InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thoughts ❯ Place ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I don’t own..

I glare at you from across what has become our battlefield, and see that you are glaring back at me. That you are meeting my eye. And I see the defiance in your glaze and it stokes my anger to a boiling point. That you, a lowly half breed would dare to meet my eyes, to dare to defy me.
You think your powerful? You don’t have any true power. Only a sword. The humans would believe it is your own power that you fight with, but I know the truth. That no half breed could be more powerful then one of pure blood.
So keep believing that you are more powerful then me, for soon I will take what is mine. Tetsusaiga will bend to my will, it will see that I, not you are deserving of it. And the girl for which you would die for will too be mine. For it is me she craves and you are but a substitute until she can have her true hearts desire. And I will take her, not because I truly want her, but because she is yours. And all that is yours will be mine, make no mistake about that. The rest of the humans will follow her to me. For it is not you they wish to follow, but her. To them you are but a half breed to be used. Why else would they have you collard? No friend nor lover would collar someone they value or love. You are but a tool to be used, and like all tools you will become dull and useless, and tossed aside for a new one.
So keep believing you are powerful, that you have value, that you are cared for. Because soon I will take what is mine, and you will regret the day you forgot your place. So fight me as much as you can, for it will only make my victory all the more pleasurable. Someday Inuyasha you will crawl at my feet and beg me to return all that you value, someday half breed my name will be your end. For I am...
“ Owww!”
“ Come on runt, your holding us up.”
Just you wait half breed, I will get my revenge... As soon as I can figure out which of the two of you is real... For I am Shippo the Great!
“ Damn it Shippo come on!”
Just you wait...

AN: So what do you think? Please review.