InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Make You Feel My Love ❯ To Make You Feel My Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authoresses Notes: I dunno how I came up with this idea. I was listening to the `A Cinderella Story' soundtrack (that movie is now my favorite movie and I've seen it twice within the one week range that it's been out) and I heard this song and I thought of Inuyasha and Kagome. This oneshot is from Kagome's point of view, but might have some Inuyasha's point of view at the end. And thanks to my beta reader, Tora (my best friend Kristina), I'm writing the idea down. I was on the phone with her while I got the idea for it and while I wrote it, so she gets a little bit a credit as well. She helped me with a few lines.
I really don't know if this is going to be a continuation story. It might be a one shot to give the story a stronger effect. I dunno. Lets ask Inuyasha and Kagome: What do you guys think?
Inuyasha: Keh. I don't care, I don't even like her, so I have no clue why you're writing this story. She just finds the jewels.
Inuyasha: *sweat drop* Uhhh….
Sango: They're at it again.
Shippo: *shakes head* he never learns.
Miroku:*gropes Sango*
Sango: *faces gets red, sweat drops, spins on her heel and slaps Miroku* PERVERT!
Shippo:*shakes head* HE never learns either…
Sango: OOOOOOH *storms away*
Miroku: Oh come on Sango! Don't be like that! *follows her*
Inuyasha: o.O
Kagome: o.O
Shippo: o.O
Inukura: What weird imaginary people you are…
Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo: WE'RE NOT IMAGINARY!!
Inukura: You so are. You're figments of the imagination.
Inuyasha: WIND SCAR
Inukura:*shrieks and jumps out of the way* YOU SLICED MY BED IN HALF!
Inuyasha:*sat* WHAT WAS THT FOR?!
Tora: *appears from no where* For being the mindless idiot that you are.
Inuyasha: Shut up you stupid wolf!
Kagome: For trying to kill the authoress. If you kill her, she can't write the story and then we wouldn't get together!
Inuyasha: Keh, like I wanna be with you!
Kagome:*eyes tear up and she runs out of the room, crying*
Inukura: Smart Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: WHY YOU!!! *chases Inukura*
Inukura: AHHHH *grabs computer and hides self in closet, locking the door and starting to type the story*
Kagome P.O.V.:
This was all Kikyo's fault. She was the one who refused Inuyasha's help, and almost got herself killed by Naraku. Kagome remembered Kikyo severely bleeding, then going `poof' and fading. Inuyasha had been very upset, and had been quiet since. That alone would tell someone that something was wrong with him, for Inuyasha was NEVER quiet. He had gone off somewhere, and she was currently trying to find him.
She felt a drizzle start falling, and saw him off in the distance, sitting quietly and staring at the moon. His back was facing her. The wind started blowing, the rain was swept up into her face, and she knew it was sweeping up into his as well. She heard the voices of Sango and Miroku quietly discussing the situation, wondering why Inuyasha hadn't just ignored Kikyo's refusal to accept his help when he offered, and helped. They were saying it was a stupid move to do that.
Kagome started walking towards where he sat, a good 50 feet away. She felt like she needed to offer him some comfort. She WANTED to offer him comfort. The others wouldn't be able to see them, the only reason Kagome had been able to see him was because she had gotten up to search for him, and now Sango and Miroku's voices were fading. She stopped 10 feet away from him, her raven black hair blowing in soft the wind and behind her small shoulders.
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
Inuyasha apparently sensed her.
"Kagome what are you doing here?" He asked softly, not turning around to face her. He was looking up at the stars, and then glanced quickly down at her shadow that the moonlight was casting along the side of him, then back up at the stars.
"Checking on you. Inuyasha, are you alright?" Kagome told him, walking closer and sitting down to the right of him. He turned his face to the left in shame. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing! Go away!" Inuyasha snapped, keeping his face turned away from her. Kagome moved forward a bit, and put her hand on his chin, turning his head so she could see his face. She now understood why he had turned his face away. He was crying. Inuyasha cast his gaze down to the ground, and Kagome released his chin, clasping her hands together. He apparently felt that he couldn't talk to her, and she would laugh at him or something if he did.
She felt her heart wrench when she saw his tears, and wanted to hug him, and hold him forever trying to comfort him. She tentatively started to put her arms around him, but he launched himself into her arms as soon as he felt her arms start to wrap around him. He rested his head on her shoulder, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She wrapped one arm around the area where the middle of his ribcage was, and the other somewhat around his shoulder, stroking his silver-white hair gently.
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there's no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make youfeel my love
Inuyasha was greatly comforted by her embrace, and she knew it. She knew she wasn't Kikyo, knew he had made his choice. He had chosen Kikyo. But she wasn't so sure of that anymore. He seemed to like her, Kagome, in the way that she liked him. He clutched her tightly, and she felt gentle tears slide down his paled cheeks. She hugged him a little tighter, and felt him calm down a bit.
"Damn her…" Kagome heard Inuyasha whisper hoarsely, in a choked voice. "She's the one who refused my help…"
"Yes, she is…" Kagome whispered back, and Inuyasha nuzzled his head into her shoulder.
