InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Through the Rose Colored Lenses ❯ Deadly Introductions ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Inu Yasha, but this story, its plot and the non Inu Yasha characters do!

Through the Rose Colored Lenses

CH 13

By The Sailor Scribe

"More tea, Miss?" a chubby flight attendant asked.

"No, thank you." Kagome took a deep breath and settled back into her seat. First class did have a certain comfort, the kind that hypnotizes the passenger in believing she or he is a royalty. Her smile faltered as she returned to her thought, "Naraku. How can one man…demon or human, cause so much pain and destruction. If I had known what he was capable of, I wouldn't have hesitated in purifying him the first time we met! I should have known when our auras repelled so violently that he was hell itself! Poor Kagura and Kanna, neither deserved him for family. I can still see his black eyes staring into my soul like they did that first time…they still haunt my nightmares. He was the catalyst that set everything in motion, and though I made it out relatively alive…Kami, how much pain did that…thing emit!"

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"Kikyo…" Naraku broke the silence as he admired the jewel around the girl's neck. Inu Yasha's grip instinctively tightened around her as he produced a warning growl.

"I am afraid you have mistaken me with someone else, sir." Kagome's voice was quiet but surprisingly stable as her heart raced franticly, warning her that something was not right.

"Naraku, what business you have in this house does not involve that girl. I suggest you leave her be." Inu Shantino growled from the entrance to his study. Naraku looked up with a smile only a devil could conger and replied,

"No, my business is with my daughter. I demand to see her now!"

"In this house, you cannot demand anything!" The elder Inu youkai growled. "You will see her, only if she wills it. We do not practice enslavement here!"

"Father?" Kagura asked surprised as she stepped into the main hall. She had been lured out by the glass explosion. "What do I owe the visit?"

"I just received your invitation to the so call wedding you are planning to have." Naraku turned to his daughter with murder spelt in his eyes. "Strange that now you ask me to give you away in a union I damn!"

"We should continue this conversation in private!" Kagura motioned her father to her study, across the hall from Inu Shantino's.

"We should go." Inu Yasha whispered as he led Kagome to the pool. He turned to his father, who nodded to reassure him that Kagura was safe. "That bastard better not try anything!

"Sesshomaru," Inu Yasha began as soon as he was in sight. "Your father-in-law is here. He and your wife are alone in her study."

"Watch the children." Sesshomaru instructed as he went to his wife's side.

"Inu Yasha, what is going on? Who was that man? What is he doing here?" Kagome whispered, her voice shaky now that the severity of the situation hit her: a man with an aura as dark as an abyss was alone with Kagura.

"I'll explain later. Just be sure to stay away from him." He held her closer as a pit of fear formed in his stomach. The way Naraku had looked at Kagome scared him. He was sure that Naraku would cross her path again, and that was something Inu Yasha would not allow.

"Father, please sit." Kagura began as they entered her office decorated with fans from all around the world. She pointed to a burgundy leather sofa by the entrance with a giant fan hung above it. Naraku took a moment to appreciate the depiction of the birth of a wind goddess drawn on the fan.

"Suits you well." He turned around and admired the rich furnishings in the room; nothing was too lavish, but the quality of the wood was obvious, even to a mason. Above her desk hung a similar fan, this one depicted the wind goddess conquering the castle of a rival goddess. "Suits you perfectly."

"Yes it does." Kagura agreed as she sat across her father formally, or as formally as she could in a two piece bikini. "But you are not here to discuss my interior designs."

"I'm impressed, straight to the point without wavering…what a huge improvement! But you are right! I am here because you insist on marrying that damn dog! I know you are as stubborn as the wind, but I am willing to put our differences aside and forgive you."

"You are going to give us your blessing?" Kagura asked confused. This was not like her father at all, unless he was planning something.

"I wouldn't bless that union if it was the only was to become a full youkai!" This was more like him. "I am willing forgive you and Kanna and let you two come home."

"Father, when are you going to understand that we are home?"

"This is not your home! Do you think that they truly want a slut like you in their family? No, Kagura, this is a great hoax to enrage me! They do not care for you…they care for no one but themselves. I am your father, and I know what is best for you. Come home and forget this nonsense of marrying that Inu Kurro!" Naraku had moved closer to his daughter during his speech and taken her hands into his. Never, in all her life, had he ever showed such kindness or tenderness towards his daughter. It left her yearning more, but at a price she was unsure she could afford.

"I take it you won't come to the ceremony."

