InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tokyo/Shikon High ❯ Sleep Over: Part 2 ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAIMER:: i do not own Inuyasha...
now back to --->"SLEEP OVER PART 2!!"<---
Ayame, Kagome Sango, Kirara, and Rin sat in thier pajamas huddled up on the couch under a blanket.
"Oh my god-oh my god-oh my god-oh my god." Rin wispered to herself as they watched 'The Hills Have Eyes.'
Ayame and Kagome shared a pillow to block out all the scary, gruesome parts that came up in the movie, but held it up through pretty much the intire movie anyway.
"I'm scared." Kagome wispered behind the protection of thier pillow.
"Me too." Ayame said as she buried herself further into the couch.
*tap tap tap*
"Oh my god! What was that?!" Squeked Sango as she pulled the blankets up for protection.
"OOOooOO" Rin whined. "Why am I on the end? I'm scared, I don't want to be on the outside! Let me in the middle." She said as she jumped between Sango and Ayame.
"NO dont! I just heard a tapping noise on the window over there!"
"WHAT?! Oh my god! We're going to die!" Rin held onto Ayame, and Kagome pretty much jumped on Ayame's lap.
"We're not goin to die! It's probably just your imagination, this movie is just creeping you all-"
Kirara cut off, screamed and jumped on Sango.
"Oh jeeze the bush outside your window just moved, theres somthing outside, out there!" Kirara squeked.
Ayame and Rin started tearing up. "Somthings gunna get us!"
"O-ok, lets just all calm down." Sango studdered. "Lets just go to my room. Figure somthing out up there because there just might be a crazy, rabid, drolling, deformed, mutant, slimy thing running around out side my house!" Sango wispered as she slowly lifted herself off the couch.
Kirara Ayame Kagome and Rin all huddled up and started walking up the stairs.
Sango stopped half way up the stairs. "I'm scared, I dont want to go up first!"
Kirara got down on her hands and knees. "I'll go first, but I'm not walking up there." She wispered as she started crawling up the steps Sango and Ayame followed doing the same while Rin and Kagome scooched themselves up the steps hanging on to each other.
"Rin your kinda hurting me." Kagome fussed.
"Oh, sorry." Rin loosened her death grip on Kagomes arm. "I'm really scared."
Kirara felt the wall for a light switch, once she flicked it on they all scrambled into Sangos room.
"Okay, what are we gunna do? Something crazy is outside your house Sango!" Ayame said as she sat down by her dresser.
"I know. " Said Rin as she picked up one of those nail filers that are kinda sharp at the end.
"How about we kill it.. or it away or somthing!"
The girls looked at her for a few moments then scattered around the room looking for somthing to chase the 'thing' away that was outside Sangos house.
They met back in the middle of the room holding thier 'weapons' (if you want to call them that haha)
Sango held body spray, Kagome had a krutch that you use when you break your foot, Ayame had a hair straightner , Rin still had her nial filer, and Kirara had a fork.
"Where did you get that?" Ayame asked pointing to the fork in Kiraras hand.
"Over there by that plate."
"Why do you have body spray Sango, What are you gonna do, make 'em smell good?" Kirara sputtered.
"No, I could squirt it in the eyes or somthing, did you ever get this stuff in your eyes? Oh my god, Kagome where did you find that?!"
"Um. Ha ha, in your closet. Rin didn't you find anything else?"
"ha.. uh .. I just kinda liked this thing, I could.. poke 'em with it or... somthing the hell are you gunna kill somthing with a hair straightener Ayame??" Rin said pointing her nail file at Ayame's 'weapon of choice.'
"Ha ha, well it was turned on and i thought i could.. pinch 'em.. in the nose or somthing with it.. and burn 'em.. it hurts a lot you know, didn't you ever get your finger caught in one while straightening your hair?"
They all looked at each other, and then what they found in Sangos bedroom, Kirara went down on her knees snickering while Sango fell to the floor with her hand covering her mouth holding in her laugh and they soon all busted out laughing at each other.
"Wow..ha ha.. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard!" Kirara said rolling to her side.
"Oh my god haha..well look at you, you got a FORK!" Sango laughed holding her sides.
