InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Toimya ❯ Surprise! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A\N: Wow. I hate to end this but if i don't get my brain revving this one might be over soon. I know what the sequel will be already. But I have a few more chapters coming. Suggestions will be apreciated and possibly used. REVIEW!!!! The title of this chapter is vauge but if it wasn't it would be a spoiler.


'NO!' Toimya thought 'NO! NO NO!' She was freaking out. She went to Inuyasha and Kagome's room, and knocked on the door.

Inuyasha answered it.

"Inuyasha! Where's Kagome?" she was frantic

"Toimya whats wrong?" he knew what was wrong. He knew exactly what was wrong. He wanted her to tell him something to prove him wrong.

"Nothing! Where's Kagome?"

"With Sango at the hot springs"

"Bye!" she was gone before he could say another word

Toimya made it to the hot springs in under five minutes.

"" she took a second to catch her breath.

"Toimya are you all right?"

" Kinda need to tell you something"

"Then tell me"

"Okay" she took a big breath "You know how...your special friend visits every month? Mine totaly blew me off! I think I'm preagnent!" (a\n: i can't spell)

"WHAT?!" Kagome and Sango shouted

"Didn't you say once that you had something that could tell?"

"Yeah. Come with me"


Shippou was confused. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango were all looking at him funny. Then when Kagome brought a flustered Toimya to Inuyasha, he felt his brain split.

Back to Toimya...

"What the hell? How does he help?" Toimya asked

"He can smell it"

"I already came to him! What the hell? Inuyasha why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I..."

"Is she or not?"

"Come on I want to know!"


Toimya walks out of the house and sat on the steps. Kagome and Inuyasha followed.

With a smile they yelled in unison "SHIPPOU!"

He walked over reluctantly.

"I have a surprise for you" Toimya said softly

"Is this a bad thing?"

"Depends on how you look at it"

"What is it?" he was frightened a bit

"We're going to have..." she smiled and blushed "a baby"

"What the hell" his eyes were as big as saucers "did I just hear what I think I heard?"

"Yes" Toimya said sheepishly

"I...I'm not....I'm not sure what to say..." his head was spinning

"Say you love me and you're not mad" she stared at her feet

"I love you and I'm not mad" he smiled at her.

"No fair you don't mean it!"

"Did we leave?" Inuyasha asked Kagome quietly

"We probabably should now" They walked away and gave the teens some privacy.

Toimya and Shippou kissed.

"I love you and I'm not mad"

"Now I believe you"

A\N: Okay this was probably super expected, but i wanted to do it. This is starting to come to an end and as I've already said I already know what the sequal will be.