"I spit on that ceremony and everything that comes from it!" Naraku roared as he pulled away from her.

"Then you spit on me, and I cannot allow anyone who disrespects my husband's or my name near me. Leave, and do not dare come here again!"

"You whore! I disown you!"

"Then you have nothing to do here anymore! Oh, and Naraku," she opened her fan assertively, "if I catch you near my daughter or me or anyone in my family again, I will not hesitate in 'winding' you! Do I make myself clear?"

"You dare threaten me!"

"I am not threatening anyone; I am simply stating that I will defend my territory from strangers…and now, you are neither friend nor family. Good day, sir. I believe you know your way out!"

"You little bitch!" Naraku rose his hand to strike her, and Kagura replied by bringing her fan into a defensive stance.

"I wouldn't continue if I were you!" Sesshomaru warned as he stepped into his wife's study. "Strange thing about us Inus, we cannot stand to see anyone disrespect our bitches!" His eyes glowed a dangerous shade of red before an ungodly growl sang through his throat. It was accompanied by Inu Shantino moving into eyesight.

"I curse all of you! May you all burn in hell!"

"Not before you!" replied Kagura. Naraku growled and took his leave.

"Are you…"

"I'm fine." Kagura cut her husband off. "It's not like I expected him to actually accept the union, much less participate in the ceremony."

"But that does not mean that you didn't want him there. He is above all things your father." Inu Shantino cut in as he stepped into her study.

"Not anymore. From today on, I have no family but my husband's, and it is all I need." She smiled weakly and hugged her mate.

"If you want Kagura, I will gladly give you away. In the time you have been with us, you have become like a daughter to me."

"No, Inu Shantino, thank you, but no. I would rather that you welcome me into your family, like you have all this time. But, I would be honored if you danced the traditional waltz with me."

"The honor would be all mine." The old man almost choked on his words, but his youkai lord pride did not allow it. Kagura gave him a peck on the cheek and allowed them to lead her into the Lord's office. There was important business to be discussed, and there was no other room in the mansion better suited for the conversation.

"The way my fath…I mean, the way Naraku was looking at Kagome when I came is not good."

"We were right about the jewel being the Shikon no Tama." Inu Shantino explained.

"Then she is in grave danger. Naraku is a man that will do anything to obtaine what he desires, and he desires the jewel more than anything…well, unless you count that dead woman."

"Dead woman?" Inu Shantino turned to his daughter-in-law with a curious eye.

"I think she was a miko or something like it; he has a picture of her on his desk…he doesn't even have pictures of his wives on his desk…not even his children, but he has a picture of her. He used to speak to it, late at night when no one was around. It scared me half to death."

"It must be Kikyo; he could never get over the fact that she chose Inu Yasha over him, but the current problem is that he knows where the Shikon no Tama is. I am sure that this current train of bad luck our miko is having has been caused by Naraku. He must have sensed the jewel when it saved Kagome's life, but was unable to determine its location." Inu Shantino declared.

"It was only a matter of time until he realized it." Sesshomaru agreed.

"Do not underestimate him!" Kagura complained. "If he attacked the Shrine, it was to get to Kagome; he has always known where the jewel would turn up. All of this has been a test to see how protected she was. Seeing her here will alert him that the relationship with this family is intimate, and the next time he strikes, we won't be so lucky."

"Then we must act first. I like this girl! She has spunk, which is not very common today. I think she and Inu Yasha are perfect for each other…they have such a complex chemistry. It will make for lively grandchildren. Send for them!"

"What do you have in mind, father?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I'll explain when we are all here."

"You sent for us?" Inu Yasha asked he led Kagome into the old office.

"Yes. Kagome, please make yourself comfortable. This involves you." Inu Shantino ordered. "The man that just left, Naraku, is a powerful hanyou that will stop at nothing to get what he wants."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"He wants you; more specifically, the jewel around your neck."

"Why would he want that?"

"Kagome, I am sure you must know that you wear the Shikon no Tama around your neck!"

"A replica," Kagome corrected.

"No, it is the real jewel. Both Naraku and I sensed it when it saved your life in that accident you had. He has been after the jewel for centuries now. I am afraid he would kill you to get to it, and a man like him should not be allowed to hold such a powerful weapon."

"But the jewel is not supposed to be a weapon, but a symbol of undying love!" Kagome protested.

"In the wrong hands it can be that and much more. Kagome, by no means possible should Naraku be allowed to obtain the jewel. Do you understand?"


"Good, then you will also agree to move here with your brother."

