InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Till There Was You ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do not own the movie 'Till There Was You' or 'Inuyasha'.

A/N: Things are different from the series; first, Kagome has 3 brothers, Miroku, Souta, and Shippou, Kagome has a father, and Kagome's mom isn't quite the same in the anime/manga. Now this chapter is showing how the two people from the bus and the baby are doing after six years, enjoy!


Chapter One


A mother is a woman who conceives, gives birth to, and raises her child. But any woman has the capability to become a mother, their motherly instinct telling them to raise and nurture this child. A woman who has maternal love and tenderness to any child can be a mother. And the child can love back this woman with great love like a daughter would have. Even if the child has never meet their mother or if their mother is a total mystery...


A grand house is surrounded by full grown trees making the nearest neighbor miles away. The white two-story house with red concrete grange tiles for the roof is encircled with white cemented fence for security; blocking any trespassers who might approach from the woods. The only way in the house is through the long endless driveway and to a black metal gate which is movable, paving a way for any automobile. The elegant house seems unreal in the middle of what seems to be a forest and plus with the spectacular scenery with the sun just coming up, and the morning just starting.

"I hate school!"

A young girl in her pink pajamas runs down the stairs followed by a lady in white uniform who is chasing the girl.

"Aiko, come here!"

Aiko, the girl in pajamas, rapidly reaches the bottom of the stairs and proceeds down the hallway.

"I don't want to go!"

The day is Monday and Aiko didn't like waking up early to go to school. She is an adorable six year old, with fine long silver hair and violet eyes. She lives with her Daddy, Grandmother, and her Nanny. Her mother travels around the world, but Aiko receives letters and photos to stay in touch.

The lady, Aiko's Nanny, runs down the hallway trying to catch her. "Take a bath now. You're going to be late!"

Aiko replies still sprinting away, "I don't want to Nanny. Stay away!"

Aiko's Nanny finally catches up with her and bends down to face Aiko. Nanny sighs and tries to bribe the little girl. "Aiko, if you take a bath, I'll buy you ice cream." The Nanny smiles hopefully.

But it didn't interest Aiko who just shakes her head. "No, no, no."

Nanny sighs, "Please Aiko, have pity on Nanny!"

A lady appears behind them holding an envelope and announcing, "My darling, Aiko!"

Aiko's Grandma grins knowingly. Aiko's grandma is still a young woman at heart. She doesn't seem as old as she really is with her long black hair kept in a bun and her stunning blue eyes.

"If you don't go to school, I won't read Mommy's new letter." Aiko's face suddenly brightens and she steps closer to her grandmother. "New letter from Mommy?"

Grandma smiles, "Uh-huh." Ever since Aiko was an infant, she would nonstop cry since her father brought her home with him. The only thing stopping her from weeping is a picture of a lady who they meet on the bus six years ago. Aiko's grandmother, Kioko Tanaka, felt awful Aiko had no mother to comfort her since her real mother left Aiko to her son because of the finance of taking care of a baby. Kioko used the picture of the unknown lady to create stories of Aiko's 'Mommy'. She wrote letters saying how 'Mommy' is going around the world saving people and doing charity work, and included a picture of the lady, but in different backgrounds. Kioko is glad that her 'genius' plan has been working since, but her son greatly disapproves.

Aiko says eagerly, "Open it now Grandma!"

Kioko fans herself with the envelope and grins. "Maybe later…after school."

Aiko begs with her puppy face, "Please?"

Kioko tries to look untouched with Aiko's cute face. "Nope."

Aiko begs again. "Please?"

Grandma sighs and gives up her grandchild's adorable face. "Okay, alright."

Aiko's father comes behind in time to hear Aiko plead his mother and isn't pleased at his mother still writing phony letters to his daughter.

Aiko obtains the letter and sits down Indian style on the floor to open 'Mommy's' letter. Kioko bends down next to Aiko, who is taking out a letter and a picture of the lady that was on the bus. She is smiling in the same way as the original picture, but is wearing a white, nurse uniform and the background is a picture of The Great Wall of China.

Grandma explains to Aiko where 'Mommy' is, "That's in China."

Aiko smiles and looks up, and notices her father, "Daddy, look! Mommy's in China!"

Her father doesn't respond to the lie.

Aiko continues, "Isn't it near Japan?"

"Go up and take your bath, Aiko." He orders.

