InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Till There Was You ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! I'm finally back. Yeah, I know I took a looong time. <dodges the fruits and veggies headed her way> Gomen nasai! But I do update, see??? But I wanted to post it a million days ago, but my 'editor' was taking too long! Wub ya and thanks for the help, 'editor'! Hope you enjoy and don't forget to complain as much as you want in your review. Please do review!







Chapter Eight







Inuyasha grumbled the whole way. The girl outsmarted him, and he gave in. Now, instead of being at the office and working on the case, he was in a grocery store with his wife and kid. He threw a heated glare at the most infuriating woman he had ever met, as she talks to his daughter about how to buy fish. Feeling the glare he threw at her, she instantly stopped conversing. He saw her steal a glance at him, and her eyes narrowed at him accusingly. She whirls her head as mockingly saying, Like that will stop me!

His fist converts into a tight ball and his knuckles turn pale. What is it about this girl that makes him act like a teenage boy again? Why didn't she understand that he had a case to work on and win? His thoughts halt as his cell phone rings, like answering his unspoken question. He answers his phone and smirks in triumph. At least his work can be brought to him. Resisting the urge to laugh at her face, he talks to his associate.

Kagome grips the cart handle with all her might wanting to snap it into little pieces. How dare he talk at this time! He promised to spend time with his daughter, dammit! Her grip loosens and she tilts her head, well he kind of promised. When she practically begged in front of his face to spend quality time with his daughter, his only reply was a single and only Keh! Then he grumbled the whole way to the store even as he drove. She almost had a heart attack when he abruptly hit the brakes and yelled at the 'old hag to move her chicken legs faster' the elderly glared and to agitate Inuyasha more, she walked slower. Inuyasha just growled and beeped at the old lady till she stepped into the sidewalk. Inuyasha immediately speed off, ignoring Kagome who shouted an apology.

Kagome sighs, wondering the umpteen times, why she has gotten herself involved in this mess. She rolls her eyes as Inuyasha talks contently into the cell phone. She returns to her conservation with the adolescent girl beside her. "Like I said, when you buy fish, look at the eyes to see if it's fresh."

Aiko nods and continues to listen attentively to her mother.

"When you buy canned goods, look for the expiration date." Kagome continues to drive the cart as they enter a new aisle, and making sure Inuyasha followed. "When you buy certain kinds of fruits, you have to either feel them or expect it carefully looking for anything that may make the fruit spoiled or not yet ready."

"Ok mommy, I'll just go get apples." Aiko points at the section of fruits nearby.

"Don't go too far!" was the shouted respond as Aiko reached the pile of apples ahead of her.

Aiko inspects the apples carefully before she picks one to take a closer inspection. "What about this…" she gives the apple another round of inspection. "Hmmm, does it taste good?" Aiko mumbles to herself. She rubs a spot of the apple with her sleeve and to take a bite. "Too sour!" Aiko hastily swallows the offending chunk in her mouth, "Yuck!" She drops the bitten fruit back on the pile and grabs another. "This one?" she takes another nibble on the new apple. After a few bites, she shrugs deciding to take a bite off on another fruit.

A nearby employee, stocking bananas, witness a young girl taking bites of various apples. He rushes towards the kid to stop her. He pinches her arm sternly, causing her drop the apple in pain.

"Ouch!" Aiko is suddenly startled to find a man grabbing her arm painfully.

"Why are you eating the apples, kid?!" The man glared down at the girl. "Look at what you've done! Call your babysitter!"

Aiko is in the brink of tears and is holding the pain the man caused on her arm, "Mommy!"

"Go ahead, call her!" The man spat out.

Meanwhile, Kagome is in the next aisle when she suddenly hears Aiko cry. She rushed out to find Aiko standing near an employee who is glaring hotly at the little girl, "Aiko?"

Aiko scampers to her Mom leaving the man's trail of fire. "Mama!"

"Aiko, what happened?" Kagome questioned.

Aiko didn't respond, but the man exclaimed nearby, "Look, she ate the apples!"

Kagome looks down at the girl who is trying to hide her tears in her shirt. "Is it true, Aiko?" Kagome watches as Aiko reluctantly nod. She turns to the man who is still had a fixed stare at the girl in her arms. "I'm sorry sir. I'll pay for them." Kagome apologizes.

The man sighs, "Miss, as her sitter, you have to teach the child proper manners."

Behind them, Inuyasha finally hangs up his cell phone and comes behind Kagome and Aiko, unnoticed. He decides to stay silent and observe Kagome on taking the situation.

"Wait! I'm not her babysitter! Do I look like one?" Kagome glared at the man.

Before the man can reply, Aiko's muffled voice breaks in, "Mama, he pinched me here." She removes her face from her mom's shirt and shows her the arm that now has a red splotch. "It hurts." Aiko inserts.