Kagome was laying on the floor "Sango.. HAIRSPRAY?!" She rested her head on her hands as she laughed into the carpet.
Rin was going into tears from laughing so hard "haha.. a KRUTCH.. how you even goin to carry that down the stairs?"
"Hey!" Ayame said over thier laughter "It would give whatever it is a pretty good shock.. some girl wacks it over the head with her krutch! ha ha ha ha " The girls laughed for a while soon quieting down and whiping the tears away from laughing so hard.
Ayame crawled to the window and looked out. "Oh my god. You guys theres someone at the door and its all white. I think its a ghost." Ayame squeked as the girls scrambled over to the window and just as fast to the other side of the room.
"Well we could chase it off!" Rin said bringing 'plan A' back up, making the girls smile when Rin jabbed the nail file into the air.
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"Hey, Miroku lets go to Sango's and hang out with the girls." Said Kouga.
"Girls?" Sheshoumaru looked up from the TV in interest. "I could enjoy that."
"At 11 at night?" Miroku said quarking his eyebrow.
"Feh, girls always stay up that late when they have sleepovers, talking about boys and having pillow fights and other chick stuff like that" Inuyasha said sprawled out on the couch not taking his eyes from the TV.
"Pillow fights?.. hmmm.." Miroku thought about the girls in lungerai, bouncing on the bed, feathers everywhere, and him right in the middle of it all. "Yes, I think we should go get the girls now."
The guys headed out the door and walked down the street toward Sangos house.
"What are they doin?" Asked Kouga as Inuyasha peered through Sangos living room window.
"Thier all huddled on the couch.. I guess thier whatching a scary movie or somthing?"
"Well get their attention so they'll come out." Miroku said as he leaned over Inuyasha and tapped on the window.
"Hey! Get off me fat ass." Inuyasha said and tried pushing Miroku off him and ended up tossing him into a bush.
"Inuyasha why so rough? Help me up!"
"Oh damnit thier goin up stairs!" Whined Kouga after they pulled Miroku out of the bush. "What the hell? What are they doin?"
They all whatched as Sango, Ayame, Kirara, Kagome and Rin started crawling up the stairs.
"Feh, I don't know their all crazy if you ask me."
"Well what are we goin to do now?!" Miroku pouted relizing that he isn't goin to see the girls in a pillow fight.
Shessoumaru looked up when a light turned on "Their in that room up stairs" Shessoumaru pointed to a window above.
"Well what are we gunna do? They are probably heading to bed." Kouga said annoyed that they walked out here for nothing.
"Keh, i dought it, their probably." Inuyasha thought for a few minutes, crossed his arms, and looked away- frustrated.."idk .."
"Ran out of girl information inuyasha?" Kouga teased.
"Shut up lets see you come up with somthing, huh?...Yeah i thought so."
"The window isn't that far up one of you could walk backward and see right up into the window." Sheshoumaru butted in.
"It would be a pleasure!" Miroku chirped and started walking across the street to see into the window.
"What ever I don't know why we are goin through all this trouble we might as well walk up to the door and knock" Inuyasha sputtered.
"..yeah why didnt i think of that?" Kouga mumbled as Inuyasha walked up to the door.
"Miroku get your ass back here, we're just gunna knock and get them down stairs!" Inuyasha said loud enough for Miroku to hear across the street.
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Ayame, Rin, Sango, Kirara and Kagome gathered the courage to stand up.
"AHH! Oh my god! It's knocking on the door!!" Sango said and they all ran and jumped on Sangos bed.
Kirara stood up and picked up her fork. "You guys im sick of being scared... seriously." She said as she held her stomach "Let's go attack whatevers down there and give 'em what it deserves! Who's with me?" Kirara said holding the fork into the air.
The girls looked at her and then each other and nodded. They gathered themselves together and walked into the hall with thier 'weapons' and ended up crawling to the door.
"Okay girls on the count of three.." Sango said putting her hand on the door knob "I'm goin to open the door and we are goin to attack!" She waited a few moments and said in a more pleading tone. "I'm seriouse guys I don't want to open this door and be the only one to fling myself out there!" The girls did a quik nod.
