InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Thunder, Lightening: The Quiet Resolution of a Fire Maiden ❯ Tell Me Why Do We Break ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Complete List of the Things I do NOT own: 
Break Me, Shake Me - Savage Garden, the Australian Band owns it.
Hanger 18 - Dave Mustane from Megadeth owns it.
Castles in the Sky - Sarina Paris and Ian Van Dahl owns it.
Inu Yasha all of its characters and information - Rumiko Takahashi
Giant Gold Chocobo- I put this here out of fear, is owned by Square Enix. Yes, it's part of the Final Fantasy saga... well more precisely I'm mentioning the one in Final Fantasy VII. I hate you Square Enix by the way, HATE YOU, Advent Children TOOK way too long to come out! You are such a cock tease! That is to say if I had one... 
There I disclaim ownership.
The Journey East - IS MINE! It's copyrighted and everything!! So no, I'm not stealing it for my amusement.
Sesshoumaru- I wish... he's so hawt; it's a sin to look so swell. Although I do wish to have possession of the Youkai lord for my own amusement purposes I do not. It would be wonderful to have him chained up.
Author's Note: Thank you! Thank you to my reviewers; you are very loved by me. This is chapter two just for you! Also I refuse to type Sesshoumaru's speech in third person all of the time it's annoying. The word I has more power than This anyways (I'm highly influenced by Ayn Rand's Anthem). Oh yes Kagome never fell in love with Inu Yasha in my story, she had a crush on him but it never developed into more. Souta is eleven and Kagome is 17 turning 18. Also, PAY ATTENTION, I felt that this chapter was confusing… so I merged this one and Break Me: Shake Me and I changed things… my story upsets me. It seems so immature at some points so I have taken liberties on making a lot of adjustments. I've decided that it would make more sense if I gave a warning to, well you who have read this before already know, the dream sequence. It doesn't make sense… It just doesn't so now I have to go and change the lot of it. I'm sorry for molesting you all with this damn story. Plus I like my one sequence and you know it's just not fair for that to be a dream. It's too damn funny at least to me. Yes the transition is obvious, like a giant Gold Chocobo off in the distance you shall notice it.
Tell Me, Why Do We Build Castles in the Sky?
Break Me: Shake Me
"Long is the road that I have traveled,
To a place unknown to the world.
Where night is day,
And death is life.
Where happiness and joy is grotesque
and non-existent.
A place where anger and sadness
Exist no more.
A place of neutrality and where being calm
is the same to being anxious.
An arena where hurt and love are in arms,
Holding each other with a sense of it
being only one.
A place of solace.
A stoic figure amongst the swarms of happiness." -The Journey East
They all began to train in preparation of the battle against Naraku. Kagome's birthday was coming soon, she was trying to keep everyone busy training until then. She wanted to fight Naraku after her eighteenth birthday. Kagome has a secret.
I have to keep everyone preoccupied. Training is great for all of us. I just can't tell anyone, yet.
"Kagome, are you okay?" Sango looked worried since her best friend's eyes were slightly glazed.
"Yea, I'm fine, perfect."
"Liar," Sesshoumaru stated icily.
"You dare call me a liar?"
"Yes, can I have a word with you," asked Sesshoumaru. At seeing the expectant faces of everyone else he added: "In private?"
"Um, okay...”
They both walked off into the forest and sat on the well. Sesshoumaru was keenly staring at Kagome. Kagome began to be nervous and irritated that he was not talking.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"M'kay. What about me?"
"There's something different about you. I would like to know why you insist to wait another week until we battle Naraku as well."
"Why do you care?"
"Listen to me. If you want my help, which mind you is needed, you should tell me what the hell is going on."
"Okay valid point but, I do not feel comfortable telling you anything. We have not always been on the best terms or did you think I forgot that?"
"No, I did not believe that you have forgotten. I did believe however that you would put that aside especially since this Sesshoumaru is in fact now part of your little group."
"Put that aside," stated Kagome as her anger rose. "You tried to kill me, and you believed that I would just put that ASIDE! Are you on crack?"
Sesshoumaru became slightly uneasy being in close vicinity to the angry miko. One energy blast and he would regret it, arms and legs were oh so hard to come by.
"What is crack?" Sesshoumaru hoped that his legitimate question would calm her down. Her face softened and her aura ebbed at his question, it worked.
"Crack is a drug used in my time. I need to go home."
“Why must you go home?”
“There are things that I have to do.”
“You are so stubborn Kagome.”

”Look who's talking.”
“Very well if you must go home then go home by all means go home.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you have my permission to go.”
“I don't need yours nor anyone else's permission to do anything.”
“How is it that you go home anyways?”
