InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Make A Wish ❯ Chapter 9
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 9
Sesshomaru had finished with his shower, dressed and headed toward the kitchen. When he entered the room Remi and Yasha were sitting at the table, a pizza sitting between the two.
“I see the pizza arrived.” Sesshomaru said.
“Yeah you owe me twenty bucks.” Inu Yasha said holding his hand out.
Sesshomaru just smirked and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. “So you're telling me you're broke Yasha?” he teased.
Inu Yasha gave him a questioning look and said, “Are you sure you're alright Sess?”
Sesshomaru tilted his head to the side and replied, “What do you mean, I feel fine.”
“What he means Sess; you just seem to be in a good mood.” Remi said giving him a small smile.
“So” Sesshomaru said grabbing a piece of pizza.
“That's all you're going to say. You haven't been in a good mood in ages, and we want to know what's caused it.” Inu Yasha said almost sounding angry.
Sesshomaru just shook his shoulders and continued eating his pizza. He had no intentions of telling either one anything.
“You know what I think. I think it's a woman.” Remi said slowly nodding her head.
“That's a laugh.” Inu Yasha replied with a smirk directed at his brother.
Sesshomaru picked up another piece of pizza trying to keep his emotions under control. He couldn't understand why these two were so obsessed with his good mood. He looked at Remi smiling at him; he knew he was in trouble when he saw her smile. She could be sly and she was going to question him until he finally answered. He never could understand how she could get him to open up; maybe it was because he thought of her as sister. Either way he knew he had to come up with something quick. “I just had a good day at work, nothing more and nothing less.” He said shaking his shoulders again.
Remi's eyes widened and said, “I was right, a woman.”
“Enough!” Sesshomaru said pushing himself from the table.
“Sess, I was just teasing.” Remi whispered.
“Calm down, Sess she didn't do anything.” Inu Yasha yelled.
Sesshomaru stood there looking at them both. He didn't mean to yell at Remi, he hadn't figured out his mood himself. But she managed to figure it out in a few minutes. He lowered his head and said, “I'm sorry, good night” then walked out of the room.
“I didn't mean to upset him.” Remi said looking at Inu Yasha for some reassurance.
Inu Yasha squatted next to her chair and placed his hand against her cheek. “I know baby, I think you may have read his mood right. Sess just needs to figure it out for himself.” He told her still caressing her cheek.
Leaning into Inu Yasha's hand and looking into his eyes she said, “I hope who ever this woman is she doesn't hurt him.”
“Don't worry about that now, how about we go back to your place.” He said placing a quick kiss on her lips.
With crooked smile she said, “I think it's your turn to rub my back.”
Inu Yasha laughed and hugged her, pulling her from her chair he said, “Woman get your coat.”
***************************************************** *********
Kagome lay across her bed hugging a pillow trying to regain some of the warmth she lost with Kouga's visit. She was thinking about the past, a past she has tried to put behind her. She threw the pillow across the room; her despair was turning into anger. She sat up and told herself she wasn't going to let Kouga walk back into her life. He had never hurt her, but he was beginning to rule her life. He always wanted her near him; he would never let her go out with her friends or family. She had ended it the night she returned from an outing with friends and he pushed her against the wall reminding her again, she was his. The look in his eyes that night told her if she stayed with him things could get worse.
She had known he didn't take the news well, but he had avoided her for over a year. Now he wanted to walk back into her life. She bunched her hands into fists trying to control the anger rising within her. She looked over to the large mirror on her dresser and told herself, “He's not going to do this. I will not let him walk back into my life. He can try, but I will not let him scare me or bully me into being his. No one can possess me, I'll give myself to the man I want, he will not decide for me.”