"one... two .... three!!!!"
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Inuyasha knocked on the door. "Hey get over here, what are they gonna think when I'm the only one standing on their porch at 12 o'clock in the morning?!"
Sheshoumaru, Kouga and Miroku headed toward the door.
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"ugh whats taking them soo long! It's been like 5 minutes!"
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Sango opened the door. "Aahhh!" They all screamed as they jumped out the door with their 'weapons.'
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Inuyasha yelled and they looked, as 5 crazy females jumped at them spraying hitting and poking them with who knows what.
The girls eventually stopped when they figured out the men they were attacking wer'nt "crazy, rabid, drolling, deformed, mutant, slimy things running around out side Sangos house"
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"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" Inuyasha yelled as Kagome tended to a wound from Rins nail-filer at the Kitchen table.
While sango called the poisen control about Miroku, she ended up spraying the peach body spray in his mouth and eyes.
Ayame got an ice pack for Kouga because she ended up hitting him in the head with the straightner.
Rin did the same for Sheshoumaru because Kagome punched him in the eye
"Well this is a mess." Kagome fussed while they tended to the boys.
"The poison control said wash your eyes and mouth out with water and you should be fine exept for some irritation.. but i got mouth wash and eye drops too if you like? "Sango said to Miroku as she led him upstairs to the bathroom.
"All this just because we wanted to come over and hang out with these crazy lunies!" Kouga said sitting in the recliner putting his one arm free in the air while the other held an ice pack to his forehead.
"Um sorry about that." Ayame blushed looking away and rubbing the back of her neck.
"Ooooo, are you ok?" Rin coo'ed as she brought the icepack over to Shessoumaru who was sitting on the couch, he took it from her and nodded his head in thanks, Rin blushed. "Um sorry about the whole attacking you guys thing." She said looking up at Kouga and Inuyasha then back to Shessoumaru. "Uh .. we thought you were .. um, ghost, or somthing scary like that."
Shessoumaru smiled and Inuyasha rolled his eyes and yelled from the kitchen "Ghosts?!!"
"There you go Inuyasha." Kagome blushed as she put a bandade over his cut on his musculer arm.
"Oh yeah and one of you guys stabbed me with a FORK?!" Inuyasha said lifting his shirt up and pointing to his side.
Kagome blushed even darker at the sight of Inuyashas 6 pack "Um yeah .. that was Kirara.. ha ha" Kagome couldnt help from laughing about the whole situation as she got out another bandade and gauze.
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"There you go that should be about it." Kagome sighed as she finished up.
"Thanks." A light blush crossed his face."You know its pretty funny now that i look back at it .. what made you guys attack us anyway?"
"loong story." Kagome said waving her hands infront of her. "You dont wanna know... lets go into the living room and see if Kouga and....whoever the other guy is, is taken care of."
"Shessoumaru .. my brother.. that's the other guy." Inuyasha said putting his arm around Kagomes shoulders.
"Ooh ok." Smiled Kagome as they came into the living room.
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Sango reached up into the cabinet "Here's the eye drops." She handed them to Miroku'
Then bent over and opened the cabinet under the sink. "Here is the...mmahhhhhrroohhhkuu!!!"
Sango stood up and stopped herself from landing a good hard smack on his cheek. "I already, almost made you blind and put a bad taste in your mouth.. so i will let that one slide.. BUT next time you touch my ass.."
Sango said as she poked him in the chest "You're gunna get it!"
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Miroku and Sango walked down the stairs to see Inuyasha and Kagome sitting on the love seat, Ayame sitting on Kougas lap holding the ice pack to his head, and Shessoumaru and Rin talking on the couch.
"What a night!" Sango said as she and Miroku flopped on the couch she looked at the clock on the wall "WOW its 2:30 in the morning!... my parents work till 5.. so what do you guys want to do till then?"
"I don't know im beat!" Said Rin as she set her head on Shessoumarus shoulder.
"I think we should take the boys home and then go to bed." Said Ayame. "But we'll walk around the nieborhood first thats always fun!"
