InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Through Our Eyes ❯ Miroku ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why? Why couldn't she see what I saw when I look at her the way they all looked at her? What had blinded her to the truth?


She was a goddess. She was a saint. She was everything pure that the world had to offer. Why couldn't she see that?


No, I know why. It was all him. It was all that idiot's fault that their light had lost her shine. Didn't she know she was the pillar that kept them together? She was needed. She was wanted. She was loved.


But I know it is not the kind of love she needed. I know it is not the kind of love she wanted. I know she loves us all, know she would give herself for anyone of us. But I also know she would give her soul for him.


She would give the very essence of her being if she thought it would help him. She would sacrifice the world for him if she could.


She loves him. We all know it. We all believe he knows it too. But then, if he did, why did he allow their light to burn? Was it a game to him? Was toying with her heart a sick game that he used to amuse himself?


No. He was a friend to them all. He was kind, deep down. He was caring within the confines of his heart. He protected her with such intensity, that it scared me many times. He protected her from demons and humans alike.


But he couldn't protect her from the biggest threat she could face. He couldn't protect her from himself.


He runs to the other one. Can't he see she doesn't love him? No, I can't say that. She may. But she may not. Can't he see how he hurts her? Her love for him is so strong. Her heart has been broken so many times. Even then, she remains brave, not for herself, but for him.


I remember when I met her. She was so brave. She jumped in the way to save him. She flew toward my open kazaana, she soared with no fears. I almost sucked her in. Gods, what if I had? Who am I to even mistakenly attempt to rid the world of such a pure creature?


But I didn't, and I thank Buddha for that. I thank any gods who may listen for that. Her heart is so big; it amazes me, one who has seen so much. She offered to take me. She asked me to travel with them. He would have none of that though, but somehow she managed to get me to travel with them.


I left them soon after. The stupidity of that move haunts me even today, but she came. They found me again, and we traveled as a group once more. I will confess to almost falling in love with her. I will confess to needing her more than I should have. These confessions are nothing to feel shame for. Her love can easily consume you.


But she would give me more. We met Sango. She convinced her to travel with us. The light drew her I think, just as it had drawn me.


How can ever thank her? She brought Sango into my life. I don't think words can show her how she's helped me. She gave me a love who I will love till the world comes to a standstill. She gave me a place to belong, when I for all my life wandered. She gave me hope to once again life and be free.


Why then, if she has given so much, does she not feel worthy of this world? Does she not realize this world is unworthy of her? Can't she see we can never truly be worthy of all she has given us?


Her power grows even now. She has become a lifeline. Her sacred arrows fly through the air and give the area a small bit of her purity. Her aura grows with each passing day. We need her, can she not see that.


My heart burns when I see her tears. She does not deserve the pain. She does not deserve the hurt she is put through when he leaves. Doesn't she know?



Without her we are lost.