Now Kagome smiled at her reflection, her mind had wondered to a silver hair doctor. She flopped back onto her pillows and thought about the way his back muscles and arms rippled under her weight on the ride home. Turning to her side she took a deep breath and slowly released it closing her eyes and smiling. She was thinking of him and the way his lips felt against hers. She took another deep breath trying to calm the tightening sensation she felt in her stomach. He managed to start a fire within her with a few simple kisses. She quickly opened her eyes and sat straight up in bed, her mind was racing with the “what ifs”, afraid of losing Sesshomaru so soon after he started letting her in. Afraid of what Kouga would do if he found out about her new relationship. She wrapped her arms around herself looking for the warmth that left her body with her thoughts. She whispered out, “What am I going to do?”
******************************************************* *****
Sesshomaru was resting against the window frame looking out at the city, but not really seeing anything. Too many thoughts and pictures were plaguing his mind. He knew he shouldn't have yelled at Remi. She was just teasing him. What bothered him at the moment was that Remi was probably right He wondered if it was possible for his whole attitude to change just because he spent time with a woman? Inu Yasha's words ran threw his head once again, “You haven't been in a good mood in ages.” He shook his head trying to erase the thoughts of his brother out of his mind. He again looked out the window watching the cars slowly go by. He felt as if that's how his life was, slowly moving to nowhere. Frustrated now, he turned from the window, and walked to the bed flopping down onto it. Reaching for the pillow to lay under his head, he looked over at the empty space remaining. He wondered how long that spot was going to be empty. He closed his eyes not wanting to face that part of his life yet. He wasn't ready for the images of Kagome to appear. He had some how placed her laying there next to him. Her hand was caressing his cheek, whispering goodnight. Whispering into the night he said, “Goodnight Kagome” and he fell into a deep sleep.
Kouga had returned to his apartment and was holding a picture of Kagome. His finger ran across the outline of her cheek as if he was really caressing her. He slowly wrapped his fingers around the edges of the picture beginning to crumple it. He stood up and started pacing the little room. “I was the one that allowed her to have some space, I was the one to allow her to build a new life, and this is how she repays me, by saying she moved on.” he yelled to the walls around him. Stopping he looked at the crumpled picture in his hand, “I was your first kiss, I was the first to touch you and make love to you, but you think you have moved on?” he yelled, throwing the picture across the room. He stopped his pacing and just stood staring at the picture, slowly he walked toward it. Bending over to retrieve the crumpled picture, he started running his hands across it trying to smooth out the wrinkles. He looked at the picture again and spoke to as if she was right there in front of him, “I will get you back, and no one is going to get in my way.” He sat the picture back on the table and headed for the door, he had decided he was going to keep a closer eye on her.
“Kagome, are you awake?” Sango said knocking lightly on the door. She waited a minute and when she didn't hear a reply she knocked again. “Kagome, you're going to be late if you don't get a move on.” She said opening the door and walking into Kagome's room.
Kagome was still in her bed with her blankets covering her body. Kagome grunted a few times and replied, “Ok, Ok, I'm up. What time is it anyway?”
“She lives, about time you started moving, its 6:30.” Sango said slowly moving the covers away from her face. When she finally managed to find her face, she noted the dark circles under Kagome's eyes and questioned, “Are you o.k.?”
“Yes, just a long night of thinking.” Kagome said threw a half smile.
Sango sat on the bed and said, “I know you don't want to talk about this but what are your plans when they come to Kouga?”
Kagome sat up and ran her hands threw her hair; she knew Sango was going to ask the question. “I guess I will just have to deal with him when and if he shows up again. I know one thing; I will not be going back to him.” She replied
Sango put her arm over Kagome's shoulders and small hug and said, “That's my girl, you stood up to him once and you can do it again. Now what are you going to do about the doctor?”
Kagome's eyes opened wide with surprise and she said “With Kouga being here when I got home, I forgot to tell you what happened on my way home from the school.”
“Don't keep me waiting any longer.” Sango said giving her a playful shove.
