InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Title and Registration ❯ There once was a girl ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha
Body bared and naked Kagome kneeled , finger pressed and tongue tied on the bathroom counter. Fingers racked over the narrow swell of skin as the listless face of her reflection glared back at her with florid lips and hard lashes. Her hands fluttered over the rigid contour of skin; over the sharp delve of flesh in her cheeks. An elbowed sigh initiated, escaping the course internment of her throat. Kagome inhaled, struggling for air . . . . . a struggle for misguided composure.

The air was heavy with steam and with the diluted scent of burning incense. The catacomb of wax that rounded the vanity only added to the stifling heat of the bath. Kagome's hair clung to her forehead like a second skin. The locks of obsidian hair fell in violent wrappings down her back, curling round her waist and at the beginning swell of her hips.

There once was a girl . . . . . .

"I used to be happy once you know . . . . ." Kagome confided in her reflection. She flinched watching the impassive flutter of lips against her own flat movements. Her voice sounded fake and faraway. It reminded her of a cheesy line pulled from a bad chick flick. The plot too generic and the soundtrack was composed of poorly made eighties love ballad and some cheap knock offs of jazz.

"I used to be happy . . . . . " She repeated to herself. Her words were laced with regret and something close to nostalgia. It was selfish of her to blame all of her misfortune in life upon her father's death, a litany that she constantly reminded herself of . . . . At twenty-two it was hard to forget though. She had spent most if her life blaming failing grades, faltering friendships, and now her long term relationships on something that had occurred nearly eight years ago.

Kagome picked herself off of the counter, peeling her fingers from the smudged glass of her mirror; feeling guilty as she stepped

Feeling guilty as she replaced the suffocating heat for the comforting warmth of water as she stepped under the cover the running shower. Her own voice and the once grating rasp of tears splitting through the drone of water against tile like a blunt blade. Stuffy nose, and flushed she bowed her head under the spigot, letting an endless stream of water rush down her back in warm torrents.

. . . . . I've changed. . . . .

Too guilty to have faced Hojo and too upset to find any solace in Kaede's herbal lore, Kagome evaded the mediocrity of her routine; opting to worry herself into a fitful rest instead.
She had hoped that some sleep would do her some good, mollifying any transgression and disorder she had felt.

But instead, she had laid awake, biting her guilt into her bottom lip and worried fingernails. A string of accusations had sounded in her head. You're a terrible person for using him Kagome . . . .

She sighed, leaning into the artificial embrace of the warm water, letting the rivulets of discarded soap curl down her legs, colliding onto her toes.

"I know" Kagome replied, reaching for the soap. "I know."

Ughhh very short chapter I know. Chapter two should turn up at least several pages longer, seeing that I wrote this during orchestra and in the time I could steal from procrastinating studying for Ap- Euro . . . . . I'm apologize for Kagome's whole wallowing in self pity feel. It will not last for long . Well reviews are throughly appreciated, please keep the flames at a minimum . If you have any suggestions for future pairing be my guest and suggest away.