Aiko hands the letter to her Grandma and Nanny takes Aiko's hand and leads her up the stairs.

Grandma stands up with a gloomy smile. Her son looks at her disapprovingly.

"Mom, I thought we're going to stop this already?"

Kioko grins teasingly at her son. "What? Of Aiko taking a bath, Inuyasha?"



Being employed is like tasting ice cream to Kagome. If you don't like Chocolate Mint, you go with something else. If you like Vanilla Bean, you keep it till it gets dull or sickening. Kagome is constantly varying jobs and is never satisfied. After doing several unusual commercials, she is now an assistant chef at a restaurant and is getting tired of it already.

Kagome is an attractive woman with gorgeous long ebony hair, fair skin, and dazzling gray smoky eyes. She is also doomed to failure. She is in doubt of what she wants to do in her life. She still lives with her parents at age 22 and is hopeless.

Kagome, with her white apron on her uniform and chef's hat, is currently cooking pasta. She's been constantly catering pasta and getting disgusted of seeing it everyday.

"Pasta! Pasta! I'm always cooking pasta! Why won't anybody order spaghetti?!?" Kagome irritably mutters at herself.

Nearby a mid-aged woman, who also works at the restaurant, is putting leftovers in a bag.

Kagome notices from behind and approaches her. "Hey, Ma'am. What's that you doing?"

The lady explains, "It's for my children."

Kagome sighs wretchedly. "Ma'am weren't you given a warning already?" Kagome already knew the answer to her own question. She looks at the desperate looking lady and sighs pityingly, "Don't worry, I won't tell our manager, the Jerk. But this is the last time, okay?"

The lady smiles appreciatively, "Thank you, Kagome."


Inuyasha, 24, is a fine-looking man with stunning long silver hair kept in a low ponytail and eye-catching amber eyes. After his only daughter finally took her shower and was taken to school, Inuyasha is now at work. He is currently in a courtroom questioning his client's husband. His client, Kaya Mitsui and her ex-husband, Maro Takedo, are fighting custody for their only daughter, Suki Takeda. If you didn't already guess, he's a lawyer.

"Mr. Takeda, let me refresh your memory." Inuyasha walks about the front of the courtroom in repeating circles. "In the 2 years that your daughter, Suki has been in school, isn't it true that you attended only one school affair?"

Behind Inuyasha and who is sitting down, is Mr. Takeda's attorney, who is looking infuriated at Inuyasha's questioning.

Inuyasha continues, "Wasn't it her graduation in nursery school?"

Mr. Takeda's lawyer calls out, "Objection your honor!"

Inuyasha explains to the judge. "Your honor, I'm trying to establish the extent of Mr. Takeda's involvement, or the lack of, in the rearing of his child."

The judge replies, "I will allow it. Objection overruled."

"Yes." Mr. Takeda answers the question with swiftly.


At the restaurant, the elder woman is still bagging leftovers and Kagome is still cooking pasta nearby. Kagome notices the manager aka the Jerk approach the lady. The manager marches peevishly at the elder. "You're stealing food again! This is your third warning!"

The manager calls out to the employees in the kitchen, "You're all too stubborn! You don't have any discipline whatsoever!"

He then hotly points at the bagging leftovers lady. "And you, you're fired! Get out!"

Kagome finally decides it's time to confront him. "Wait boss, why don't you give her one last chance?" She shrugs nonchalant, "I mean they're only leftovers."

The manager isn't won over, "If I was to give her one last chance, she will never learn!"

"Besides its management policy," he clarifies.

Now he's talking ludicrous! "No you're not! Aside from reducing our work hours, you don't give us benefits. Some people don't have social security here!...Health Insurance!...And you're very rude to your employees!" While Kagome is doing her 'civil rights' speech, the other employees notice the shouting and gaze upon Kagome.

"You just don't respect the plight of these Japanese workers!" Kagome concludes.

The manager, now fuming that Kagome displayed a scene showcasing him as an appalling man, furiously point a finger at her, "If you're not content with the management, get out! And you can join her!" He, yet again, points at the lady he fired previous to Kagome.

Kagome is appalled and steps up to the manager, "You don't have to fire me...because I resign!"

She then furiously hurls her chef's hat in the ground and leaves the restaurant permanently.


Mr. Takeda's lawyer is now questioning Mr. Takeda. "Mr. Takeda, when you separated from your wife, what was the first thing you did regard to your work?"