“The well.”
“I do not believe that.”
"I can prove it to you since we are by the well."
“I honestly doubt that the well, an old corroded thing that has not been used for years, can transport you to another time.”
“It does too.”
"Very well if you insist that it does. Is it possible for anyone to use it?"
"Well I can, Inu Yasha can, I don't know about anyone else."
"This Sesshoumaru wishes to attempt time travel as you put it." Sesshoumaru was obviously curious but he did not let her know that.
"I guess we could try it out. It can't hurt besides the worst thing that could happen is that you end up falling on your ass."
" ... What is it that I must do?"
"Hold on to me and at the count of three we both jump. Got that?"
Sesshoumaru maneuvered around Kagome and held on tightly waiting for her to begin counting.
Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Do you ever see in your dreams
All the Castles in the Sky?
Sesshoumaru and Kagome tensed.
They readied themselves to jump.
Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Do you ever see in your dreams
All the Castles in the Sky?
Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Do you ever see in your dreams
All the Castles in the Sky?
They jumped in together and blue light wrapped itself around them. They appeared on the other side, holding each other and on the ground.
"... I feel sick."
"Sesshoumaru can you please get off me so I can stand up."
"Sorry. Where are we? It smells different; it's making me light headed."
Sesshoumaru gets up off of Kagome, and into the well house, only to fall to his knees.
Sesshoumaru then pukes on the well house's floor. Kagome hurdles over the side of the well to get to Sesshoumaru. She grabs his hair and puts her arm around his shoulder. Kagome had experience with people vomiting, especially if she went to a party. After Sesshoumaru had cleared the contents of his stomach onto the floor, he got up and hugged Kagome.
"Why are you, so, how do I put this? Emotional all of a sudden?"
"...I don't know."
"Yes, yes you do. It's only been to me too. What are you up to?"
"Nothing, show me around this future as you call it."
"Un huh, sure. Follow me."
They entered into Kagome's house. Kagome's mother was making dinner, when she and Sesshoumaru walked in. Kagome's mother went stark white as the Lord of the Western Lands strolled into her house.
"Ka-Kagome! Who is THAT!?" Said by a very alarmed Higurashi-sama, whose eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head.
At this moment Sesshoumaru felt highly uncomfortable. He also knew that if he wanted to gain Kagome's trust he would have to hold his tongue and be very polite. Especially to her family, he would have to be on his best behaviour no matter what.
"Mom, this is Sesshoumaru, Inu Yasha's older half-brother."
"Oh really, why doesn't he have ears like Inu Yasha?"
"Because he's a full daemon."
"You are?"
"Yes, Mrs. Higurashi, I am also helping Kagome to defeat Naraku."
"Naraku? Oh yes, the hanyou that wants to become an overlord of all of Japan."
"KAGOOOOOMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU," shouted Souta as he ran down the stairs at top speed.
Sesshoumaru's ears were ringing. He slapped his hands to his ears when he heard Souta yell.
Why? Why? WHY THE HELL DOES HE HAVE TO YELL! I want to hurt him. No must not injure Kagome's family. Must not, but I just want to see him cry. NO! I can't do anything that I would do to an enemy must not use Toujikin. If I kill him I could revive him shortly after with Tensaiga. No, I can't, I'll just swish my tail. Yes, swish the tail. No harm can come from swishing the tail and if it trips him, not my fault. Yes, he was clumsy, no that would mean crying. I can't stand crying. I can't watch anyone cry... mom...
Souta just got into the living room and was still on his journey to the kitchen. He had to stop running because if he did not he would be in serious trouble with his mother.
"Souta, please don't yell. We have a guest who just so happens to have sensitive ears," stated Mrs. Higurashi. She had noticed Sesshoumaru's grimace when Souta had begun to yell.
"Inu Yasha is here?"
"No, Sesshoumaru is," stated Kagome.
"Isn't that Inu Yasha's ..." Souta had stopped in mid step and sentence when he saw Sesshoumaru. To him, Sesshoumaru was gigantic.
"Konnichwa, Souta-chan," voiced by Sesshoumaru.
"Kon-kon-konnich-wa." Souta was astounded by Sesshoumaru. His eyes did not leave Sesshoumaru's form as he spoke to his sister. "Kagome, why is he here?"
"He wanted to meet you," at this Kagome gave Sesshoumaru the ' play along or suffer the circumstances ' look.
"Is that true?"
"Well I have errands to run, since your here Kagome finish up in the kitchen and let these two get to know each other better." With her statement Mrs. Higurashi gave Kagome a wink.
"Alright mom, I'll finish dinner."
Mrs. Higurashi gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek before she left to do her errands.