Kagome's eyes suddenly held fire and is headed towards the man. "You pinched her?"

The man inwardly cringed at the sound of venom on the woman's voice. He didn't answer so Kagome exclaimed, "You pinched her!"

"Because she's disorderly!" The employee glowered as he complained.

Inuyasha suddenly had enough. He wouldn't stand if the man would start yelling about how his daughter wasn't raised. He is about to move in the middle of the conversation when he abruptly stops as Kagome yells out.

"Hey mister, you don't have the right to hurt her!" Kagome walks up with each word till she's in arms length of the man who suddenly looked like he wanted to cower and hide. Kagome doesn't notice as she shouts, "I don't even let mosquitoes bite her and you… you pinched her!"

"Now I see why she's rowdy." The man mumbles and he speaks louder, "You should teach her-!"

"What?" Kagome snaps back. "One more glare and I'll pick out your big eyes! One more and I'll sue you for… for…"

Inuyasha decides to finally cut in. "Physical injury."

His voice from behind startles Kagome, but she continues nonchalantly, "Physical injury, that's it."

The employee's eyes suddenly widen in realization when he notices the man behind the woman. He hastily apologizes, "Sorry." He adds a low bow to his confession.

Kagome looks down at Aiko waiting. The girl finally realizes what her mom is silently asking and faces the man, "Apology accepted!"

The man bows lightly again and walks away returning to his work. Kagome notices the bow wasn't aimed towards her; she turns around to see Inuyasha respond to the man with a nod with an aloof expression.

Kagome frowns as she realizes the employee's look of terror wasn't caused by her. "You know, I could have handled it by myself. Thank you very much!"

Inuyasha just smiled giving a satisfied nod.









When they were done shopping the desired ingredients for tonight's dinner, the family returned home to cook the food. Kagome cooked with help from Aiko, which she was greatly pleased for, glaring significantly at Inuyasha's direction. After an hour, Kagome pushed through the door of the dining room and announces, "And for the main event… ODEN!"

She brings the large bowl to the head of the table. Inuyasha proceeds to serve himself and indulges in big bites. Aiko's grandmother helps serve Aiko and herself and begin to eat.

"This is delicious!" Inuyasha exclaims between bites. "You can cook."

"Thanks." Kagome said as she sits next to Aiko.

Aiko clears her mouth and calls out to her father. "See dad, Mama's a good cook!"

"That's one of the things I like about her." Inuyasha winks teasingly at Kagome who looks down at her food blushing. She places a lock of her hair behind her ear and smiles softly and begins to eat.









After dinner, Kagome helped Aiko get ready for bed as Inuyasha went to the bedroom to work. Inuyasha's mom took care of the dishes after Kagome protested, but she gave up at the woman's stubborn expression. She wondered if that's who Inuyasha got his stubborn streak from. Kagome helped Aiko take a bath and dress in her pajamas. She was about to shut the lights when the girl requested her to read a book to her. Kagome agreed and picked out a thin book from the shelf.

"And they lived happily ever after. The end." Kagome closed the book softly. She turned expecting Aiko to be fast asleep instead of staring at her with a satisfied smile.

"Like you and Daddy, right Mama?"

"Right." Kagome responded reluctantly, stressing her answer. She stood up putting the book away and returned to Aiko to give her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Aiko."

"Goodnight Mama." With a smile, Kagome turned off the lights and softly shut the door.









Kagome enters the bedroom to find Inuyasha dead to the world on the bed with his laptop open on his lap. She walks over to his side, reaching for the laptop to close it and places it on the end table nearby. She returns her gaze back at Inuyasha's sleeping face. It's a wonder how someone could look so beautiful in their sleep. Marveling his features, Kagome couldn't help but stop her gaze on his lips. She couldn't bring herself to look away. It seemed as if every unspoken thought of the last few days poured into that single moment, and she leaned forward.

"Hmm." Inuyasha moaned, still sleeping. He moved his head on the side and it was more than enough to break Kagome's concentration and make herself pull guiltily away. She was so startled that she nearly toppled off the side of the bed. She could feel her cheeks burning, and she wondered what would have happened if Inuyasha hadn't moved his head in that exact moment.

She smiled hopelessly to herself and rolled her eyes at her actions and thoughts. Deciding not to wonder her mind, she got off the bed to get ready for bed or the floor since she wouldn't dare sleep on the bed with Inuyasha residing on it. Hmmm, but what if he's moved on the floor?

But she decided against the idea. She was tired, dead beat, and didn't want to move the heavy-lug-of-a-man. Sighing dejectedly, she got ready for bed… umm floor.





Sorry its short, but it's a chapter at least, no? Anyways, next chapter-Family Day!