InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone.
Obaa-san: grandmother, although I'm assuming this since I saw another fic use it in this context. If I'm wrong please let me know!
Chapter 7:
Mrs. Higurashi wiped the sweat from her brow with a floured hand. Taking a deep breath, the harried mother looked at the clock and wished she still had an hour left to finish the elaborate meal rather then the fifteen minutes she did have. “Sango, tell Kagome to get down here right away. Our guests will be here any minute, and you haven't gotten ready yet!”
Sango looked up from the soup she was stirring. “But okaa-san, you, yourself are not ready.”
Mrs. Higurashi gave a sweet smile to her adopted daughter. “It's all right dear. This is your night as much as Kagome's. Besides, I'm the chef. No one expects me to be dressed up anyways. Now shoo!” Mrs. Higurashi waved a hand at the departing Taijiya.
`Now if only we could get through the rest of tonight with so little argument.'
—Sango fetches Kagome—
Sango took the stairs two at a time and burst into her sister's saccharine pink room. The girl in question jumped in startlement as the door was thrown open. Kagome stared sheepishly at the bedraggled looking woman with hair lying limp and sweaty on her neck and flour covering her nose and apron.
Recovering from her embarrassment at being caught hiding, she rushed over to Sango and forcefully turned her around. “Sango, you're not ready yet!” Grabbing the strings of the apron, she began to fight a losing battle with the messy knot holding the it together.
Sango took a deep breath and twisted her head to look at the breathtaking miko. “Mrs. Higurashi wants you downstairs right away in case our guests come early. So, stop worrying about me and get moving!”
Kagome shook her head in defiance. “Not until I get you cleaned up. There's no way I'm going down there without you.”
Sango turned around and pushed Kagome's hands away, careful to keep from soiling Kagome's perfect appearance. “Go on. You're needed downstairs more then with me. I've been taking care of myself ever since I started training with Hiraikotsu anyways. I think I can manage on my own tonight.” Kagome's small frame began to shudder at the thought of being alone with two volatile men who just happened to want her. Sango, quick to console, said, “I promise I won't be longer then absolutely necessary. Remember, I know how irritable Inuyasha can be.”
Kagome hesitated a moment before rushing down the steps leaving an emphatic “You better be quick!” behind her. Sparing a glance at the imposing wood of the front door, she shuddered before heading past it into the steamy kitchen. “Momma, is there anything I can do to help you finish up in here?”
Mrs. Higurashi looked up briefly and smiled at the vision of burgundy and black that graced the kitchen door. “No dear, everything will be fine. It'll just be a—“A knock reverberated throughout the house cutting her off.
Kagome started at the sound as her eyes glazed over in panic. Mrs. Higurashi gazed in commiseration at her daughter but steeled her spine for the upcoming hours. “Why don't you go get that dear? I'm sure they would appreciate waiting inside while I finish up here.”
Kagome swallowed the lump threatening to end her misery and nodded as another impatient knock filtered into the kitchen. “Um, sure mom. I'll be right back.” Turning around, she walked unsteadily to the front door as her momma called after her, “Kagome, remember to make sure someone stays with our guests at all times! It's not polite to leave them alone!”
Kagome glared in the direction of the kitchen before stopping at the front door. `Who cares if they think I'm rude? Maybe they'd leave me alone if I offend them enough.' With a trembling hand, she reached for the door knob only to have it swing forcefully into her face. “Ow!” screamed Kagome as she landed on her backside. “What did you do that for!”
Inuyasha stared at the vision of Kagome lying on the floor in front of him, tongue tied at her vibrant beauty. Kagome, ire rising, kicked the hanyou's foot from her position on the floor.
“Yeouch! What was that for?” Inuyasha started hopping about the room on one foot while Kagome picked herself off the floor and dusted the back of her haori and hakama. “It's not my fault you were stupid enough to be standing in front of the door!”
Kagome fisted her hands and placed them on her hips. Glaring at the still hopping Inuyasha, she said, “Well, if you had waited another minute I might have opened the door for you. You didn't have to smack me so hard with it!”
Inuyasha, now able to put weight on his sore foot, strode up and stood eye to eye with the blue-eyed, black haired miko. “Then you should have been quicker to answer the door, wench!”
Kagome narrowed her eyes and grinned nefariously. “I see you're wearing my necklace again Inuyasha. Why don't you go sit—,” fwomp, “—over there on the couch?”
A chuckling could be heard from the open door as Kagome smiled in satisfaction at the face planted hanyou lying on the foyer floor. “I see the necklace still contains its greatest charm little brother.”
Kagome swiftly turned to stare into Sesshoumaru's stoic visage. Looking closely into his golden eyes, the mocking gleam of satisfaction could be seen shining in the depths. “Hello Kagome. I hope I'm not late for dinner.”