"Yeah that sounds like fun!" Kagome chirped.
"........wait where is Kirara?????" Sango looked around
"Oh shes up stairs sleeping in your room." said Miroku
all the girls looked at each other and smiled.
"You know what that means." Said Rin getting up and goin to the fridge. "Sabatauge!" as she help up whip cream.
"Oooh yeahh whoever falls asleep first gets it!" Said Ayame.
They all walked up stairs. "Okay, get a feather or somthing."Wispered Rin with the miricle whip in one hand and a spoon in the other.
"Heres one." Sangos said as she pulled one out of the feather sash that hung around her dresser and handed it to Kagome.
Rin put a large spoon full of Miricle whip on Kirara's hand and then Kagome tickled her nose with the feather.. Kirara lifted up her hand and swated the feather and made it stick to her face Rin, Kouga, Ayame, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha started to crack up even Sesshoumaru smirked at it.
"Lets go down stairs so we don't wake her up." Rin giggled as she headed toward the door.
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"Hey lets go out its already almost 3:00." Said Ayame once they got down stairs.
Everyone left the house and walked down the street in pairs.
"So Sesshoumaru I havn't seen you around before." Questioned Rin.
"I'm in 11th grade, the grade above you. Thats why you haven't really heard of me or seen me around, our schools too big."
Sesshoumaru said nonchalant
"Well I'm glad to know you now! Will you be hanging around Kouga, Miroku and Inuyasha more often?"
"I will now that I've met you."
Rin blushed
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"So hows the whole Kikyo thing goin?"
"Eh she's a whore and we haven't really talked ever since the break.. but it's only been a week though.. a lot of people go on breaks for a month."
"Yea, but people that go on breaks that long- their relationships usually end up bad."
"Well I wouldn't dought that Kikyo and my relationship is already flushed down the drain."
"I'm sorry, to hear about the fight. How long were you guys dating?"
"7 months. Why should you be sorry? It's our own damn fault that we cant keep a good relationship together."
Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyashas waist into a comfroting hug. "I know, but if i was fighting with my boyfriend i would want people to comfort me about it."
Inuyasha was startled about the sudden move Kagome made, but then hugged her back. "Thanks Kagome." He said into her hair, then cleared his throught and pulled away, and started walking again.
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"Miroku? Who are you interested in?" Sango said breaking the silence.
"You know, like who do you want to date?"
"uh.. um I don't know?"
"Sure you do, you have to like SOMEONE!" Sango said exasperated
"Uh, yeah I like someone." He mumbled under his breath.
"Really, who?" Sango persisted 'please be someone i dont know!!' Sango thought 'or even better ... me'
"Um she goes to our school .. I'm not sure if you'd know her."
"Oh" Sango said discuraged. 'And I actually thought it could be me! Stupid stupid stupid!!'
"Do you like someone Sango?"
"Huh? Yeah! I dont think you would know him either." Sango said with a blush.
"Oh" Miroku said dissapointed. "Well, if i ever have the chance to actually date the person I'm interested in you'll know."
"Uh.. okay... same here."
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"Hey Kouga."
"You ever think that, I don't know you and I could ever pull off bieng like .. a couple?"
Kouga was surprised at the new subject Ayame had just brought up. "Uh. Yeah, i think so" Kouga said a lil flustered.
"You do?" Ayame said, trying not to show how excited she was in any way.
"Um yeah. Your cool, fun, funny, pretty,and have a rock'n body"
Ayame blushed
"What do you think, you think we could ever be a couple?"
"Yea, your hot, cocky, strong, you have a really nice bod." Ayame said with a dreamy look.
"Well then we should like hook up or somthing."
Ayame gasped "YEAH! I mean, yeah thats cool." She said trying to gain back her cool..
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After the girls dropped off the guys and went home they were silent most of the walk thinking about what each of them talked about with Sesshoumaru Kouga Inuyasha and Miroku.
"Hey you guys?" Ayame said as they walked in the house and settled down Ayame on the couch Kagome on the arm chair Sango floor and Rin in the love seat.
"Yeah?" They all said at different times as Sango turned out the light.
