InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights to Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone.
Chapter 2:
“Why do those halfwits have to come back now?” wailed Kagome into Sango's already drenched shirt. Helpless to do much else, Sango patted her friend and adopted sister in loving kindness. Secretly, she wondered at Kagome's fixation on now rather then enjoying the fact that the two men she loved were back in her life. She could no longer remember how many times she had stopped by Kagome's room on her way to her own unfamiliar bed and heard her crying out for the inu-brothers. Especially during the first few months she had spent adjusting to the future. Realizing that Kagome needed her strength to deal with the loss of not one but two loves, Sango had driven herself to adjust and learn all she could about her new life while she did her best to forget her past.
But she couldn't do anything now for her sister except be a shoulder to cry on. That, and fend off the halfwits that Kagome had and still called friends. Tensing her arms around the wailing Kagome, Sango remembered the hysteria that had resulted from Eri's, Harumi's, and Shizuko's persistence as they stalked her first into the cafeteria and later to the shrine. Sango had been amazed at how tight-lipped Kagome was as she ignored the tumult of questions being thrown at her.
“Who are they?”
“How did you meet them?”
“What did you mean when you said they'd be purified?”
“Why did you tell the dog-eared boy to sit?” Snickers broke out at that question, earning the only reaction from Kagome they'd receive all afternoon, a blush and a glare.
Silence had descended for maybe all of five steps before the questions started up again.
“Why did that dreamy guy with the blue-gray tie call you his fiancé?”
“Can we be there the next time you meet them? We'd like to see if they always look as yummy as they did today!”
Why, who, what; the questions never seemed to end during the interminable walk home.
Sango shuddered as she remembered the three girls' cries of dismay as Kagome made a dash up the shrine steps as soon as they came into view in an attempt to get away from their persistent curiosity. Sango, watching out for her sister, had sprinted ahead to block three girls who were desperately trying to catch up to the fleeing school girl and were none to happy to be reminded that Sango was one of the top athletes in their school. In return for her stand, she received the full brunt of the evil glares the three women turned upon her. She almost wished she had Hiraikotsu with her to fend off the bloodthirsty women, but knew that Kagome would never approve of the violence, at least in this time.
Standing stiffly at the foot of the steps, they finally turned away when Sango refused to back down from their glares. Also, they knew just how deadly Sango could be in a fight after seeing what had happened to the first guy who had tried to cop a feel at school one day. She had started screaming obscenities about hentai's and roaming hands and something about letting Naraku take every last one of them. Sango got detention for foul language and fighting and a reputation for deadliness and insanity. He had sported two black eyes and a cherry red handprint. As it was, they left the shrine murmuring curses and threats that they'd get answers at school the next day. They had obviously forgotten that final examinations would be taking up most of their time.
“Damnit! It's finals week!” Blinking, Sango returned from her trip down memory lane and concentrated on what the miko was saying yet again. “Why does this always have to happen to me right when I need to concentrate on getting good grades? It's Inuyasha isn't it. It just has to be! He's determined to ruin my chances of getting into a good university.” Kagome sniffed and burrowed deeper into the damp cotton.
“Stop it Kagome,” Sango said in exasperation. This was getting a little old.
Kagome sucked in a deep breath mid sob and began to cough violently as she pushed herself away from her dearest friend. Sango blushed a dusty rose as she realized she had spoken out loud and not in the chaotic recesses of her mind.
“Wha—what did you just say?” Kagome asked incredulously.
“Um, I told you stop it, stop crying. You need to get a grip on yourself!” muttered Sango in embarrassment. “I mean, there's nothing you can do about it right now besides what you've already done. Who else but you could put those two in their place so easily and give yourself the time to not only get used to the fact that they survived five hundred years but also to concentrate on the here and now?”
Kagome's tear stained face just continued to look blankly at Sango as she tried to talk reason into her friend's head. Sango shook her head in exasperation and, for good measure, started to shake Kagome's shoulders to knock some semblance of sense back into her.
“Kagome! You've got to pull yourself together. You've done all that you can. Shippou will be here soon to explain the whys and wherefores of the taiyoukai's and hanyou's reappearance, not to mention what happened to the rest of our friends, and, quite frankly, you shouldn't be worried. You heard it yourself; they both still love you. That means they'll do anything for you including not kill each other. I mean, if they were that determined to get rid of the competition, only one would be alive to make a claim in the first place. They had plenty of time and opportunity to do so. Use this to your advantage!”
Sango desperately watched for some hint that the strong Kagome she knew and loved back in Sengoku Jidai would return with the old fire and resilience. Surely she hadn't lost her ability to bounce back from whatever Inuyasha did to her! Or had she? Although, she had to admit, this was a new low for Inuyasha and, well, a first for Sesshoumaru.
Slowly, a spark began to flicker in Kagome's eyes as she pondered the implications of the two inus returning to claim her. Smiling weakly up at Sango, she whispered, “What do you think I should do? I don't know them anymore. Who knows what has happened in five hundred years?” Kagome's voiced trailed off into silence as she stared blankly at the mess she had made of Sango's shirt.
Sango snorted as she pulled Kagome back for a long hug. “Well, Shippou will be here soon and that's a start. He can give you a rough sketch of what's happened, and maybe even see if his artistic talents has improved any.” Kagome smiled, remembering how much he loved coloring and his talent for story-telling.
Taking to heart the sentiment lurking in the miko's eyes, Sango forged on ahead. “We have our history final examination tomorrow and, while we both know a lot of the information is misleading, it will also give you an idea of what they went through to get here.” Sighing, Sango released her hold on Kagome and said, “As for how the two brothers have changed, you'll just have to take it one day at a time.”
Kagome's eyes finally focused on Sango as she spoke her wise message. Blinking back a few tears, Kagome's mind wandered back to the effect seeing Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru fighting together had on her. Joy had filled her soul as soon as she heard them yelling at each other and even more balm to her soul were the words they had spoken, especially Sesshoumaru's when he appeared by her side and gently took a hand in his own. He had secretly rubbed a sensual pad across her palm while he proclaimed to all that he was still waiting for her answer. Sighing, Kagome looked down at her hands and touched the still tingling flesh.
Clenching her fist suddenly, Kagome looked back up at a surprised Sango with determination in her eyes and steel straightening her spine. “You're right Sango. I'll just have to take this one day at a time.” Pushing herself off her yellow bedspread, she looked at the clock sitting on her desk.
“Dear Kami! It's 6:00!” Diving into her closet, she wailed, “What in the world am I going to wear!”