"I immediately wrote a memorandum to all my department heads, informing them that I will be taking a leave of absence." Maro Takeda answers.

"Leave of absence for what?"

"For my daughter, of course! So I can spend more time with her and help her adjust with our new set-up between her and her mom."

Inuyasha, sitting down faces his client Kaya tensely. Kaya, with her arms crossed, just sighs.


After the Court Session...

Inuyasha and Kaya walk out of the courtroom building, discussing the case. "I must have my daughter, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha explains, "We have to prove that your ex-husband is an incompetent parent." He stops and faces Kaya with seriousness revealed on his face.

"Has he ever hurt Suki? You better tell me everything about you, everything Kaya. So we can prepare any accusations to discredit you."

Inuyasha firmly explains, "My father will use anything to win this case, everything!"

Kaya nods understandingly, "You have my full cooperation." Kaya sighs miserably and decides to go, "Thanks Inuyasha, See you."

"Ok, Bye."

She walks away behind him.

Inuyasha resumes walking until he hears a thunderous voice behind him, "You call yourself a lawyer? What kind of cross-examination was that!"

Inuyasha turns around to face Mr. Takeda's attorney who is still ranting, "Your line of questioning was very elementary!"

Inuyasha crossly fidgets with the briefcase in his hands, "Father, you just have many years of experience." He tries to walk away, but is stopped.

"Bullshit! When I was your age, I was already winning cases against old lawyers! But with your performance today, any third-rate lawyer can tear you apart!"

Inuyasha finally decides to stride away, ignoring his father's ramblings, "Ok, Dad…I'm going."

He is stopped once more, but is surprise to hear a softer voice of Inutashio, "Tell your mom to bring me food...I miss it."

Inuyasha strolls away hearing his dad's final comment.


Kagome is walking in the mall, blissfully talking on her cell phone. She hangs up with a beaming smile and...passes gas. She hastily looks around if anyone notices. Seeing nobody's stares, she rushes to find the nearest bathroom. Kagome feeling very uncomfortable starts to sweat. She tries to stop herself from passing gas. She finally reaches the woman's bathroom door, but before she can open it, a lady opens the door from the inside. The lady hears Kagome fart and disgustingly looks at her. All of the sudden a sign comes up with Kagome's sweating face, saying: NEW! DEFEC TABS! Then a man's voice is announcing: Remedy your diarrhea. Take Defectabs!

Inside The Higurashi residence, her brother's are hysterically laughing in front of the TV. While Kagome's parents are looking at each other astounded.

Kagome enters the living room, where her family is gathered around the television and finds her brother's laughing. Kagome's Dad, Toshiro Higurashi and Kagome's Mom, Etsu Higurashi, become aware of their daughter.

Toshiro cheerfully walks up to her. "Kagome, your commercial was shown! Good acting!" Kagome ignores her father's so-called praise.

Her younger brother, Souta spots her, "Sis, you fart like its real!" He resumes laughing yet again.

Etsu notices the bags in Kagome's hands. "Kagome, where have you been?"

Kagome doesn't answer her mom, but walks up to Souta and she smacks him upside his head and declares, "I learned it from you, baka!"

Etsu again asks her daughter, "Where have you been?"

"Mom, where else but work."

Kagome walks in the direction of the kitchen with the bags in hand and her parents in the rear following.

In the hallway, she passes her youngest brother, Shippou.

"Any candy Kagome?" Shippou request.

Kagome beams and ruffles his hair, "I'll give you sweets after your shower, ok?" Shippou nods and swiftly saunters away.

Kagome proceeds to walk to the kitchen in lead with her mom behind her saying, "I called the restaurant. They told me you're not there."

Kagome's dad looks confused, "Restaurant? I thought you worked for those who make commercials?" They come into the kitchen and Kagome places the bags on the dining table.

"Dad, I already resign there. I'm an assistant chef now." Well was, Kagome thinks.

Although Kagome's mom knew she got fired. "And you resigned again right? You're always changing jobs! If you're not fired, you resign!"

Kagome grins at her mother, "Don't you like that mom? I get to have many job experiences."

Etsu wasn't looking for laughs, "Stop that, Take it seriously. Your older brother, Miroku stopped studying engineering, so you can finish your Mass Communication Degree. Now look at him, he decides to be a monk!"

