was awake. Kagome didn't know when but she had stepped in shutting the door. Kagome quietly walked over to the side of the bed only to be met with golden eyes.
“Yeah Kagome?” Inuyasha said quirking an eyebrow.
“Just…wondering if you were awake…” Kagome said as she went to leave.
“Kagome come here…” Inuyasha said as he moved on to his side lifting the covers. Kagome's face lit up for a second before she caught herself and looked at him strange. “Just get in here, I want some sleep tonight.”
Kagome smiled and crawled in and laid on her stomach. Inuyasha dropped the covers and put an arm around her, pulling her closer, and put his leg over both of hers. Kagome thought it was strange, but she felt safe near him, and suddenly able to sleep.
Inuyasha had her head tucked under his chin and patiently waited till Kagome fell asleep. He wanted to make sure she could get to sleep, he felt that he should. He wanted to know when his mate went to sleep and be there in the morning. It was a good thing she had come in there on her own other wise he would have went in to her room, and knowing Kagome she probably would have made a scene and they would have woken everyone up. When Kagome drifted off to sleep Inuyasha did soon after.
Kagome woke up and yawned moving her head away from the sun. Then Kagome realized that Inuyasha was awake when he chuckled a little as he lifted up moving over her. Kagome turned onto her back and yawned, “The sun is evil…”
Inuyasha smiled and chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her. “Morning mate.”
Kagome smiled and said, “You know you agree with me don't change the subject.” Inuyasha smiled as he moved off her and stood up stretching. Kagome for the first time realized he wasn't wearing a shirt and took this time to admire his well toned chest.
“Like what you see?” Inuyasha said with a smirk when he caught her starring.
Kagome blushed as she looked up to meet his eyes. “I'm gon'na go change.” Kagome said as she stood up stretching as she walked out of the door.
Inuyasha smiled as he watched her go. Inuyasha walked out of the room and down the stairs, and into the kitchen where Kaede was cooking eggs.
“Hi Inuyasha.” Kaede said as he took a seat at the table.
“Morning Kaede, thank you again for letting us stay.” Inuyasha said as she set a plate in front of him.
“It's no problem; so your friends late raisers?” Kaede said as she set a plate next to him. “Should I go wake them?”
“My mate is up, but you should probably wake the others up.” Inuyasha said absentmindedly.
“Mate?” Kaede asked as she set two more plates down.
Inuyasha looked up and smiled at the look on the old woman's face, “Yes Kaede, mate, and you were right I didn't even realize what I was doing, it just kinda happened.”
“Ah that's why you insisted that Kagome sleep in the room next to yours.” Kaede said putting two and two together.
“Even if I wasn't his mate he would have insisted he's the most stubborn person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.” Kagome said as she took a seat next him. “Inuyasha you didn't even offer to help huh?” Inuyasha just looked at her innocently she almost forgot she was scolding him.
“Tricky little thing isn't he?” Kaede said looking at Kagome with a smile.
“Yes he is.” Kagome said as she smiled up at the older woman. “Would you like some help?”
“Could you go wake your friends?” Kaede asked as she took a seat with a plate of her own across from Inuyasha.
“Sure thing.” Kagome said standing up and walking away.
“You shouldn't stare like that its not polite.” Kaede said with a smile as she took a bite of her scramble eggs.
“Feh, she's my mate.” Inuyasha huffed as he turned back to his food.
A few minute's later Kagome came downstairs glaring at Miroku who was wearing a red handprint on each cheek. “Miroku touch me again and I swear you won't see the light of another day.”
“He touched you?” Inuyasha growled as Kagome sat next to him.
“It was an accident I swear it Inuyasha!” Miroku pleaded, “I thought she was Sango.”
“Miroku, I thought you learned your lesson…” Kaede sighed as she shook her head.
“Who taught it?” Sango asked as she wearily sat next to the pervert.
“A young girl that use to train here.” Kaede said as she picked up her plate and replaced Inuyasha's.
“He'll never learn.” Inuyasha said as he looked Kagome over.
“Inuyasha he groped me nothing else.” Kagome said not even taking a glance at him.
Sango looked at Miroku questioningly, and he just shrugged as he ate.
“This is ridicules Inuyasha eat the food in front of you.” Kagome said as she looked at him as he moved her chair closer.
Kaede through out that had managed to slip away unnoticed. With the exception of every time Miroku looked at Kagome which caused Inuyasha to growl, it was a relatively nice breakfast.
“So what's there to do?” Sango asked as they walked into the front of the shrine.
“We could get some training in Sango.” Kagome said with a smile as Kaede walked by in miko garbs with some younger teen girls in the same only the tops and pants varied some had yellow tops some had blue pants.
“I'm sure we're above that level.” Sango said as she watched them.
“Why don't you two go help Kaede then, they might look sweet, but they're still a pain in the butt.” Inuyasha said as he pulled Miroku away down to the street.
“Inuyasha don't hurt him too bad!” Kagome called after him.
Sango followed Kagome over saying to Kaede, “You need some help?”
“Yes but you'll need to change into the proper clothing.” Kaede said as she pointed to the house. “In the guest room there are different miko robes, take your pick.”
When the two returned the girls in the class thought they had pick strange attire. Kagome was wearing black miko pants and a white top. Sango was wearing black pants like Kagome but her top was a dark pink.
Kaede nodded as she saw them, “Thought so.”
“Thought what?” Kagome and Sango asked.
“You'd pick that. Kagome obviously is yin and yang, and Sango those would be the colors of your demon hunter outfit.” Kaede said as she smiled at them.
“How'd you know I was related to demon hunters?” Sango asked kind of curious.
“Last night when you couldn't sleep you went into the training room the first thing you went after was a giant boomerang given to me by an old friend that said it belonged to a famous demon hunter.” Kaede said with a shrug.
“Ahhh.” Sango said as Kaede told the girls to get in a line.