"Uh .. I think Kouga asked me out.. and i said yeah."
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review :)
now back to --->"SLEEP OVER PART 2!!"<---
Ayame, Kagome Sango, Kirara, and Rin sat in thier pajamas huddled up on the couch under a blanket.
"Oh my god-oh my god-oh my god-oh my god." Rin wispered to herself as they watched 'The Hills Have Eyes.'
Ayame and Kagome shared a pillow to block out all the scary, gruesome parts that came up in the movie, but held it up through pretty much the intire movie anyway.
"I'm scared." Kagome wispered behind the protection of thier pillow.
"Me too." Ayame said as she buried herself further into the couch.
*tap tap tap*
"Oh my god! What was that?!" Squeked Sango as she pulled the blankets up for protection.
"OOOooOO" Rin whined. "Why am I on the end? I'm scared, I don't want to be on the outside! Let me in the middle." She said as she jumped between Sango and Ayame.
"NO dont! I just heard a tapping noise on the window over there!"
"WHAT?! Oh my god! We're going to die!" Rin held onto Ayame, and Kagome pretty much jumped on Ayame's lap.
"We're not goin to die! It's probably just your imagination, this movie is just creeping you all-"
Kirara cut off, screamed and jumped on Sango.
"Oh jeeze the bush outside your window just moved, theres somthing outside, out there!" Kirara squeked.
Ayame and Rin started tearing up. "Somthings gunna get us!"
"O-ok, lets just all calm down." Sango studdered. "Lets just go to my room. Figure somthing out up there because there just might be a crazy, rabid, drolling, deformed, mutant, slimy thing running around out side my house!" Sango wispered as she slowly lifted herself off the couch.
Kirara Ayame Kagome and Rin all huddled up and started walking up the stairs.
Sango stopped half way up the stairs. "I'm scared, I dont want to go up first!"
Kirara got down on her hands and knees. "I'll go first, but I'm not walking up there." She wispered as she started crawling up the steps Sango and Ayame followed doing the same while Rin and Kagome scooched themselves up the steps hanging on to each other.
"Rin your kinda hurting me." Kagome fussed.
"Oh, sorry." Rin loosened her death grip on Kagomes arm. "I'm really scared."
Kirara felt the wall for a light switch, once she flicked it on they all scrambled into Sangos room.
"Okay, what are we gunna do? Something crazy is outside your house Sango!" Ayame said as she sat down by her dresser.
"I know. " Said Rin as she picked up one of those nail filers that are kinda sharp at the end.
"How about we kill it.. or it away or somthing!"
The girls looked at her for a few moments then scattered around the room looking for somthing to chase the 'thing' away that was outside Sangos house.
They met back in the middle of the room holding thier 'weapons' (if you want to call them that haha)
Sango held body spray, Kagome had a krutch that you use when you break your foot, Ayame had a hair straightner , Rin still had her nial filer, and Kirara had a fork.
"Where did you get that?" Ayame asked pointing to the fork in Kiraras hand.
"Over there by that plate."
"Why do you have body spray Sango, What are you gonna do, make 'em smell good?" Kirara sputtered.
"No, I could squirt it in the eyes or somthing, did you ever get this stuff in your eyes? Oh my god, Kagome where did you find that?!"
"Um. Ha ha, in your closet. Rin didn't you find anything else?"
"ha.. uh .. I just kinda liked this thing, I could.. poke 'em with it or... somthing the hell are you gunna kill somthing with a hair straightener Ayame??" Rin said pointing her nail file at Ayame's 'weapon of choice.'
"Ha ha, well it was turned on and i thought i could.. pinch 'em.. in the nose or somthing with it.. and burn 'em.. it hurts a lot you know, didn't you ever get your finger caught in one while straightening your hair?"
They all looked at each other, and then what they found in Sangos bedroom, Kirara went down on her knees snickering while Sango fell to the floor with her hand covering her mouth holding in her laugh and they soon all busted out laughing at each other.
"Wow..ha ha.. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard!" Kirara said rolling to her side.
"Oh my god haha..well look at you, you got a FORK!" Sango laughed holding her sides.
