InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ titanic the untold story ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
I have decided to continue this story mostly the long wait was because you people on mediaminer and fan didn’t review (glares at readers) so from the lack of reviews I lost confidence in the story and also my friends who read it kept harassing me so this chapter will be short and I’m sorry for that but I lost my notebook with all my writings in it so once I find it chappies will be longer enjoy and review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And one more vote: should trunks die or not in the end and it makes no difference whether he does or don’t I’ve got both endings figured out I just cant decide. poles close after chapter 5 so vote!!! and since Tituba was the only reveiwer this chapter is dedicated to her/him
Real chapter 2
Author’s p.o.v.
Kagome felt so dead inside as she stormed out from the little lunch party, she wanted to leave in disguise, fall in love with the one she loved, and most of all get out of the skin tight dress so she can take deep even breaths until she felt her life back.
Kagome’s p.o.v.
‘Why are they making me do this?’ Kagome asked herself. ‘Because they think you are weak.’ ‘who are you?
‘Me? I’m your conscious and I say you need to toughen up!’ Kagome glares daggers at herself which cause weird glances from people walking past her. ‘Ok, ok stop with the glaring! Gawd people are gun ‘a get whiplash from staring. Kagome looked around her and say all the stares and just walked by embarrassed. As she walked to the end of the top part of the ship she saw some first class people walking their dogs. ‘Typical,’ ‘Yeah I know but that’s what to expect from people who think their better than others.’ ‘OOOOHH THAT DOG MADE A SHIT!!!! EWW and next to that bunch of cuties too.’ ‘Bunch of cuties? Where did that come from?’ ‘Don’t blame me I’m speaking’ zer truth, but the lavender haired cutie is looking at us! QUICK, QUICK WAVE TO HIM! WAVE TO HIM!
Trunks’ p.o.v.
I looked around the ship and I found my gaze was caught on a black-haired beauty. No saying she was beautiful was an understatement, she was gorgeous (I forgot to tell u what she looked like today kagome’s hair was exactly like hermionie’s(if I spelled her name wrong tell me please ‘cuz spell cheack gives me her hiney!!! Seriously) and her dress was a sleavless flowing white with a hint of sapphire blue every once in a while.(if u want a better discription email me and ill send a picture to ur house or something actuly click on this< /b> then click on young ladies’ styles and it’s the big picture right in front but with a sapphire blue tint to it.) and for anyone who cares her shoes were made of blue glass)
Author’s p.o.v
Gotten saw where trunks’ gaze was and waved a hand in front of his face to see how spell-bound his friend became. When he saw trunks didn’t flinch he looked to their room-mate miroku for help on this one trunks fell hard
“Ah you have no chance with her. She’s from a different world…It’s called the rich world, which we don’t fit in at all. You might not even get a glance from her.” Said Miroku shaking his head.
Trunks wasn’t paying much attention to Miroku he was too busy looking at the black hair beauty.
Then the black hair young woman glanced his way and smiled then continued looking at the sunset.
“Wow I guess she did give a glance and a smile that’s something.” Said Miroku.
“Yeah.” Said Trunks still looking at her when she got up and started heading down to where they were.
“Look she’s actually coming down here maybe she might come over here?” said Goten but to his disappointment and Trunks’ she went to a bench that was on the other side of them and she looked at the beautiful sunset.
Kagome p.o.v.
I could feel their gazes on me as I went into third class territory as I looked toward the sunset I had an idea how to ease my pain tonight I wasgoing to jump.
End chapter sorry it took so long but I had school, to plan a surprise party, and get my cat to the vet so she can have surgery and no reveiws either L and sorry it’s so short but again I lost my notebook with the story written in it and untill I find it ny chapters will probily be shorter than normal so any way read, review and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!