"Oi, Sesshoumaru, be careful of my grandfather he might try to kill you. Might, I'm not sure about him anymore, but if he does try don't kill him. He's old and senile."
Kagome then began to finish off the dinner her mother had previously been working on. Souta and Sesshoumaru left to go out into the yard.
"Yes, Kagome. Well Souta can you tell me anything about your sister?" Sesshoumaru said the latter in almost a whisper.
"Why do you want to know? Do you want to date my sister?"
"Date? What is the meaning of date?"

"Well you know all that kissy kissy stuff."
"Kissy kissy stuff … no, it is only that this Sesshoumaru wishes to learn more about Kagome."
"Did you ask her to tell you about herself?"
"No, I do not think she would tell me what I wish to know."
“What do you want to know about her?”
“Simple things.”
“Possibly what she does and does not enjoy.”
"Oh, that. Okay I'll tell you, her favorite flowers are tsubaki flowers. She also likes fuji flowers. Her favorite colour used to be coral pink but now she likes dark colours, she likes burgundy a lot. She also likes to wear a lot of black; I think you've noticed with her attire and all. Oh yea, my sister can be really nice but if she gets angry, well hell and high water can't stop her. She doesn't like people, I know it sounds strange but she doesn't. She believes that too many people are corrupt, that they are too self-centered."
"Arigato Souta-chan, that was useful. You missed seeing her 'sit' Inu Yasha into oblivion."
"Why? What did he do now?"
"Now? What do you mean by that?"
"He's always making fun of her or making her cry. I don't get why she even talks to him. It's not like she likes him likes him."
"So she isn't in love with him?"
"No, she never was either. What gave you that impression? Sure she had a crush on him but with his attitude, she gave up on the idea. That's when she started to wear black more often. Not that she didn't wear it a lot before but she did change a couple of years ago. I'm not entirely sure it was because of Inu Yasha, in fact I think it's something else."
"I was under the impression that she had feelings for him to put up with him for so long."
"No, it's not like that. My sister has almost infinite patience, she is extremely compassionate. But when she says no, it's no. She's stubborn but she does give everyone the benefit of doubt. Inu-Yasha doesn't really understand her."
"I have noticed. So you too believe that she is hiding something?"
"Yea, I think that there's something she isn't telling us."
"I can sense it, she's changing."
Kagome finishes setting the plates and cooking. She sticks her head out of the kitchen to get everyone's attention. Her mother would be back soon.
"Dinner is ready you guys. Get in, NOW!"
"On the way Kagome!"
" ... "
"Souta, get your grandfather!"
"Yes, Kagome."
Sesshoumaru enters the dining room as Kagome places the last fork on the table. He walks over to Kagome and looks into her eyes.
"Is it possible for me --?”
Souta bellowed out his sister's name at the top of his lungs. This interrupted Sesshoumaru's intentions which caused him to growl very loudly.
I'm going to kill him if it isn't something important. If the sky is not falling I shall destroy that child!
"What??? What is it Souta?"
"Inu Yasha is HERE!!"
At this moment Inu-Yasha chose to burst into the dining room with a transformed Tetsusaiga, his eyes were lined with red. This meant trouble for Sesshoumaru.
Kagome was taken aback. She moved behind a chair and began to inch her way to a katana, previously owned by her great great-grandfather but now it was part of the decor. Sesshoumaru extended his claws; his brother had finally got down to his last nerve.
"Inu-Yasha, calm the fuck down."
"Kagome. Run."
"Get out of here. Do it, do it now," snarled Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru's eyes had glazed over. He was furious at his half brother's lack of decency. Kagome noticing the fury in both inu youkais eyes, grabbed the katana and lunged herself out the window. She tucked into herself and let herself roll, then standing up in her mother's garden. She went into a fighting stance, preparing herself for anything. She had to protect her family, no matter the cost. Once she was safe Sesshoumaru blocked Inu-Yasha's escape.
Welcome to our fortress tall
Take some time to show you around
Impossible to break these walls
For you see the steel is much too strong
Computer banks to rule the world
Instruments to sight the stars
"Brother, fight me if you want, but do not harm Kagome."
"Kagome does not belong to anyone, Inu Yasha."
