InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Things You should NEER do to Sesshomaru... ❯ Bleh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

More Bad stuff to do…
The person living under your bed!!!!
Hey, I know, I know! I'm sorry it took me so long to update but, well, finals and all that, you understand, right? Right? Don't hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps under desk* I'm just ganna hang out over here for a while…to the reviews!!!!!!!!
Shadowwolf 02: Not his tail not his tail not his tail not his tail!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Oh, sorry, pet annoyance of mine…so, that you for the complaments *bows* and yes, it is very hard to get the idea of a tiny little Inu (yelling wench in Spanish over and over and over…) out of your head. Alas I put that thought into my own mind…scary no?
Dark Angel of Love: I'm so sorry that you had to endure the pain of missing new eps!!!!!!!!! I too have felt that pain so I can sympathies. And don't worry, even though that's not his tail, it doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have one! Thank you for your review *bows*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guardiangirl624: thank you for both your suggestion and your cool review! I give you both my thanks and some cyber pocky! There you go!
Crescentmoon: Thank you, Thank you Thank you Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!! It is gracious reviewers like you that makes me keep updating! I hug you! *hugs you then jumps back under my desk*
Shadowwolf 02: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Screams like a girl?! I swear I love you for that one! Ha, evil mustache! That reminds me of this time me and my friend were watching Boomerang (that channel for really old cartoons) and we saw this one evil villain with a uni-brow, and at one point during the show he was totally still when suddenly his uni-brow started doing the wavy! I was great (not really sure how that reminded me of that, but whatever…). Anyways, for the screaming thing I give you the Bahamas and one island in Hawaii…I mean, nothing….
Sukura mizu megami: Alas no, it is not, you see I am not musically inclinedwell, I can play the pan flute, sorta, but that is it. And dude, if you haven't noticed already, I'm crazy, and I'm pretty sure that you are crazy too, so just sit back and enjoy the company!
Dark_Goddess: Dude! Kinsman!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy that I shall dance from underneath my desk!!!!!! *dances* you are crazy, but as I said before, that is cool cause I am crazy too. It is always good to be reminded that I'm not the only mentally unstable person with access to the internet!!!!!!! Well, thanks for the review *bows*, hope to see you again…
So…may…reviews!! No…energy…to update…further!! Ugh, but alas I must, or you will a kill me! Ahhh…on with the show…ugh….
Ideas from the reviewers! (I order of which I saw first)
Anger and or annoying Sesshoumaru:
1. Draw a curly, handlebar mustache on him while he is sleeping with a permeate marker. (Shadowwolf 02)
2. Put said marker in Jaken's pocket so he gets in trouble for it (still Shadowwolf 02)
3. Kiss him on the lip (guardiangirl624)
4. Latter slap him for the kiss (guardiangirl624)
Angering and or, well, angering, Inuyasha:
1. Tell him Kagome has fallen hopelessly in love with Hojo and/or Koga (crescentmoon)
2. Tell him she's in love with Sesshoumaru and/or Naraku (crescentmoon)
thank you reviewers!!!!!!!!!!!
Things not to do to Miroku
1. Say yes when he asks you to bare his children
2. Go tell Jankotsu that he wants him and then watch the fun!!!!
3. Pay Sango to flirt with other men (ha ha, jealousy)
4. Don't slap him when he is being perverted (he would be so confused)
5. Grope him (more confusion)
6. Steal his clothes while he's bathing in the hot springs and give them to Sesshoumaru
7. Steal his clothes and give them to Sango (ha ha, the evil!)
8. lock him in a room with old men and only old men for a year!
9. Turn him into a girl
10. Turn him into a hot girl (how very, very fitting).
ok, I have lost my muse so, that's it for now I'm afraid, but there is a new episode tomorrow night, so, until then, see yah!!!!!!! O.o