"No." Kagome spoke gently but firmly to the elder Inu Youkai.

"What? Don't you understand that the man will kill you if he gets the chance?"

"Yes, and I promise you that I will defend the jewel to the best of my abilities, but there is no way in heaven, hell or Earth that I am going to let anyone scare me away from my ancestral home." Kagome's words picked up passion as she continued to speak. "I owe it to my brother and myself to defend my home! I have a duty at the Shrine and a promise to keep. No youkai, no matter how powerful, deadly or ugly is going to make me run and hide. I face my problems head on, and do not underestimate me; I am a force to be reckoned with!" Inu Shantino smirked at the young miko as Inu Yasha rose towards her.

"Be reasonable! We aren't dealing with raccoon demons here! Naraku is a real danger, wench!" Inu Yasha protested.

"I know him well, Kagome." Kagura continued. "He would not hesitate in using your brother's life to get to you. If anyone can protect you, it's us, and unfortunately, the only way one of us can be with you at all times is with you living here! Don't do it for yourself; do it for your brother."

"It is for him I am not accepting your help. There something my parents worked very hard to teach me and that was not to let anything come in the way of family. I want to make sure my brother understands that too. I know it sounds strange, but that Shrine IS part of my family. There is no way I am going to leave it without a fight."

"Fine." Inu Shantino declared as he turned to face her. "I understand and respect your decision, but I cannot allow you to leave this house without the blessings of the protection I can offer."

"I promise you, sir, I am a force within myself." Kagome spoke confidently, determined to defend what little was left of her family from any and all harm.

"I do not doubt it, my child, but it would be a great dishonor to my family if I did not try to help you. The only way I can agree to you leaving my house is if you take an escort with you: someone to protect you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."

"With all due respect, sir, I do not need a babysitter."

"Keh, I think those demons I killed in your house would care to disagree." Inu Yasha interrupted.

"Three to one odds…and they were shadow demons. I couldn't feel their aura. There is no way in hell I would miss Naraku's."

"Those demons were pocket change compare to what you will face." Sesshomaru warned.

"Then, it is agreed. Inu Yasha will move in with Kagome." Inu Shantino declared.

"What?" The before mentioned two yelped.

"There is no way I can live with her!"

"We barely get along, and when we do, it's in small intervals! We would end up killing each other by the end of the week!" Kagome added.

"Don't be so jumpy. If you examine the situation, you will realize that it is the only solution left."

"I can't live with her! Her scent…I won't be able to tolerate it!"

"What is that suppose to mean?" Kagome yelped indignantly.

"It's an Inu thing." Kagura tried to sooth as she led Kagome towards the door. "I want to speak with you in private before you make your final decision."

"Father," Inu Yasha began the minute Kagome left. "I know you can smell it…you have to know she is in heat."

"And the problem is…"

"Doesn't anyone ever listen to me?" Inu Yasha growled. "I told you about that smell she has; well, when you mix it with her heat the hell am I suppose to keep my hands off her?"

"You don't seem to have a problem now."

"That's because I am not living with her and it's the first day, but…Kami, if the scent becomes any stronger and I can't get away, I won't be responsible for my actions!"

"Is that so?" Inu Shantino smiled. "I have news for you, boy. You are not the first man or the last that has been attracted to a woman!"

"I am not attracted to her!" Sesshomaru began to chuckle at his brother's comment.

"Dear brother, the sooner you admit it, the sooner you can remedy the situation."

"Enough!" Inu Shantino stood over his son. "This is not about you. This is about that sweet girl that needs to be protected. I need to send someone that I can trust unconditionally, which means one of my sons, and there is no way in hell I can send Sesshomaru. Kagura would have my hide with the wedding only a month away. That only leaves you, Inu Yasha."

Inu Yasha growled in frustration.

"Don't worry, my son. Her heat can only last three days. They will pass before you realize it."

"You need to get Kagome to agree first." Inu Yasha protested.

"I will leave that to Kagura."


"Kagura, I know what you are going to tell me…"

"Oh, do you?" Kagome and Kagura were comfortably seated in Kagura's study.

"You are going to try and explain how dangerous Naraku can be, but really, I whish you guys could understand that I can take care of myself."

"You are half right. I am going to tell you what an ass Naraku can be. After you hear me out, I want you to reconsider Inu Shantino's offer."

"But, if I'm not impressed, you will let me continue with my life undisturbed."