Kagome was laying on the floor "Sango.. HAIRSPRAY?!" She rested her head on her hands as she laughed into the carpet.
Rin was going into tears from laughing so hard "haha.. a KRUTCH.. how you even goin to carry that down the stairs?"
"Hey!" Ayame said over thier laughter "It would give whatever it is a pretty good shock.. some girl wacks it over the head with her krutch! ha ha ha ha " The girls laughed for a while soon quieting down and whiping the tears away from laughing so hard.
Ayame crawled to the window and looked out. "Oh my god. You guys theres someone at the door and its all white. I think its a ghost." Ayame squeked as the girls scrambled over to the window and just as fast to the other side of the room.
"Well we could chase it off!" Rin said bringing 'plan A' back up, making the girls smile when Rin jabbed the nail file into the air.
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"Hey, Miroku lets go to Sango's and hang out with the girls." Said Kouga.
"Girls?" Sheshoumaru looked up from the TV in interest. "I could enjoy that."
"At 11 at night?" Miroku said quarking his eyebrow.
"Feh, girls always stay up that late when they have sleepovers, talking about boys and having pillow fights and other chick stuff like that" Inuyasha said sprawled out on the couch not taking his eyes from the TV.
"Pillow fights?.. hmmm.." Miroku thought about the girls in lungerai, bouncing on the bed, feathers everywhere, and him right in the middle of it all. "Yes, I think we should go get the girls now."
The guys headed out the door and walked down the street toward Sangos house.
"What are they doin?" Asked Kouga as Inuyasha peered through Sangos living room window.
"Thier all huddled on the couch.. I guess thier whatching a scary movie or somthing?"
"Well get their attention so they'll come out." Miroku said as he leaned over Inuyasha and tapped on the window.
"Hey! Get off me fat ass." Inuyasha said and tried pushing Miroku off him and ended up tossing him into a bush.
"Inuyasha why so rough? Help me up!"
"Oh damnit thier goin up stairs!" Whined Kouga after they pulled Miroku out of the bush. "What the hell? What are they doin?"
They all whatched as Sango, Ayame, Kirara, Kagome and Rin started crawling up the stairs.
"Feh, I don't know their all crazy if you ask me."
"Well what are we goin to do now?!" Miroku pouted relizing that he isn't goin to see the girls in a pillow fight.
Shessoumaru looked up when a light turned on "Their in that room up stairs" Shessoumaru pointed to a window above.
"Well what are we gunna do? They are probably heading to bed." Kouga said annoyed that they walked out here for nothing.
"Keh, i dought it, their probably." Inuyasha thought for a few minutes, crossed his arms, and looked away- frustrated.."idk .."
"Ran out of girl information inuyasha?" Kouga teased.
"Shut up lets see you come up with somthing, huh?...Yeah i thought so."
"The window isn't that far up one of you could walk backward and see right up into the window." Sheshoumaru butted in.
"It would be a pleasure!" Miroku chirped and started walking across the street to see into the window.
"What ever I don't know why we are goin through all this trouble we might as well walk up to the door and knock" Inuyasha sputtered.
"..yeah why didnt i think of that?" Kouga mumbled as Inuyasha walked up to the door.
"Miroku get your ass back here, we're just gunna knock and get them down stairs!" Inuyasha said loud enough for Miroku to hear across the street.
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Ayame, Rin, Sango, Kirara and Kagome gathered the courage to stand up.
"AHH! Oh my god! It's knocking on the door!!" Sango said and they all ran and jumped on Sangos bed.
Kirara stood up and picked up her fork. "You guys im sick of being scared... seriously." She said as she held her stomach "Let's go attack whatevers down there and give 'em what it deserves! Who's with me?" Kirara said holding the fork into the air.
The girls looked at her and then each other and nodded. They gathered themselves together and walked into the hall with thier 'weapons' and ended up crawling to the door.
"Okay girls on the count of three.." Sango said putting her hand on the door knob "I'm goin to open the door and we are goin to attack!" She waited a few moments and said in a more pleading tone. "I'm seriouse guys I don't want to open this door and be the only one to fling myself out there!" The girls did a quik nod.
