InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Three Days of Hell ❯ Chapter 6~What Happened? ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Three Days of Hell~Chapter 6 By Mija

Disclaimer~Dont own Inuyasha and company, just borrowing them..:-)

What Happened?

~~~Inuyash woke up with a groan. He knew automaticly that he had been hit over the head again. He was getting pretty damn tired of being knocked out upside the head by Miroku and Sango. But he knew they had only done what they thought best. What he had told them to do. Kagome was the main objective here, keep her safe, no matter what, even from him. He whiffed the air and could still smell Kagome, they had not left to long ago, but he was far enough to be able to control himself from needing to ravish Kagome. Inuyasha snorted. It was funny he thought. Her smell was driving him nuts and making him want to do soo many wicked but pleasurable things to her. What made it all funny though was that, even before she had gone into this "Becoming" phase, he had wanted to do all those things to her anyway. Yes, if even to himself he admitted that he loved Kagome more than anything, even more than he had ever thought he loved Kikyo.

~~~Just as he was getting up, he heard Kouga and Kaugura both groan as they began to sit up. Inuyasha was smirking, he couldnt wait to see how the two reacted. Oh this is going to be good he thought. Both hated each other with a passion, and now they were mated. Inuyasha had to laugh at that. Being the wolf demon he was Kouga would not be able to go against his grain and toss Kaugura aside. He had mated with her and wether he liked it or not, she was his for ever. Oh Inuyasha was definitly liking this idea, no longer would that stupid wolf try to claim Kagome as his. Inuyasha sprang up and away to follow Kagome and the group at a distance. As much as he wanted to watch the fallout between Kouga and Kaugura, he had to make sure Kagome was safe.

~~~Kouga sat up, his head feeling like he had just been threw one hell of a fight. He glanced down and saw that he was totally naked. What the fuck?? he thought. What kind of battle would leave him naked? Just then he heard another groan and it was coming from the left of him. He looked over to see his most hated enemy, Kaugura. He growled, then absently noticed that she was naked and covered in claw marks. It was then that everything began to come back to him in a tidal wave of foggy memeries.

"OOOH FUCK NOOOOOO" Kouga yelled as he sprang to his feet and away from the now waking form of Kaugura. He growled and looked at her as if she were the foulest thing on the planet, and in his mind she was.

"Whaaa...What the hell happened??" Kaugura asked absently as she sat up, only to realize that she was totally naked, with marks all over her body. She smelt something on her, a scent, not her own but mingled with hers. Then it hit her and memories started to flood her mind.

"OOOH HELLL NOOOOO!" she screamed as she sat up. She looked about her and saw him. Kouga. That damn wolf! She hissed.

"What the fuck did you do to me??" she asked the wolf prince, regocnizing the smell on her, it was full of the stentch of Kouga. And if she was not mistaken they had mated. Kouga growled at her and Kaugura got into a battle stance.

"ME??? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MEEEE?" Kouga all but shouted in her face. His stomache was begining to roll and he felt a sickening feeling in the pit of his chest. They had mated. He could smell it all over her and himself. And then there was the mark on her neck. He knew automaticly that it was his mark. He had cliamed Kaugura as his mate. This made him want to puke his lunch up.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" Kouga repeated over and over again. He remembered things clearly now. He had kidnapped Kagome again. She was in heat, he had wanted to mate with her. He had tried to force himself on her. Then Kaugura had come. She had wanted to kill Kagome. He would not allow her to do it. The had fought. the smell. Kagomes scent was driving them both insane. They had fought, and the more they had fought, the more the scent had driven him mad. the only thing that had been on his mind was to mate. So he had. It just hadnt been with the person he had wanted.

"That stupid human!!!..this is all HER fault!" Kaugaura replied, as the memories came back to her, clear as a bell. Kagome's scent had sent her into a frenzy, and in that frenzy she had fought Kouga, and as they had fought, they had both been over come by that stupid scent of Kagomes. If it wasnt for her she would never have done anything with that stupid wolf, let alone MATE with him. For once Kouga had to admit Kaugura was right. This was all Kagomes fault. Other wise he would never have mated with the one creature on this earth he hated more than anything.

*************************************************************** ********

~~~By the time they had gotten to the cave by the waterfall it was after lunch. It was only supposed to have taken not more than an hour to get Kagome to the cave from the village. But things had not gone right. First Kouga had kidnapped her and taken her way off course, further from the cave than they would have liked. Then after they had found Kagome and taken her away. They had been attacked several times by demons. Three female demons and two males, of course at seperate times. Inuyasha had come of course and helped to stop them, but soon after the fighting was over Kagome had had to sit him several times before he could go after her himself. Once Sango had to actually throw her boommerang at him and knock him upside the head. And all Kagome could do was cry. By the time they had gotten her to the cave and placed Tetsiaga up to block the entrance from demons both Sango and Miroku were ready to tear thier hair out.