Kagome stood from the bed and began pacing her room, giving Sango all the details of her night before Kouga. She blushed when she told her friend about the kiss on the train and laughed when she told about him racing up the steps. She closed her eyes trying to relive the moment he whispered in her ear and the kiss he left her with. She opened her eyes and looked at her friend giving her a goofy smile and said, “What, it was great.”
Sango laughed and said, “I can see that. I'm happy for you, but you know your going to have to tell him about Kouga.”
Kagome sat next to friend and said, “Thanks for ruining my moment. Why do you think I didn't sleep all night? I finally got this man to stop running from me and now I'm giving him the best reason too.”
“You still need to tell him. I don't think Kouga will try anything, but that doesn't mean he wont.” Sango said placing her hand on Kagome's shoulder.
“I know. I guess I will just have to take it one day at a time. If he walks away, he walks away.” Kagome said trying to convince herself what she said was true.
“Hey, we better get moving, you have a bunch of kids waiting for you and I better get to my classes. I made you some coffee, I'll see you right after work and we'll talk more, alright.” Sango said getting up off the bed pulling Kagome with her.
“Alright, you have a good day. I'll see you later.” Kagome replied watching Sango walking out of the bedroom.
Kagome looked at the clock and slowly headed to her closet. Looking at the cloths she sighed, “It's going to be a long day.”
****************************************************** **
Sesshomaru stalked down the halls of the E.R., he was heading for the lounge to change. One of his patients had thrown up on him. He hated cold and flu season, he felt that's all his days were filled with, one person or another emptying there stomach contents on him. He opened the doors to the lounge and walked to his locker, he had put extra scrubs in it just for days like this. Taking the soiled shirt off and putting the clean one on, he walked over to the coffee maker and poured a cup of the black liquid. He knew it probably would taste like blended dirt, but he was in desperate need. He had been on since 5 a.m. and still had five hours to go. His work schedule usually didn't bother him, but last night he was plagued by dreams of Kagome. He looked up at the clock and stood from his chair and walked to the phone hanging on the wall. He started punching numbers when he hesitated; he was surprised he had already memorized her work number. He listened to the phone ringing, when a woman answered he said, “May I speak to Ms. Kagome Higurashi?”
Sesshomaru walked out of the lounge with slow steps. He didn't get to speak to Kagome, but if luck was on his side at all today, she would call him soon.
He headed back to the front desk and sat down at the long desk. Looking up to the patients' board; he noted the number of people to be seen with flue systems. Standing he grabbed the closest chart and prayed that this one didn't puke all over him.
“Kenji, you do not eat the glue.” Kagome sighed as she wiped the remaining glue from his face.
“I'm sorry teacher.” Kenji replied, trying to pull his face away from the rag Kagome was using.
“We've discussed this before; it's not good for you.” Kagome said looking down at the little boy.
“I just like it.” Kenji replied trying to giving her a big smile.
“Well, no more. Now go out and play with the rest of the kids.” Kagome said trying to hold back a smile. She picked up his craft project and placed it with the rest on the table. She smiled and shook her head. “I have to have an odd one in the bunch don't I.” she said wiping her hands with the rag she still held.
Walking back to her desk and sitting down, she was glad one of the teacher's assistants had playground duty. She was tired from her long night of thinking. She lowered her head to rest it on the desk hoping to ease the headache that surfaced from lack of sleep and noisy little kids.
“Kagome, are you alright?” a woman's voice called.
Looking up, she saw it was Keade walking into the room. “I'm fine; I'm just a little tired today.” Kagome said giving the older woman a reassuring smile.
“A gentle man called while you were teaching arts and crafts, I took a message for you.” Keade said handing over the note with a sly smile on her face.
Kagome looked at the note and a smiled. “Thanks Keade.” She said trying to hold back a blush.
“I do believe the name looked familiar. I wouldn't know this young man would I?” Keade said grinning down at the girl.
Kagome now blushed and said, “I think you should remember him. You're the one that found him wandering the hospital.”
