InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Love A Broken Heart ❯ Kagome's Belonnginngs ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter 7
Kagome's Belongings
A/N: Hello friends, I know I know I'll get right to it just give me a sec says while looking fearfully at the flood of lawyers It has taken me sometime to do this chapter I have know clue why…. Anyways this chapter has a little twist to it. No the pairings won't change unless you REALLY want them to. Oh and please check out my new Sess/Kag fic On Broken Wings… Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: I have been really bad about not putting this on.. o_o I don't own Inuyasha but if someone would like to give me his kawaii brother…
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
Kagome felt a pang of sorrow and guilt stab at her heart as Miroku and her made their way towards the well. Miroku had said it would be fine; Kaede said she needed a break from everything.
"But Kaede I REALLY don't mind!" Kagome said desperately.
"Nonsense child! Shippou is a big Kitsune. He can live without you for a few weeks." Kaede said sagely.
But the kitsune shot back a defiant "NO I CAN'T!"
"Well than that Is really too bad Shippou, and here I thought you had more sense than Inuyasha did." Kaede remarked causing Kagome to wince for the pain of Inuyasha and Sago's departure was still fresh in her heart.
"Kagome-mama don't leave me!"
*~*~*~*~*End flash back*~*~*~*~*
Kagome sighed unhappily into her sleeping back that Miroku had just drug out of their packs. She hadn't wanted to leave him either. Kagome had been looking forward in fact, to go shopping with her surrogate son. Yet Kaede had been relentless and had forced Shippou into staying behind.
"Kagome lets rest," Miroku said softly knowing what she was thinking about.
"Hmm? Oh!" Kagome exclaimed and then ever so curios "Why? The well is not so far."
"I know but I want to stop for lunch and forgive me but you look horrible. You still look GOOD but horrible." The monk said hurriedly.
Kagome sighed then gave her houshi friend a sunny smile.
"Thanks but I don't think I will be able to get any sleep," Miroku was about to protest when Kagome raised her hand, "I think I will go take a relaxing bath okay? There are hotspring over at that clearing." And with that Kagome gathered her things and sauntered off, leaving behind a very perverted monk who had a mischievous gleam in his eye.
*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* div>
Kagome hid in the bushes near the clearing and waited knowing that Miroku couldn't resist his ..Um.. Nature. This brought a rare smile to her lips making her remember when he had kissed her. She had tried to rule it out as just pervert ness but it still made her warm inside to think about it.
She was lost in her thoughts as the said monk walked into the clearing. `Right on time' she thought with a grin on her lips and a gleam in her eye.
Miroku looked into the hot springs from his hiding spot near the water. After a while he grew concerned at not hearing any splashing so he stood up and gazed around. `She said she would be here!' He thought beginning to panic.
He was just about to call out when he was pushed into the water. "Ghyaaa!" He cried as he fell face first into the spring.
"Plteww" He gurgled as he sunk in the water. Kagome was laughing her butt off! He could hear her under the bubbling water.
`She is definitely going to pay!' he thought as a plan developed in his head . `This is going to be good!'
*~*`*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Back at camp~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome's pack that she carried began bouncing around the camp sending everything in its way flying. A strange noise that sounded like "kgmealp!lmeuut!"
(Translation : DB I have know clue… Wait I'm writing the story!)
The pack bounce over Kagome's unrolled sleeping bag and tripped into thee fire.
"AYHAAAA!" It cried as it jumped five feet into the air falling open onto the said sleeping bag. "Ohhhhhhh," Moaned a very familiar kitsune. "That huuurt." Shippou said while massaging his burnt rear.
(D.B so what the bag really said was `kgmeal!' = Kagome help
and `lmeuut' = let me out!)
"Kagome?" He said looking around camp. `She and Miroku are probably off scouting'.
He glanced around until his young virgin eyes fell upon something wrapped in plastic.
`It must've fallen out of mama's pack" he thought even as he reached out to it thinking it might be another one of Kagome's candy whatchamacallit's.
Shippou held it in front of his face for close examination. `It smells funny' He thought as he ripped of the plastic covering. Now before him he had a tube-like thingy that was plastic as well. One end was blunt and the other end had a string coming out of it.
(D.B. oh please.. you all knew it was coming!)
He pulled the string and out popped a cotton ball . `Well it doesn't look edible' Shippou though dejectedly as he brought it to his mouth but before he could bite it Kagome's voice cried out, "Oh Kami! Miroku!"
He knew they were in no real danger and something told him that if they caught him here they might take him back.
"Well then I will let them have there fun and be on my way!" He said with a bright smile as he headed to the well.
Now Kagome was the one panicking. Miroku had gone under and had yet to come up for air. Now Kagome watched inn fear as the air bubbles stopped rising to the surface.
"Oh Kami! Miroku!" Kagome cried as she ran into the hot spring. But In Ten seconds she was on her back in the water with a rather wet Miroku griinnninng downn at her.
"Baka" Was all she saaid before hs lips claimed hers…
"mm, you SHOULD be out of breath" she snapped as Miroku broke the kiss for air.
He just stood up and waited for heer hand to descennd onto his face. But was surprised.. pleasently of course… whenn her lips met with his instead.
`I could get used to this sort of punishment!'
Once they madee it back to cammp albiet out of breath Kagome founnd most of her belonnginns sttrewn across the camp. "What the?" Miroku said picking up the disembled tampon. "Is this some thing inn your time? Ooh! I remember these!" He said sagely. "yes theey are" He turnned his back onn Kagome when he turnned arounnd he had he cottooon tamponn inn his nose "for nnoosebleeds!"
Kagome of coarse was ten shades of purple!
A/N: you know what I wannt from you!
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