InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ TMNT meets InuYasha ❯ Chapter One “Strangers in the past” ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter One “Strangers in the past”
A 16-year-old girl with pink hair and blue eyes rushed towards a hide tunnel that only she knew about. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a blue t-shirt with a picture of InuYasha on the front. Her white sneakers pounded the ground beneath her. She carried 2 white square boxes with her as she descended into the darkness, which opened up into an abandon subway station.
Well it wasn't abandon any more since her brothers had moved in. Who are her brothers? “Rose!” she heard them call.
“Hey Raph, Donny, Leo, Mikey!” she called back. Yes her brothers are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. She had gone topside to get their pizza. “Got the pizza ya ordered,” she said. She levitated the pizzas on to the table. Yes she is partly telekinetic. That was mainly the reason that she was an orphan until the Turtles saved her from some thugs and adopted her. Now they were her brothers and Splinter was her father. No one wanted a strange girl not even one with powers, but the Turtles didn't care. As long as she didn't lead the Foot to them they didn't care. They took good care of their little sister.
“So how was it up there?” Raph asked. Rose knew that Raph really cared about her because one time when the Foot found out that the Turtles had made friends with her they kidnapped her and Raph went bonkers. He was tough, but also caring.
“Same old, same old. Nothings changed much,” Rose explained.
“No Foot activity?” Leo asked. Rose shook her head. Leo was the leader of TMNT. He was the one to help her with her basic ninja training. He was also very cautious. Donny, the geek, was the one who gave her, her Shell Cell. She and Mikey, the crazy one, always found their selves trying to beat the others high scores in the video games.
Just then Splinter came walking up to her. “Good evening Master Splinter,” she said bowing to him.
“Did you run into any trouble on the surface?” he asked.
“None. I stayed away from all the trouble spots and kept to the shadows in the alleyways like a ninja should until I got to the tunnel,” Rose said.
“Very good my daughter,” Splinter said, “You are becoming very wise in your ninja training.
“Yeah and also a wise ass,” Raph said as he opened one of the pizza boxes. Just then he seemed to be floating in the air. “Hey!”
“You seem to forget what I'm capable of Raph,” Rose said as she set Raph back down.
“Hey Rose I beat your high score in InuYasha with Miroku and Sango,” Mikey said boasting.
“We'll see if you can keep it there once I clear the next level quicker than you,” Rose said dashing over and activating the game system. She inserted a disk marked InuYasha into the game console and began the game. It started up, but then went blank. “Mikey what did you do to the game?” Rose asked.
“I didn't do anything. Honest!” Mikey said.
“Donny can you check it out?” Leo asked.
“I'll see what I can do,” Donny said and went over to the game. Suddenly the screen glowed and a hand came out of the TV and grabbed Rose, the Turtles, and Splinter dragging them into the TV.
Meanwhile InuYasha, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and newcomer Rokku, the fox hanyou, were walking when they saw a figure lying in the middle of the road. “What is that?” Shippo asked.
“It looks like a girl,” Sango said.
Rokku moved towards the figure. Rokku had long red hair and emerald green eyes. He wore a kimono similar to InuYasha's. He noticed that the girl had pink hair, which fanned out around her face. “Doesn't look like she's hurt or anything, but we better take her along just to be on the face side and ask her some questions when she gets up,” he said.
“Good idea,” Miroku said. Kirara transformed into her bigger form and InuYasha put the girl on her back.
They then began to look for a place to camp for the night. All the while Rokku stared at the girl on Kirara's back. `Who is this girl?' he asked himself.
Too be continued…