"one... two .... three!!!!"
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Inuyasha knocked on the door. "Hey get over here, what are they gonna think when I'm the only one standing on their porch at 12 o'clock in the morning?!"
Sheshoumaru, Kouga and Miroku headed toward the door.
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"ugh whats taking them soo long! It's been like 5 minutes!"
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Sango opened the door. "Aahhh!" They all screamed as they jumped out the door with their 'weapons.'
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Inuyasha yelled and they looked, as 5 crazy females jumped at them spraying hitting and poking them with who knows what.
The girls eventually stopped when they figured out the men they were attacking wer'nt "crazy, rabid, drolling, deformed, mutant, slimy things running around out side Sangos house"
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"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" Inuyasha yelled as Kagome tended to a wound from Rins nail-filer at the Kitchen table.
While sango called the poisen control about Miroku, she ended up spraying the peach body spray in his mouth and eyes.
Ayame got an ice pack for Kouga because she ended up hitting him in the head with the straightner.
Rin did the same for Sheshoumaru because Kagome punched him in the eye
"Well this is a mess." Kagome fussed while they tended to the boys.
"The poison control said wash your eyes and mouth out with water and you should be fine exept for some irritation.. but i got mouth wash and eye drops too if you like? "Sango said to Miroku as she led him upstairs to the bathroom.
"All this just because we wanted to come over and hang out with these crazy lunies!" Kouga said sitting in the recliner putting his one arm free in the air while the other held an ice pack to his forehead.
"Um sorry about that." Ayame blushed looking away and rubbing the back of her neck.
"Ooooo, are you ok?" Rin coo'ed as she brought the icepack over to Shessoumaru who was sitting on the couch, he took it from her and nodded his head in thanks, Rin blushed. "Um sorry about the whole attacking you guys thing." She said looking up at Kouga and Inuyasha then back to Shessoumaru. "Uh .. we thought you were .. um, ghost, or somthing scary like that."
Shessoumaru smiled and Inuyasha rolled his eyes and yelled from the kitchen "Ghosts?!!"
"There you go Inuyasha." Kagome blushed as she put a bandade over his cut on his musculer arm.
"Oh yeah and one of you guys stabbed me with a FORK?!" Inuyasha said lifting his shirt up and pointing to his side.
Kagome blushed even darker at the sight of Inuyashas 6 pack "Um yeah .. that was Kirara.. ha ha" Kagome couldnt help from laughing about the whole situation as she got out another bandade and gauze.
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"There you go that should be about it." Kagome sighed as she finished up.
"Thanks." A light blush crossed his face."You know its pretty funny now that i look back at it .. what made you guys attack us anyway?"
"loong story." Kagome said waving her hands infront of her. "You dont wanna know... lets go into the living room and see if Kouga and....whoever the other guy is, is taken care of."
"Shessoumaru .. my brother.. that's the other guy." Inuyasha said putting his arm around Kagomes shoulders.
"Ooh ok." Smiled Kagome as they came into the living room.
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Sango reached up into the cabinet "Here's the eye drops." She handed them to Miroku'
Then bent over and opened the cabinet under the sink. "Here is the...mmahhhhhrroohhhkuu!!!"
Sango stood up and stopped herself from landing a good hard smack on his cheek. "I already, almost made you blind and put a bad taste in your mouth.. so i will let that one slide.. BUT next time you touch my ass.."
Sango said as she poked him in the chest "You're gunna get it!"
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Miroku and Sango walked down the stairs to see Inuyasha and Kagome sitting on the love seat, Ayame sitting on Kougas lap holding the ice pack to his head, and Shessoumaru and Rin talking on the couch.
"What a night!" Sango said as she and Miroku flopped on the couch she looked at the clock on the wall "WOW its 2:30 in the morning!... my parents work till 5.. so what do you guys want to do till then?"
"I don't know im beat!" Said Rin as she set her head on Shessoumarus shoulder.
"I think we should take the boys home and then go to bed." Said Ayame. "But we'll walk around the nieborhood first thats always fun!"
"Yeah that sounds like fun!" Kagome chirped.