He swung at Sesshoumaru, narrowly missing his arm. Sesshoumaru used his poison claws and stabbed Inu Yasha's chest with his claws. Inu Yasha used that moment to punch Sesshoumaru dead in the face. Sesshoumaru stumbled backwards into the table. At that Inu Yasha dove through the window that Kagome had exited from. Sesshoumaru turned sharply and went after him. Kagome braced herself for the blow she knew to come. Sesshoumaru intercepted and wrenched Tetsusaiga from Inu Yasha's hold, burning his hand in the process. Inu Yasha lost all control of himself. Tetsusaiga fell to the ground from Sesshoumaru's scalded hand. Inu Yasha pounced on Kagome; she was knocked down by his attack. Sesshoumaru, unarmed, snuck up behind Inu Yasha and pulled him off of her. Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha wrestled on the ground. Sesshoumaru began to strangle his brother and let his poison enter the wounds he was causing. Unfortunately, Inu Yasha broke free by biting Sesshoumaru's hand. Inu Yasha scrambled away and lunged at Kagome. Kagome swiped her katana at him and slashed his haori. Inu Yasha back flipped and spun on his heel to attack Kagome again, slashed her with his claws. Kagome cried out in pain:
So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Just break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Just break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Inu-Yasha was lost to the world. He ran forward again to attack her, only to be tackled by Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru did not want to kill his brother but so help him, he would. Inu Yasha round housed Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru ducked, only to be hit by Inu Yasha's other leg. He broke Sesshoumaru's shoulder; enraged Sesshoumaru punched his brother in his face. This sent Inu Yasha flying into a tree, cracking it in half. Inu Yasha dashed towards his brother and used his Iron Claw on him, ripping Sesshoumaru's stomach. Kagome's face was in awe, she had never seen them fight this ruthlessly. She stood up and grabbed a large tree branch, she held it above her head and swung it into Inu Yasha's back, cracking the branch in half. Inu Yasha turned on his heel and grabbed Kagome, her feet dangling in the air:
So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Just break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Kagome kicked Inu-Yasha in the stomach, he threw her. She skidded on the ground and grabbed the katana that she just so happen to land by.
"No, I won't, you will."
At that Kagome flung her sword at Inu Yasha and impaling his shoulder. She sat him, several times, she was pissed. This was no time for his behaviour; he had severely wounded Sesshoumaru's stomach. He was bleeding quite freely, he did not care though, and it was done to protect Kagome. The same Kagome that was now bleeding from several different wounds.
"Sesshoumaru! Are you okay?"
Kagome dropped to her knees beside the Western Lord. She studied his wounds and began to tremble, it was worse than she thought. His organs were showing. She put her own pain to the side, and set about to save him.
How could Inu Yasha do this to his own brother? I don't care that they have their differences, this is wrong! I will have his balls for this. I swear it!
She concentrated her miko energy; she had improved her control over the years. She could now heal any being, human or not. She poured her energy into Sesshoumaru's wound. She fainted shortly after; she had used a lot of her energy to heal him and had lost a lot of blood. Kagome now lay unconscious to the world, like a pet rock, she was completely useless.
Foreign life forms inventory
Suspended state of cryogenics
Selective amnesia's the story
Believed foretold but who'd suspect.
The military intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense
Sesshoumaru slowly rose from the ground and lifted the now unconscious Kagome. He walked over to the imprint that was his kin and stomped him in the back, rolling him over onto his back he then kicked him in his stomach.
"Sess-shoumaru, why?"
"You hurt her. Should there be more reason?"
"You are a bastard."
"And you are an idiot; she's bleeding because of you. She's wounded because of you. She's in pain because of you." With each sentence came a swift kick. Inu Yasha was now bleeding from his mouth. "Mark my words, you ever lay a hand on her again and you shall lose all of your appendages."
"Fuck (cough) you (cough) asshole." Inu Yasha was coughing up blood while he was trying to get up. "Why the fuck do you care so much, huh?"
Welcome to our fortress tall
Take some time to show you around
Impossible to break these walls
For you see the steel is much too strong
Computer banks to rule the world
Instruments to sight the stars
"Because I do. Because I can. Because it's none of your concern, you half breed." Sesshoumaru did an about face and left Inu Yasha struggling to get up. He noticed Souta. "Where are her quarters?"
"Upstairs to the left, red room. Is she going to be okay?"
"I would not allow her to die, Souta-chan."
"Thanks." Souta's eyes became bleary. He was trying not to cry, which was proving to be a losing battle. Souta felt betrayed, he had admired Inu-Yasha.
I thought he wasn't like this at all. Why did he hurt my sister? What did ever do to him besides be his friend?
Sesshoumaru arrived at Kagome's bedroom; he placed her down onto her bed. It had to be done; she would die if he did not. It was his last resort to keep this woman alive. Sesshoumaru bit the inside of his cheek, it began to bleed, and he knelt down next to her and leaned down. Face to face, he pressed his lips to hers and used his hand to open her mouth. His blood flowed into her mouth; he tilted her head slightly so she would swallow. A red aura filled the room, surrounding them both. That is how Mrs. Higurashi found them. A knocked out Kagome and a partially clothed Taiyoukai.