Keade now laughed and replied, “Your right child, I did find him. But it seems he has an interest in you.”
“I think you may be right, but things have come up and I may lose him before I get a chance to really get know him.” Kagome said looking up to the woman.
“It will all work out, my eyes maybe old, but I know I saw a spark between you two.” Keade said resting her hand on Kagome's shoulder.
Kagome placed her hand on top of hers and said, “I hope your right.”
Both women looked up to see the kids returning from the playground. “It looks like you're sheep have returned, don't forget to give him a call” Keade said moving away from the desk and heading out the door.
Kagome glanced up at the clock; and realized she still had three hours left of her work day. She felt a tug on her pant leg and looked down. Looking up at her was Rin. Kneeling down to get eye level with the child she said, “What's the matter?”
“Teacher, Rin doesn't feel so good.” Rin said holding on to her tummy.
Kagome reached over to rest her hand on Rin's forehead, not feeling any warmth she said “Let's take you to the nurse so she can check you over, alright.” Before Kagome took three steps Rin became very green. She quickly stepped out of the room and headed towards the restroom. She got the door to the restroom open and was putting Rin down to loose the contents of her stomach in the one place it was welcome, but Rin's stomach betrayed her and the vile liquid ended up down the front of Kagome's blouse.
Sesshomaru slowly walked out of the E.R. He was thinking about Kagome and was wondering why she never called him back. He reached into his coat pocket to retrieve his cell phone. He would just try calling her; maybe he could catch her before she left work. “Shit” he said rolling his eyes realizing the phone was turned off. He pushed the button to turn the little phone on mumbling, “Come on, and hurry up.” He was relieved to see a message was waiting for him. He dialed the numbers to retrieve his message hoping it was from Kagome. Listening to the mechanical voice give him the time of the call he started tapping his foot. When a feminine voice came on the line a smile appeared on his lips.
“I must have caught you at a bad time; things have been a little chaotic here also. Maybe I'll get to see you on the train ride home.” Kagome said
Sesshomaru looked at his watch and started running down the street to the station. He hoped he didn't miss her.
“I see the pizza arrived.” Sesshomaru said.
“Yeah you owe me twenty bucks.” Inu Yasha said holding his hand out.
Sesshomaru just smirked and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. “So you're telling me you're broke Yasha?” he teased.
Inu Yasha gave him a questioning look and said, “Are you sure you're alright Sess?”
Sesshomaru tilted his head to the side and replied, “What do you mean, I feel fine.”
“What he means Sess; you just seem to be in a good mood.” Remi said giving him a small smile.
“So” Sesshomaru said grabbing a piece of pizza.
“That's all you're going to say. You haven't been in a good mood in ages, and we want to know what's caused it.” Inu Yasha said almost sounding angry.
Sesshomaru just shook his shoulders and continued eating his pizza. He had no intentions of telling either one anything.
“You know what I think. I think it's a woman.” Remi said slowly nodding her head.
“That's a laugh.” Inu Yasha replied with a smirk directed at his brother.
Sesshomaru picked up another piece of pizza trying to keep his emotions under control. He couldn't understand why these two were so obsessed with his good mood. He looked at Remi smiling at him; he knew he was in trouble when he saw her smile. She could be sly and she was going to question him until he finally answered. He never could understand how she could get him to open up; maybe it was because he thought of her as sister. Either way he knew he had to come up with something quick. “I just had a good day at work, nothing more and nothing less.” He said shaking his shoulders again.
Remi's eyes widened and said, “I was right, a woman.”
“Enough!” Sesshomaru said pushing himself from the table.
“Sess, I was just teasing.” Remi whispered.
“Calm down, Sess she didn't do anything.” Inu Yasha yelled.
Sesshomaru stood there looking at them both. He didn't mean to yell at Remi, he hadn't figured out his mood himself. But she managed to figure it out in a few minutes. He lowered his head and said, “I'm sorry, good night” then walked out of the room.