"........wait where is Kirara?????" Sango looked around
"Oh shes up stairs sleeping in your room." said Miroku
all the girls looked at each other and smiled.
"You know what that means." Said Rin getting up and goin to the fridge. "Sabatauge!" as she help up whip cream.
"Oooh yeahh whoever falls asleep first gets it!" Said Ayame.
They all walked up stairs. "Okay, get a feather or somthing."Wispered Rin with the miricle whip in one hand and a spoon in the other.
"Heres one." Sangos said as she pulled one out of the feather sash that hung around her dresser and handed it to Kagome.
Rin put a large spoon full of Miricle whip on Kirara's hand and then Kagome tickled her nose with the feather.. Kirara lifted up her hand and swated the feather and made it stick to her face Rin, Kouga, Ayame, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha started to crack up even Sesshoumaru smirked at it.
"Lets go down stairs so we don't wake her up." Rin giggled as she headed toward the door.
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"Hey lets go out its already almost 3:00." Said Ayame once they got down stairs.
Everyone left the house and walked down the street in pairs.
"So Sesshoumaru I havn't seen you around before." Questioned Rin.
"I'm in 11th grade, the grade above you. Thats why you haven't really heard of me or seen me around, our schools too big."
Sesshoumaru said nonchalant
"Well I'm glad to know you now! Will you be hanging around Kouga, Miroku and Inuyasha more often?"
"I will now that I've met you."
Rin blushed
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"So hows the whole Kikyo thing goin?"
"Eh she's a whore and we haven't really talked ever since the break.. but it's only been a week though.. a lot of people go on breaks for a month."
"Yea, but people that go on breaks that long- their relationships usually end up bad."
"Well I wouldn't dought that Kikyo and my relationship is already flushed down the drain."
"I'm sorry, to hear about the fight. How long were you guys dating?"
"7 months. Why should you be sorry? It's our own damn fault that we cant keep a good relationship together."
Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyashas waist into a comfroting hug. "I know, but if i was fighting with my boyfriend i would want people to comfort me about it."
Inuyasha was startled about the sudden move Kagome made, but then hugged her back. "Thanks Kagome." He said into her hair, then cleared his throught and pulled away, and started walking again.
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"Miroku? Who are you interested in?" Sango said breaking the silence.
"You know, like who do you want to date?"
"uh.. um I don't know?"
"Sure you do, you have to like SOMEONE!" Sango said exasperated
"Uh, yeah I like someone." He mumbled under his breath.
"Really, who?" Sango persisted 'please be someone i dont know!!' Sango thought 'or even better ... me'
"Um she goes to our school .. I'm not sure if you'd know her."
"Oh" Sango said discuraged. 'And I actually thought it could be me! Stupid stupid stupid!!'
"Do you like someone Sango?"
"Huh? Yeah! I dont think you would know him either." Sango said with a blush.
"Oh" Miroku said dissapointed. "Well, if i ever have the chance to actually date the person I'm interested in you'll know."
"Uh.. okay... same here."
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"Hey Kouga."
"You ever think that, I don't know you and I could ever pull off bieng like .. a couple?"
Kouga was surprised at the new subject Ayame had just brought up. "Uh. Yeah, i think so" Kouga said a lil flustered.
"You do?" Ayame said, trying not to show how excited she was in any way.
"Um yeah. Your cool, fun, funny, pretty,and have a rock'n body"
Ayame blushed
"What do you think, you think we could ever be a couple?"
"Yea, your hot, cocky, strong, you have a really nice bod." Ayame said with a dreamy look.
"Well then we should like hook up or somthing."
Ayame gasped "YEAH! I mean, yeah thats cool." She said trying to gain back her cool..
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After the girls dropped off the guys and went home they were silent most of the walk thinking about what each of them talked about with Sesshoumaru Kouga Inuyasha and Miroku.
"Hey you guys?" Ayame said as they walked in the house and settled down Ayame on the couch Kagome on the arm chair Sango floor and Rin in the love seat.
"Yeah?" They all said at different times as Sango turned out the light.
"Uh .. I think Kouga asked me out.. and i said yeah."
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review :)