"Agreed." Kagura took a deep breath before she began. "When I was seventeen, by demon years, I met a youkai, who shall remain anonymous. I went behind my father's back and had a torrid romance with the young youkai, only to see him walk…well more like run, right out of my life the minute he knew I was pregnant. I was too afraid of my father's reaction to tell him, so I stayed out of his way until it was impossible to hide my pregnancy. I thought he was going to be furious, but no, he was almost happy about it. But, a teenage pregnancy was a scandal he did not want. So, he took me and my stepmother to Paris for the winter. He kept me in a private psychiatric hospital for the rest of my pregnancy and made sure I was not allowed access to my daughter after she was born. The night…The night after Kanna was born, he came to visit me with my stepmother. She had been very vocal throughout my pregnancy that I should quit school and all social events to stay home and take care of the child. My father never spoke of what was to come, so I assumed he agree with her. That night, she came to tell my how beautiful my little girl was. She didn't finish hugging me be-before I heard the gun pop. Naraku stepped forward and pointed the gun at me as the orderlies took her body away. He looked at me and asked, 'do you want to see your daughter.' I said yes and then he laughed…that villainous laugh of his. 'If you want to see your daughter,' he continued, 'then you must do everything I say.'" Kagura's eyes were shiny with unshed tears, and her voice was weak.

"For the next eight years I was slave to him, Kagome." Kagura continued, regaining the strength in her voice. "He told the world that his wife had died in child labor, and that Kanna was his daughter. He had me work for Inu Shantino in order to spy for him, but then I met Sesshomaru…without this family, I would still be doing his bidding. If I ever denied myself, he would just threaten to send Kanna away. He did this to his own flesh and blood, what do you think he would do to a stranger?"

Kagome was quiet for a long time. Kagura's story began to take its toll as she stood up and walked again towards Inu Shantino's office. She took a refortifying breath and entered the room. Inu Yasha moved to meet her, but she raised her hand to stop him. She then turned to the patriarch of the family and said, "I understand that Naraku is a dangerous man, but I refuse to let him scare me out of my home or to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. I need a permanent solution, and Inu Yasha moving in is not it!"

"I agree child, but we cannot do anything until Naraku makes a mistake. When we have enough evidence against him, the Youkai Council will punish him justly; until then, please accept the temporary solution we can offer you." Kagome nodded. "Then it's settled. Inu Yasha and Shippo will move in with you today."

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Merry belated Christmas! I know this is a little late, but it is still my Christmas present to all you wonderful reviewers. I know it probably has a few more errors than usual because Meche is in Mexico spending the Holidays with her family. So, until she returns, I am out of an editor. I am sure you will all miss her. To those of you who reviewed thank you very much; to those of you who wrote to threaten and yell at me that I hadn't updated in a while, grow up! I don't mind people asking me to update soon, or even whining a little, but a few of you (and you all know who you are) wrote very rude letters demanding me to update. I know I spoiled you guys a little during finals because I deal with stress by writing, so I was updating every other day, but if you recall around Ch. 7 I told you guys that my original idea was to update once a week. Since I updated so much during finals, I think I earned the little time off I needed during the holidays. Like everyone else, I needed to do shopping, gift wrapping and recuperating. Those finals took allot out of me. I am also a fanfiction reader and like people to update quickly, but I am also a perfectionist. I will not post a chapter unless I think it is my best work possible, and I think most of you will agree that it is better to wait and get a good chapter, than for me to rush and give you trash.

To the rest of you, which is the majority, thank you for all your reviews. To answer a few questions quickly, no this is not a lemon. Check the rating if you don't believe me. I am planning to write some R works, but rated more due to action gore and adult subject than lemon. That is probably the only thing I haven't tried to write. Some one ask if I was going to have Naraku kidnap Kagome, and not to because it was so overdone. Well, first of, let me thank you for thinking that my story is original. The concept is not. You can break it down to girl hates guy; guy hates girl; guy and girl fall in love. It has been done a million times, but the difference is the way it's done and the twists the author adds. Now, I do not know what Naraku will do, he hasn't done it yet, and as Meche can verify, I keep changing this story around with every chapter. I am a firm believer that the story will take me where it needs to go, so I cannot predict everything, but I can tell you what I think after every chapter. If I do have Naraku kidnap her, I promise you it will feel different and unique because in this universe, it will be the first time that he has done it, but Naraku is a manipulative being, so don't think he does anything without an ulterior motive. A couple of you have pointed out a few mistakes, and I have not thanked you because I haven't gotten around to fixing them. As soon as I do I will properly shout you guys out.

Well, got to go, my laptop hardly has any power left.