“I didn't mean to upset him.” Remi said looking at Inu Yasha for some reassurance.
Inu Yasha squatted next to her chair and placed his hand against her cheek. “I know baby, I think you may have read his mood right. Sess just needs to figure it out for himself.” He told her still caressing her cheek.
Leaning into Inu Yasha's hand and looking into his eyes she said, “I hope who ever this woman is she doesn't hurt him.”
“Don't worry about that now, how about we go back to your place.” He said placing a quick kiss on her lips.
With crooked smile she said, “I think it's your turn to rub my back.”
Inu Yasha laughed and hugged her, pulling her from her chair he said, “Woman get your coat.”
***************************************************** *********
Kagome lay across her bed hugging a pillow trying to regain some of the warmth she lost with Kouga's visit. She was thinking about the past, a past she has tried to put behind her. She threw the pillow across the room; her despair was turning into anger. She sat up and told herself she wasn't going to let Kouga walk back into her life. He had never hurt her, but he was beginning to rule her life. He always wanted her near him; he would never let her go out with her friends or family. She had ended it the night she returned from an outing with friends and he pushed her against the wall reminding her again, she was his. The look in his eyes that night told her if she stayed with him things could get worse.
She had known he didn't take the news well, but he had avoided her for over a year. Now he wanted to walk back into her life. She bunched her hands into fists trying to control the anger rising within her. She looked over to the large mirror on her dresser and told herself, “He's not going to do this. I will not let him walk back into my life. He can try, but I will not let him scare me or bully me into being his. No one can possess me, I'll give myself to the man I want, he will not decide for me.”
Now Kagome smiled at her reflection, her mind had wondered to a silver hair doctor. She flopped back onto her pillows and thought about the way his back muscles and arms rippled under her weight on the ride home. Turning to her side she took a deep breath and slowly released it closing her eyes and smiling. She was thinking of him and the way his lips felt against hers. She took another deep breath trying to calm the tightening sensation she felt in her stomach. He managed to start a fire within her with a few simple kisses. She quickly opened her eyes and sat straight up in bed, her mind was racing with the “what ifs”, afraid of losing Sesshomaru so soon after he started letting her in. Afraid of what Kouga would do if he found out about her new relationship. She wrapped her arms around herself looking for the warmth that left her body with her thoughts. She whispered out, “What am I going to do?”
******************************************************* *****
Sesshomaru was resting against the window frame looking out at the city, but not really seeing anything. Too many thoughts and pictures were plaguing his mind. He knew he shouldn't have yelled at Remi. She was just teasing him. What bothered him at the moment was that Remi was probably right He wondered if it was possible for his whole attitude to change just because he spent time with a woman? Inu Yasha's words ran threw his head once again, “You haven't been in a good mood in ages.” He shook his head trying to erase the thoughts of his brother out of his mind. He again looked out the window watching the cars slowly go by. He felt as if that's how his life was, slowly moving to nowhere. Frustrated now, he turned from the window, and walked to the bed flopping down onto it. Reaching for the pillow to lay under his head, he looked over at the empty space remaining. He wondered how long that spot was going to be empty. He closed his eyes not wanting to face that part of his life yet. He wasn't ready for the images of Kagome to appear. He had some how placed her laying there next to him. Her hand was caressing his cheek, whispering goodnight. Whispering into the night he said, “Goodnight Kagome” and he fell into a deep sleep.
Kouga had returned to his apartment and was holding a picture of Kagome. His finger ran across the outline of her cheek as if he was really caressing her. He slowly wrapped his fingers around the edges of the picture beginning to crumple it. He stood up and started pacing the little room. “I was the one that allowed her to have some space, I was the one to allow her to build a new life, and this is how she repays me, by saying she moved on.” he yelled to the walls around him. Stopping he looked at the crumpled picture in his hand, “I was your first kiss, I was the first to touch you and make love to you, but you think you have moved on?” he yelled, throwing the picture across the room. He stopped his pacing and just stood staring at the picture, slowly he walked toward it. Bending over to retrieve the crumpled picture, he started running his hands across it trying to smooth out the wrinkles. He looked at the picture again and spoke to as if she was right there in front of him, “I will get you back, and no one is going to get in my way.” He sat the picture back on the table and headed for the door, he had decided he was going to keep a closer eye on her.