"Yes Inuyasha?" Kagome said, swallowing. The way he had just said her name made her want to be with him even more than before. She would never hurt him, she never even wanted to be more than 10 feet away from him, let alone break his heart. She'd known for a while now that she loved him. She knew if he'd love her, she'd stay with him forever, they'd never end.
Oh I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I knew it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind we'd be long
Why couldn't he see how much she loved him? She followed him around the Feudal Era, barely ever getting a proper meal, but she couldn't care less. She got beat up all the time, or cursed, and she didn't care about that either. She walked around the same roads over and over, just to be near him.
Inuyasha pulled away, and sat up correctly, looking down into her chocolate brown eyes. He leaned down, and brushed his lips over hers.
Kagome jumped slightly at the contact, then wrapped her arms tighter around him, holding him to her as she felt his tongue trail over her bottom lip. Her mouth opened out of instinct, and his tongue dove into it.
There was NOTHING that she wouldn't do for this man. This hero of hers. He wouldn't admit to being a hero, but he was. He saved so many people, if not only by accident. Her little brother looked up to Inuyasha, for gods sake. She blocked all other thoughts out of her mind, focusing on Inuyasha's soft, gentle kisses, and she started to respond to them.
She felt his arms tighten around her, and she sighed happily.
Unfortunately, they both needed to breathe. They both pulled back at exactly the same moment, and took in deep breaths. Kagome smiled softly at him, and he smiled a little back. Then he laid back on the ground, looking up at the sky. Kagome smiled a little, then laid down next to him.
I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love
They both looked up at the sky, surprisingly seeing night clouds. Kagome tentatively scooted closer to Inuyasha, and slowly, hesitantly, laid her head on his shoulder. He smiled softly, and put his arm around her waist. She snuggled a little closer. They laid there like that, just cuddling. Kagome giggled, and used one slender hand to point to a cloud.
"It looks like the sea! With lots of waves!" Kagome said. Inuyasha chuckled softly.
"Yeah, in your dreams. "Inuyasha said. "It looks like wind…"
`Speaking of wind'….Kagome thought, as she felt a gentle breeze sweep through the air, and tickle her face.
Oh the storms raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You aint seen nothing like me yeah…
`I'll make you so happy Inuyasha...I promise.' Kagome thought. `I'll try and be as worthy of you as Kikyo seemed to be…I'd go anywhere, and do anything. Just give me the chance…'
Inuyasha sighed deeply, and took a deep breath.
"Kagome?" He asked, hesitantly, bringing up courage from somewhere deep inside his anguished heart.
"Yeah?" Kagome asked.
"I…I love you." Inuyasha whispered. Kagome bolted up, staring into his eyes to see if he was telling the truth. She smiled brightly.
"I love you too, Inuyasha." Kagome said sincerely, laying her head down on his shoulder again. Inuyasha smiled, a soft, happy smile that was reserved just for her. He held her close, and sighed happily.
Kagome smiled. It looked like she was getting her chance…
I could make you happy make your dreams come true
No there's nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love………
The End.
Authoresses Note: So? Did you like it? It didn't take me long to write. Nope, not long at all. Only about 5 hours. Seriously. So anyways, PLEASE REV-AHHH!!! INUYASHA FOUND ME!!!!! *quickly saves story, and runs out the escape door of the closet*
Inuyasha: THERE YOU ARE! HEY COME BACK HERE! I'LL GET YOU!! *chases after Inukura*
Kouga: *comes in on his swirl tornado thing, and stands behind the still crying Kagome* Hello Kagome.
Kagome: *jumps, and goes and hides behind Inuyasha*
Inuyasha: So I see you've forgiven me!
Kagome: SIT!
Inukura: *walks in through the front door* I guess that's your answer. *runs into the closet and prints out story, making three copies* *walks back out*
Inuyasha: THERE YOU ARE! *gets up and pulls out Testseuiga*
Inukura: DUDE PUT IT AWAY! PUT IT AWAY *makes weird alien sign with hands* I COME IN PEACE!
Everyone else:o.O
Inukura:*sighs annoyingly, hands a copy to Kagome and Kouga*
Inuyasha: WHY YOU LITTLE EVIL WENCH! I'LL KILL YOU! *gets ready to slice Inukura in half with his sword, but then stops when she hands him a copy* What's this?
Inukura: My latest story. Read it. It gets Inuyasha and Kagome together.
Kouga: *tears the story in half* IT SUCKS!
Inukura: WHAT?!?! WHY?!?!
Kagome: I like it...It's sweet.
Inuyasha: One problem…
Inukura: What?
Inuyasha: I can't read…
Everyone: o.O…O.o…
Inuyasha: heh…
Inukura: This will be a long night…
Kagome:*reads story out loud to Inuyasha*
Inuyasha: WTF! I DO NOT CRY!
Inukura: Yeah…Keep telling yourself that…
Inukura: OK OK! But first you have to do my disclaimer. ^.^
Inuyasha: FINE! *turns to the computer screen of the person who's reading this* Inukura does not own me, Kagome or anyone else…Nor does she own the show. She also doesn't own the song "To Make You Feel My Love", but she does own these ideas SO DON'T STEAL THEM! *turns to Inukura* There NOW will u teach me to read?
Inukura: Yes…But I STILL can't believe you can't read…
Inuyasha: …*sweat drop*…......