InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Where You Are ❯ To Where You Are ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I, unfortunately, do not own Inu Yasha ::sighs:: I also do not own the song "To Where You Are"

To Where You Are


Who can say for certain, maybe you're still here

I feel you all around me, your memory so clear


She was gone. Her infinite beauty had left this world, had left him. But then why could he still feel her, smell her? The fresh scent of jasmine and rain played on the wind, following him, haunting him. He could never forget.


Deep in the stillness I can hear you speak

You're still an inspiration, can it be


Her voice still hung on the air. At night, when the moon shone brilliantly in the sky, and the darkness cloaked the land, he could close his eyes and he could hear her laughter and the musical lilt of her voice. It washed over him making him remember, making him wonder if she had ever truly left.


That you are mine, forever love


She followed him, even in her absence her being followed him. She was there, just beyond his grasp. Perhaps she was his, perhaps that is why she still lived on, inside of his heart.


And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are beyond the distance star


He looked up into the sky, he knew she was up there, it was where she belonged. Playing with the pure white softness of the clouds by day, and dancing with sparkling beauty of the stars by night. He yearned to be there with her, he ached for it, but he was here and the vastness of the sky separated them.


I wish upon tonight to see you smile

If only for awhile to know you're there


He longed to see her smile, the brightness of it, the warmth that always filled his soul. He craved to see it just one more time, knowing that even that would never be enough. He wanted to know that she was safe, that she was happy, that she was loved, as she deserved to be.


A breath away is not far to where you are


No distance was too far, no obstacle too big. He would suffer the scorching heat of the sun, the bitter coldness of the sea if he could but hold her again. Feel the silkiness of her skin, the warmth of her body. No, nothing was too far, to where she was.


Are you gently sleeping here inside my dream

And isn't faith believing all power can't be seen


Every night she graced his dreams, coming alive in the night as he slept. There he could love her as he had never been able to, there she was his. The power she held over him could not be seen, it wasn't tangible, but it was there. It was there in the way the blackness of the night reminded him of her hair, in the way he knew the deep and turbulent blue of the sea was the exact color of her eyes. And it was there in the way that her image, her splendor never dimmed in his mind, never faded, never left.


As my heart holds you just one beat away

I cherish all you gave me, everyday


She had given him the most precious gift, she had taught him to love. She had melted the ice around his heart, tore down the imposing walls and evoked emotions he had buried long ago. Emotions he had never hoped to feel again. He felt his love for her everyday, every minute, every second. It was a comfort in a time of chaos and pain. He felt his love for her with every beat of his heart.


Because you are mine, forever love

Watching me from up above

And I believe that angels breathe

And that love will live on and never leave


Yes he believed in angels. He, a demon, believed that they existed, he knew it. She was one of them. An angel in the sky that watched over the world…and him. She may be gone, but his love would never be. It would always be there, filling his heart, his soul. He could not survive without, would not survive without it. It was his reason for living, his reason for dying.


Fly me up to where you are beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight to see you smile

If only for awhile to know you're there

A breath away is not far to where you are

I know you're there

A breath away is not far to where you are


He knew she was there, just beyond his reach. He would accept it, learn to live with it. His love was too great, too powerful to ever be forgotten. He had never told her, he had never revealed the true depths of his feelings. It was a regret, his only one. She had left this world, left him, without ever knowing. This was his punishment, his prison, walking through this world all alone. It was his curse and one he would gladly bear. The woman, Kagome, was gone, but she would always be remembered…in his heart.

The demon paused in the light, the moon lighting his features, long silver hair that fluttered softly in the wind, the finally etched lines of his face, the smoldering gold of his eyes. The demon let out a sigh as he walked away leaving the night the only witness to his heartache and longing. He walked away and only the moonlight would know the stranger's identity, only the moonlight would recognize the face of yearning the lover, only the moonlight would know the blue crescent moon that had graced the aristocratic features of one very powerful demon Lord. And the night never tells.