“Kagome, are you awake?” Sango said knocking lightly on the door. She waited a minute and when she didn't hear a reply she knocked again. “Kagome, you're going to be late if you don't get a move on.” She said opening the door and walking into Kagome's room.
Kagome was still in her bed with her blankets covering her body. Kagome grunted a few times and replied, “Ok, Ok, I'm up. What time is it anyway?”
“She lives, about time you started moving, its 6:30.” Sango said slowly moving the covers away from her face. When she finally managed to find her face, she noted the dark circles under Kagome's eyes and questioned, “Are you o.k.?”
“Yes, just a long night of thinking.” Kagome said threw a half smile.
Sango sat on the bed and said, “I know you don't want to talk about this but what are your plans when they come to Kouga?”
Kagome sat up and ran her hands threw her hair; she knew Sango was going to ask the question. “I guess I will just have to deal with him when and if he shows up again. I know one thing; I will not be going back to him.” She replied
Sango put her arm over Kagome's shoulders and small hug and said, “That's my girl, you stood up to him once and you can do it again. Now what are you going to do about the doctor?”
Kagome's eyes opened wide with surprise and she said “With Kouga being here when I got home, I forgot to tell you what happened on my way home from the school.”
“Don't keep me waiting any longer.” Sango said giving her a playful shove.
Kagome stood from the bed and began pacing her room, giving Sango all the details of her night before Kouga. She blushed when she told her friend about the kiss on the train and laughed when she told about him racing up the steps. She closed her eyes trying to relive the moment he whispered in her ear and the kiss he left her with. She opened her eyes and looked at her friend giving her a goofy smile and said, “What, it was great.”
Sango laughed and said, “I can see that. I'm happy for you, but you know your going to have to tell him about Kouga.”
Kagome sat next to friend and said, “Thanks for ruining my moment. Why do you think I didn't sleep all night? I finally got this man to stop running from me and now I'm giving him the best reason too.”
“You still need to tell him. I don't think Kouga will try anything, but that doesn't mean he wont.” Sango said placing her hand on Kagome's shoulder.
“I know. I guess I will just have to take it one day at a time. If he walks away, he walks away.” Kagome said trying to convince herself what she said was true.
“Hey, we better get moving, you have a bunch of kids waiting for you and I better get to my classes. I made you some coffee, I'll see you right after work and we'll talk more, alright.” Sango said getting up off the bed pulling Kagome with her.
“Alright, you have a good day. I'll see you later.” Kagome replied watching Sango walking out of the bedroom.
Kagome looked at the clock and slowly headed to her closet. Looking at the cloths she sighed, “It's going to be a long day.”
****************************************************** **
Sesshomaru stalked down the halls of the E.R., he was heading for the lounge to change. One of his patients had thrown up on him. He hated cold and flu season, he felt that's all his days were filled with, one person or another emptying there stomach contents on him. He opened the doors to the lounge and walked to his locker, he had put extra scrubs in it just for days like this. Taking the soiled shirt off and putting the clean one on, he walked over to the coffee maker and poured a cup of the black liquid. He knew it probably would taste like blended dirt, but he was in desperate need. He had been on since 5 a.m. and still had five hours to go. His work schedule usually didn't bother him, but last night he was plagued by dreams of Kagome. He looked up at the clock and stood from his chair and walked to the phone hanging on the wall. He started punching numbers when he hesitated; he was surprised he had already memorized her work number. He listened to the phone ringing, when a woman answered he said, “May I speak to Ms. Kagome Higurashi?”