"I need to take a walk." came Sangos annoyed voice. She knew this was not like her, knew that the thing that was making her most annoyed at Kagome was her becoming which was not her fault. But at the moment all Sango wanted to do was be far away from the girl she thought of as a sister. She didnt want to ever do anything to harm her and in the state she was in she didnt trust herself to not do something to Kagome.

"Where are you going?" Miroku asked, also tired and annoyed, but his annoyance was diffrent from Sangos he knew. He could see Sango only wanted to get away before she hurt kagome, as for him, all he wanted was to be near Kagome, but on more intimate terms.

"Im going to go take a walk..stay here Monk and watch over Kagome ok?" Sango replied, not really asking but more like giving him an order. Miroku just nodded and watched Sango leave, as he stood outside the cave entrance and tried to meditate and curb his fast growing need to be one with Kagome, or anyone for that matter.

~~~Sango walked away and Miroku tried his best to meditate an stay calm. But the more he tried, the more he thought of the reasons he was meditating and the more he just wanted to be with Kagome. Unable to resist he walked over to the cave and entered it, Tetsiaga would block demons or half demons but not humans. He saw Kagome over by he sleeping back which she had layed on the ground. She was still crying. He walked over to her and sat next to her.

"What is wrong Lady Kagome?" he asked, already knowing the answer but needing to hear her sweet voice.

"How can you ask that Miroku?..Look at what im doing to everyone close to me?? Sango cant stand to be near me...Inuyasha...Inuyash just keeps getting hurt cause of me and I cant do anything to stop any of it...I hate this!..I hate going threw this!! why couldnt i be normal??? why did i have to be born with this stupid power?" Kagome replied as she broke down into a nother bout of tears.

~~~Miroku crept nearer to her and took her in his arms and tried to comfort her. But he knew even as part of him wanted to comfort her, another part of him wanted to touch her. He couldnt help the thoughts that went threw his head as he held her in his arms as she cried. He also couldnt help that the hand that was rubbing her back in a soothing motion had crept to below her waist and was now groping her butt. Kagome screamed and slapped him across the face, then backed up from him.

"Miroku what in the hell are you doing??" Kagome asked with a red blush on her face and anger in her eyes.

"Ohh Kagome...if you would only consent to be with me all this could be could bare my child, I would ease your ache and you would ease mine..we could be soo wonderfull together Kagome." Miroku replied, although his voice didnt seem like his own. He had that glazed look on him and Kagome knew that he was responding to her scent. At least he had been able to fight it off longer than most. She assumed his Monk abilities had helped to stave off the feelings for most of the day. Now he was no longer able to control himself and this made Kagome sad. She didnt want to hurt Miroku and he didnt know what he was doing.

"Ohhh Miroku please??? you dont dont what your doing?? what your saying..Im so sorry Im doing this to you,,but you have to" Kagome replied, in tears.

"But I dont want to leave....I know your frightened Kagome, but im sure that once the initial fear is gone you will enoy this immensly." Miroku stated as he stalked Kagome around the cave. he as no longer himself. And Kagome didnt know what to do. So she did what she always did when she was affraid. She yelled for Inuyasha, and sprang for the cave entrance.

*************************************************************** ********

Sango walked along the river getting away from the cave and Kagome. Inside her mind she knew it was not Kagomes fault for what was happening, but it didnt help ease her mind. Watching Kouga and Kaugura go at it like rabbits had turned her on to no end, and fighting the demons along the way to the cave had added to her adreniline and hormones. But being around Kagome for a long peroid of time had made her almost snap. So she had left before she could do anyting she might regret. She knew Miroku would protect Kagome and she knew Inuyasha was still around. She had needed to get away from Kagome if just for awhile. Miroku seemed to be able to control him self better than she could, it must be the Monk thing she thought.

As she walked a bit further she came across a nice little pook of clear water. She felt soo hot and sticky and she wanted more than anything to take a bath and cool her body. She thought that if she took a bath and cooled her body and mind she might be able to cope better when she got back to the cave. She was sure Kagome was safe with Miroku, and Inuyash near by to protect her. So Sango got undressed and took a little bit of luxery to ease her mind and body. The water was cool and felt good against her heated flesh. But as she bathed and let the waters calm her nerves, she didnt notice that a very intense look of hunger was being sent her way from the shadows of the trees. Another demon, affected by kagome's scent was having a hard time with his battle of will power, and he looked upon the very lucsious and naked body of the demon slayer as a way fo helping his fight the battle to take the human girl emitting such a strong scent.

A/N~ Okies here the next chap, let me know what ya think kk??? again sowwy that its left like this but it helps build the story if i leave it hanging like is funny cause i cant stand cliffys, when i read other peeps I appolize...but it must be done...:-) anyway thank you for all the great reviews...and the my one reviewee...I never said this was not an Inu/Kag pairing fic, but i never said it was either..hehe.......yes im evil..but to say would be to ruin it...just know that theres not just one pairing but a few..its what makes this story...k??? huggs guys and thanks for the well safe and read ya later, till the next chap..:-)