"What do you think you are doing?"
Sesshoumaru pulled away quickly at the sound of her voice.
"She was going to die."
"I already heard from Souta and saw Inu Yasha."
"I gave her my blood. It was the only way to save her, gomen nasai Higurashi-sama."
"What will happen now?"
"She will become like me."
"Like you or like your brother?"
"Like me."
"Oh, will she be the same?"
"Yes and no. She will be the same as she is with slight differences."
Kagome shuffled, she was waking up.
"What the hell, why am I tingling? Oh no!"
She ran out of the room nearly knocking over her mother and Sesshoumaru. She skidded into the bathroom and looked into the mirror.
Mrs. Higurashi ran to her daughter. Who now stood gripping the sides of the sink. Her knuckles turning white and her pupils dilated. The red aura returning to engulf her being. Sesshoumaru now stood next to Mrs. Higurashi, watching Kagome. She was changing:
Foreign life forms inventory
Suspended state of cryogenics
Selective amnesia's the story
Believed foretold but who'd suspect.
The military intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense
Wait it isn't supposed to change this fast... Unless, that's why she postponed the battle against Naraku. She knew, sneaky girl.
Sesshoumaru smiled slightly, this was going to interesting. The aura blinded both Sesshoumaru and Mrs. Higurashi, as soon as it did so it disappeared. What was left was a much disheveled looking Kagome. Only it wasn't the same Kagome. She was taller, leaner; her hair was red and white stripes, due to Sesshoumaru's interference. She had markings on her face a maroon colour and she had fangs. Her eyes were a mix of blue and red, icy center and a hot perimeter. The pupils were slits and her hands, clawed. She wasn't human anymore. She refused to look into the mirror.
"How bad is it?"
"Kagome... you look beautiful. Remember that either way you are my daughter. That is something that can not be changed no matter what. We already knew anyways."
"You knew? How," questioned Sesshoumaru who was confused.
"It was in a prophecy her father made before he died."
"..." Kagome was in shock. Her body was in pain.
"She is how to say this, a fire maiden."
"And what would a fire maiden be?"
"I can control fire to do my will. I was supposed to just transform slightly but I don't understand how I have youkai... you! What did you do?" Kagome shoved her finger in Sesshoumaru's partially exposed chest.
"I thought you were going to die. So, I did the bl-"
"YOU DID WHAT?" Inu Yasha was standing in the hall listening when he blurted this out.
"So now, I'm a miko fire maiden inu youkai... great. Just great. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Plus I'm bound to you!" She looks into Sesshoumaru's eyes defiantly. "I want to physically hurt you, so bad!" Kagome's body burst into flames, she was angry, causing Sesshoumaru to be burned. "God fucking damn it all to hell!"
"Kagome, calm down before you burn down the house."
"Yes mother." Kagome inhaled and the flames slowly dissipated. "Sesshoumaru you owe me one. By the way how did you perform the blood ritual? I was unconscious."
"I... swear you are not going to kill me."
"I won't kill you."
"Okay then, follow me outside and I'll tell you there."
"You might burn your house down."
Kagome and Sesshoumaru went outside and he made sure that there was a good amount of space between them.
"I kissed you."
"What??" Kagome's cheeks began to blush furiously. Her first kiss was stolen from her. "You kissed me?"
"You kissed me?"
"Yes are you hard of hearing?"
"You kissed me!"
Sesshoumaru began to get a tad nervous. She was not angry but shocked. This in itself was to make anyone who knew her to worry. Kagome over exerted herself and passed out. All the yelling and high blood pressure really does take a toll on you especially after being morphed into something that you were originally not. Kagome begins to study the workings of her inner eyelids and slips into Lewis Carroll's Wonderland. She's Alice and the White Rabbit just bounded past her metaphorically speaking, she's not really in Wonderland. She's in the Grecian God Orpheus's playground, the dreamer is being weaved into an elaborate dream consisting of what she would like to have happen but would probably never happen at all, unless Tartus froze over. Inside her pretty little feminine head stands Sesshoumaru, who would make Apollo green with envy.
"Why? Was it just to save me?"
"No... There was another way."
"So you kissed me because you wanted to?"
"Good, do it again."
Sesshoumaru's face faltered. He did not expect this; neither did the eavesdroppers from inside the house. Kagome had balls to command the Lord of the Western Lands to kiss her.
"Wait are you su-"
Sesshoumaru was cut off by another set of lips. He wrapped his arms around her.
.To Be Continued
Please Read and Review.
Word Count 4,276
Ja ne,