Sesshomaru walked out of the lounge with slow steps. He didn't get to speak to Kagome, but if luck was on his side at all today, she would call him soon.
He headed back to the front desk and sat down at the long desk. Looking up to the patients' board; he noted the number of people to be seen with flue systems. Standing he grabbed the closest chart and prayed that this one didn't puke all over him.
“Kenji, you do not eat the glue.” Kagome sighed as she wiped the remaining glue from his face.
“I'm sorry teacher.” Kenji replied, trying to pull his face away from the rag Kagome was using.
“We've discussed this before; it's not good for you.” Kagome said looking down at the little boy.
“I just like it.” Kenji replied trying to giving her a big smile.
“Well, no more. Now go out and play with the rest of the kids.” Kagome said trying to hold back a smile. She picked up his craft project and placed it with the rest on the table. She smiled and shook her head. “I have to have an odd one in the bunch don't I.” she said wiping her hands with the rag she still held.
Walking back to her desk and sitting down, she was glad one of the teacher's assistants had playground duty. She was tired from her long night of thinking. She lowered her head to rest it on the desk hoping to ease the headache that surfaced from lack of sleep and noisy little kids.
“Kagome, are you alright?” a woman's voice called.
Looking up, she saw it was Keade walking into the room. “I'm fine; I'm just a little tired today.” Kagome said giving the older woman a reassuring smile.
“A gentle man called while you were teaching arts and crafts, I took a message for you.” Keade said handing over the note with a sly smile on her face.
Kagome looked at the note and a smiled. “Thanks Keade.” She said trying to hold back a blush.
“I do believe the name looked familiar. I wouldn't know this young man would I?” Keade said grinning down at the girl.
Kagome now blushed and said, “I think you should remember him. You're the one that found him wandering the hospital.”
Keade now laughed and replied, “Your right child, I did find him. But it seems he has an interest in you.”
“I think you may be right, but things have come up and I may lose him before I get a chance to really get know him.” Kagome said looking up to the woman.
“It will all work out, my eyes maybe old, but I know I saw a spark between you two.” Keade said resting her hand on Kagome's shoulder.
Kagome placed her hand on top of hers and said, “I hope your right.”
Both women looked up to see the kids returning from the playground. “It looks like you're sheep have returned, don't forget to give him a call” Keade said moving away from the desk and heading out the door.
Kagome glanced up at the clock; and realized she still had three hours left of her work day. She felt a tug on her pant leg and looked down. Looking up at her was Rin. Kneeling down to get eye level with the child she said, “What's the matter?”
“Teacher, Rin doesn't feel so good.” Rin said holding on to her tummy.
Kagome reached over to rest her hand on Rin's forehead, not feeling any warmth she said “Let's take you to the nurse so she can check you over, alright.” Before Kagome took three steps Rin became very green. She quickly stepped out of the room and headed towards the restroom. She got the door to the restroom open and was putting Rin down to loose the contents of her stomach in the one place it was welcome, but Rin's stomach betrayed her and the vile liquid ended up down the front of Kagome's blouse.
Sesshomaru slowly walked out of the E.R. He was thinking about Kagome and was wondering why she never called him back. He reached into his coat pocket to retrieve his cell phone. He would just try calling her; maybe he could catch her before she left work. “Shit” he said rolling his eyes realizing the phone was turned off. He pushed the button to turn the little phone on mumbling, “Come on, and hurry up.” He was relieved to see a message was waiting for him. He dialed the numbers to retrieve his message hoping it was from Kagome. Listening to the mechanical voice give him the time of the call he started tapping his foot. When a feminine voice came on the line a smile appeared on his lips.
“I must have caught you at a bad time; things have been a little chaotic here also. Maybe I'll get to see you on the train ride home.” Kagome said
Sesshomaru looked at his watch and started running down the street to the station. He hoped he didn't miss her.