Toshiro moans. He walks to the fridge, opens it and fishes out the gallon of milk. He proceeds to pour himself a glass.

Meanwhile pulling out the items from the bag, Kagome is listening to her mother's rambling, "You should now be the one funding for your brother's education since Miroku can't really help us. Unless we want a blessing."

Kagome points at two items in her hands to her mother, "What do you like Mom, this or this?"

Etsu groans and is agitated at her daughter, "Stop playing around Kagome."

Kagome explains her job dilemma. "Mom, what can I do if I don't like the job or couldn't get along with my boss?"

"You should know your ambition in life, what you want to do!" Etsu reasons, "Your father and I are already old", Toshiro sharply looks at his wife and Etsu pays no attention to his lethal stare, "What could happen if we die tomorrow? What will you do? Who will take care of your brother's?"

"That's why you'll lend me 24,000¥," With that said, Kagome places her left arm on top of her mom's shoulders. "So I can leave to study-"

Etsu removes her daughter's arm, "What do you need 24,000¥ for! Your dreaming if you think I'll give you that much!"

Etsu asks, "Why do want to leave anyways? It's better if you're here so that our family is complete."

Kagome's dad, now sitting on the dining table, retorts, "Etsu, let's just support our daughter's decision. Lend her the money."

Etsu hurled at her husband, "Look Toshi, it's not easy to earn 24,000¥! Your income from LBO isn't even half that amount even if you have worked there for a long time!"

"You're denouncing my job again. Because I'm honest, no?" Toshiro states back, "I don't want to raise my children from stolen money at least!"

"What stolen money?!?," Etsu exclaims, "Look, my earnings from my job isn't stolen money!"

"I know! It's from their sweat, blood, and tears!"

Kagome picks up her bag and walks away from the kitchen. She walks up the stairs still hearing her parents arguing. She then enters her room and lays her bag on the carpeted-floor beside her bed and takes a seat. "Here we go again."

Kagome is used to hearing her parents quarrelling and isn't worried about it. She knows it will turn to nothing severe and in the end of the day, they both will forgive each other and returned to the lovable parents again. Gee, I wonder how they still love each other even after getting in each other's nerves. Kagome doesn't even know what exactly the point to their argument was. Kagome knew her family wasn't financially stable. With her older brother not continuing to be a civil engineer, she now had to help support the family and she didn't want the kind of responsibility. She is still trying to find her ambition in life and has yet to have found it.

Kagome stands up to stretch and cascades on her bed to take a rest.


A/N: Thanks so much to the reviewers^___^ I'm glad you liked the short prologue even though I thought it totally sucked! And I know it took forever to post the 2nd chapter, but I'm trying to go with the movie, but changing some things because Kagome will be OOC a little too much. I mean can you imagine Kagome drinking beer and smoking cigarettes? LOL!


luvspell: My first reviewer for this story^___^ How you doing? Thanks a bunch again for reviewing!

NekoCeles: Hello^^ Wow, you must really liked my short sucky prologue. Do you now know who the two people are? Thanks for your review.

loving-miko-to-hanyou: I'm glad you thought it was cute^__^ I hope you still do! Thanks for the review!

MysticBeauty: I know you? I think you've mistaken me for someone else...just kidding^__^ Hiya wat's up? Yup exams are hectic. I just despise them! Die exams, DIE! I'm glad you reviewed...uh like 3 times^^' Thanks!

Kagome200315: Thanks for your review, it's greatly appreciated^^ Kagome Yea I was aiming for Kagome to be kinda mysterious (You spelled it right^_^ I spelled it wrong the first time, but thanks to the spell check!) and I'm glad you thought so! Thanks again!

LilNezumiLilInu: Thanks for the review; I hope this chapter was good and that you enjoyed it too!

Ardinae: You think it will be hilarious by just the prologue?!? *re-reads her prologue and shrugs* I don't see it, but I'm glad you think it will be funny^_^ And I hope it will be^^ Thanks for your review!

Dah88: My first reviewer^__^ Thanks for your review! I hope you liked the 2nd chapter.

galena: Thanks! Hope you enjoy this chapter too!

LilANGEWL: Your review made me so much better, even though I still think I write bad, but thanks anyways^__^ Hope you liked this chapter too!


Thanks to everyone^_________^

I would be forever grateful if you reviewed^__^ Plz review!!!