InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Bind a Soul ❯ Questoinable Possession ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 5- Questionable Possession

Chapter 5- Questionable Possession

Kagome walked into Souta's room to find the T.V on full blast and Souta and Inuyasha jumping around trying to beat one another on the newest combat game. The room was trashed. There were video games thrown around the place, the bed had been messed up from Souta jumping up and down on it, and there were cords everywhere that all hooked up to the TV

At present Inuyasha was repeatedly pressing a button he knew made his fighting man punch the other guy. He was having trouble figuring out all the other buttons, but he knew how to punch.

Kagome giggled at the sight before her. Both of Souta and Inuyasha were so engrossed in the game that they hadn't noticed when she walked in.

Souta was getting panicked. Inuyasha was about to win the game, and all he was doing was pressing that stupid punch button! With on last ditch effort, Souta used his character's ultimate weapon.

Game Over.

"Dammit!" shouted Inuyasha.

"Ha! Sorry Inuyasha-niichan, maybe you'll do better next time."

"Let's play this again. I won't lose this time!"

"Sorry guys," Kagome cut in before either had a chance to say another word. "But I think that you both have had enough video games for one day."

"Kagome, that was only 15 minutes," whined Souta.

"15 minutes too long if you ask me," she replied.

"But I didn't ask! Inuyasha! Tell her to let us play some more!"

Inuyasha had been sitting on the bed watching Kagome and Souta, using what common sense he had and staying quiet. He looked from Souta's pleading face to Kagome's threatening face and said the only thing that came to mind.


Souta was shocked. He looked up at his smirking sister and tugged on her shirt. "What does that mean?"

"It means," Kagome began triumphal, "That Inuyasha doesn't want me to say the S word, and I win."

"So he was able to say all that with one word?"


"You two have been hanging around each other for way too long." And with that statement, Souta walked out the door shaking his head.

Kagome chuckled at her brother. How little he knew. "Come on, Inuyasha. The cookies are done."

Silently, Inuyasha followed Kagome out of the room and back into the kitchen. The smells coming from the room were heavenly. As soon as Ms. Higurashi put the plate in front of him, he cleared it of all the cookies and crumbs.

"Don't tell me you're not feeding him, Kagome," Ms. Higurashi smiled as she watched Inuyasha woof down all his food.

"Of course I feed him!" Kagome snorted. "Where do you think half of our pantry goes every time I leave?"

"I don't eat that much!" yelled Inuyasha.

"You do too!" Kagome yelled back.

Inuyasha looked like he was about to say something else, but his self-preservation instincts kicked in. "Feh. Stupid woman," he muttered under his breath.

Kagome heard him.

"OW! That's my hair, Wench!"

"I'm not stupid," Kagome replied calmly.

After a few muttered curses under his breath Inuyasha uttered another "Feh," and left the table to go up to Kagome's room.

"I was wondering when you two would start acting normal again," Ms. Higurashi said to her daughter. "If that went on much longer I was thinking I would have to start planning a wedding."

Kagome felt her face begin to redden and she blushed to the points of her toes. "Mama!"

"It was just an observation, honey."

"But . . . you . . . that is I . . .UGGH. I'm going to my room!"

Ms. Higurashi smiled as she watched her daughter's retreating back. Maybe a small wedding would be nice.


Inuyasha watched Kagome as she studied those spell books of hers. She was healing faster than he ever thought possible for a human. Was this one of the effects from the bonding? She was healing almost as fast as an average youkai. Not nearly as fast as he would, but than again, healing was an ability that got better with use. And Inuyasha had used that ability more than any other.

Would there be other changes, though? And if there were, how long would it take for them to manifest? Myouga said that he didn't know what would happen. Surely nothing too outrageous. Except for the bonding of our eternal souls, of course, Inuyasha thought sarcastically.

That was another problem. How would he tell Kagome about that little detail? Hmm. Better let her find out on her own. Of course all this meant that his life was no longer his alone. Inuyasha's life now belonged to Kagome, and her life belonged to him. I won't be able to keep my promise to Kikiyo.

That realization hit Inuyasha like a bucket of cold water. Kikiyo wanted him to go to hell with her, but he couldn't anymore, even if he wanted to. He had other obligations, other promises. And what had come to be between him and Kagome was more than anything Kikiyo had ever gotten out of Inuyasha.

Miroku is just going to love this, thought Inuyasha.

Kagome was having similar thoughts to Inuyasha. Something important had happened between them, yet neither was talking about it. Maybe she should say something? Nah. They would just have another argument, and Kagome was just not in the mood at the moment.

She knew she was healing fast. Very fast. Faster than any human ever could. So did that mean she wasn't quite human anymore? It was all very, very confusing.

"Oi, bitch. Its time to change your bandages," Inuyasha interrupted Kagome from her `studying.'

"Inuyasha, can't you call me something other than bitch?"

"Would you prefer wench?"

"No. I would prefer my name."

"Whatever. I'll get the bandages out of your bag."

Kagome sighed in defeat. Inuyasha was too stubborn to stop all of his bad habits. I bet he doesn't even realize calling me a bitch is an insult. He is an inuhanyou after all.

Inuyasha walked back into Kagome's room and dropped her bag with a large thud. The First Aid supplies were at the top so he didn't have to do much digging to find what he needed.

As Kagome watched Inuyasha get the bandages out of her bag it was then she realized she was going to have to take off her shirt. In front of Inuyasha.

He's just taking care of me. Its not like he hasn't seen me naked before. And it's different this time. I could ask Mama to take care of the bandages . . . but I don't want to explain to her how hurt I really was and how fast I'm really healing.

Making up her mind, Kagome stood up and walked over to the bed. Turning her back she removed her shirt and waited for Inuyasha to remove the bandages.

Inuyasha could feel his heart beating in his chest when he turned around to look at Kagome. She's still hurt, baka. Control your fucking instincts already. Its not that much skin. Inuyasha shook his head to clear his thoughts. Just breathe.

Inuyasha took a deep breath and began to slice the bandages off with his claws. He then gently removed them from where the elastic of Kagome's bra held them.

He could hear his heart beating in his throat as he gazed at Kagome's smooth back. Wait, smooth?

Inuyasha ran the tips of his fingers along the skin of Kagome's back. Her wounds were gone. There were three very small scars that were almost invisible where her wounds use to be.

Kagome's breath caught in her throat when she felt Inuyasha's fingertips on her back. The sensations he was creating were indescribable. Calm down girl. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation to why the hell he's doing that. Calm down dammit!

"I don't believe it," whispered Inuyasha in complete awe.

"Believe what?" Kagome asked shakily.

"Your wounds, they're gone. Don't you feel it Kagome?"

Kagome eyes widened for a moment before she reached her arm back to feel the wound that had been near her waist. All she felt was a very small line running vertical.

She was healed.

Kagome collapsed against Inuyasha's chest and choked back a sob. She was okay. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist and held her tighter against him while burying his nose into her hair. "You're all healed," he said very softly.

"Thank you Inuyasha," Kagome replied.

Inuyasha raised his head a little bit to look down at Kagome. "For what?"

"For saving my life of course, baka. I would have died if it hadn't been for you."

Inuyasha managed a half-smile before hugging her again. They stayed like that for a moment, unconscious of the position they were in, well, until the bedroom door opened and Ms. Higurashi walked in.

"Kagome, I have some clean clothes for . . ." Ms. Higurashi looked up to see Kagome, half-naked, being held by Inuyasha. "Right. I see. Sorry to interrupt," she replied in a rush and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

As soon as the door shut, Kagome and Inuyasha jumped about a dozen feet apart from one another. "Well . . . I," Kagome tried to think of something to say. "I think she got the wrong idea," she finally managed.

"Yeah . . ." Inuyasha began. "I'm going to go outside for a little while."

And with that statement, Inuyasha jumped out of the window and headed for the God tree. That left Kagome in the room by herself. Maybe I should go explain to my mother what is going on? But than again, maybe I'll just wait for my heart to stop beating in my throat before I do that.

With that thought, Kagome collapsed onto her bed and tried to figure out just what did happen.


Ms. Higurashi was at the kitchen table going through wedding magazines. So far she had decided to just do a family wedding. It would be too hard to explain Inuyasha's ears to everyone if there were a lot of people. But she had no clue if Kagome would prefer something traditional or something with more of a Western style for a wedding gown. Personally, Ms. Higurashi preferred the Western style.

That was how Kagome found her mother. "Mama, what are you doing?"

"Going through wedding magazines. Maybe I should go pick up some baby name books later? Unless you already have something picked out, dear," she replied.

"Mama, Inuyasha and I weren't doing anything!" Kagome exclaimed.

"That's not what it looked like."

"He was changing my bandages."

Ms. Higurashi raised an eyebrow at her daughter but didn't say anything. "Alright honey. You two weren't doing anything. But that doesn't mean you won't do anything, so maybe we should plan ahead. Tell me, what kind of baby names do you like?"

"Mama . . ." Kagome began, but stopped herself. Was her mother really okay with all that stuff? "You wouldn't be upset if I felt that way about Inuyasha?"

"Why would I be upset dear?"

Kagome smiled broadly and sat down beside her mother at the table. "I like the name Reiha for a girl, Kaemon for a boy," Kagome said.

"I see you have already picked out names."

"There are a lot of nights when I can't sleep."

"I understand dear."