Kagome swallowed visibly as she backed up from the professional looking taiyoukai dressed in what appeared to be a black Armani suit with his tail draped in the old style over his right shoulder. “Uh—, hello Sesshou—“Kagome wobbled on the heels of her feet as she began to fall over the still immobile hanyou.
With lightening reflexes, Sesshoumaru caught the falling miko and grabbed her to his chest. Chuckling, he noted she had closed her eyes in terror as she felt herself falling backwards for the second time in the space of minutes. “Isn't this just like old times?'
Kagome's eyes flashed open as a blush crept down her face. She remembered all to well that day so long ago when she had revealed to the taiyoukai the truth of her relationship with Inuyasha. She also remembered how his heart had echoed in empathy as she shared the pain of unrequited love. It was the first day she had reached beyond his stoic façade to the man beneath.
“Why don't you let her go Sesshoumaru?” snarled the hanyou as he picked himself off the floor. “And what's up with this `just like old times' crap? How can you have old times with her? You barely knew her five hundred years ago! So, unless you're talking about trying to kill her or kidnapping her, I don't think you have anything to talk about!” Inuyasha reached to grab Kagome's shoulder and pull her out of his brother's arms.
Sesshoumaru sensed Inuyasha's intent and growled in response as he swung Kagome out of the way, further messing up her delicate equilibrium. “Do not touch her brother until given permission.”
“And whose permission would that be? Your's or Kagome's?”
Sensing that Kagome had regained her footing, Sesshoumaru released his hold, albeit reluctantly, to face his brother's heated gaze.
“Kagome's permission of course, although I'm sure you will refrain from displaying your affection when I am around.”
Inuyasha huffed and moved to catch a glimpse of the now frazzled Kagome. “Are you alright Kagome? Do you want me to take out this bastard for you?”
Kagome's eyes snapped into focus as she turned to glare at the two brothers staring each other down. “Stop it!” she yelled. “Stop it, stop it, stop it! There will be no blood shed tonight whether it's by swords, claws or words! I won't allow it!” Kagome inserted herself between the two brothers pushing against each one's chest with the palm of her hand to force them to separate. It was all to no avail as neither acknowledged her presence in favor of a five hundred year long territorial debate.
“You could always call off dinner, okaa-san.”
Kagome rolled her eyes at her son as he lounged against the front doorpost. “What would that accomplish? They'd only get the satisfaction of killing each other if I make them leave!”
Shippou laughed from his vantage point. “Ah, but they wouldn't have the satisfaction of your company okaa-san!”
Sesshoumaru breathed in the fresh scent of Kagome as she continued to push against the two stubborn inus. `I should end this senseless fight if only to keep the peace this one night. Inuyasha will have her soon enough without me standing in the way regardless of what I do now.'
However, before Sesshoumaru could back away in defeat, Inuyasha growled and took a step backwards. “Don't think this is over Sesshoumaru, but we came here to see Kagome. You'd better behave around her otherwise you'll see what Tetsusaiga feels like crammed up your—“
“Good evening, gentleman!” said Mrs. Higurashi as she strode into the room, taking in the volatile situation at a glance. “I'm sure you won't mind waiting a few more minutes for dinner while I run upstairs to freshen up?” Sesshoumaru nodded his head in deference to the elder woman as Inuyasha keh'd in sullen agreement.
Mrs. Higurashi smiled brightly at the elegantly dressed taiyoukai and familiar looking Inuyasha. “I do hope you'll behave while I'm gone now won't you?” She looked worriedly at Kagome who was still firmly planted in between the two brothers.
“I'll make sure they behave obaa-san.”
“Thank-you Shippou.” Mrs. Higurashi regally walked up the steps and headed towards her bedroom. Pausing briefly, she gently tapped on the wooden door and called loudly enough to penetrate the barrier. “Sango, our guests have arrived. I'm going to clean the flour off my face and clothes. If you have a few moments, I need you to convince Jiichan to come inside. I don't care how you do it, but he needs to come in!”
“Alright, I'll get him in a minute!” Sango gave her still wet hair one last pat with a damp towel before pulling it back into a high ponytail. Taking an extra moment to smooth out the wrinkles from her hastily donned matching black hakamas and haori with a purple under haori in honor of her retired demon exterminator clothing, Sango opened up her window and jumped down from the roof to land on the shrine grounds.
`Better this short-cut then getting caught up in that fight downstairs,' thought Sango as she dusted herself off. Looking around, she spotted the old man kneeling in front of a low table at the base of Goshinboku as he prayed for his family's salvation. It was his favorite pose this past week ever since Kagome announced the date for Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's `trial'.
“Jiichan! Dinner is ready.”
Jiichan mumbled an incantation as he waved an ofuda through the air, fanning the sweet smelling smoke of incense before dropping the charm into a shallow bowl filled with burning oil. The ofuda went up in a cloud of smoke releasing his prayer to float on the wind.
“Oh, spirits hear my prayer! Protect my house from demons!” Poof went another ofuda in a cloud of smoke.
“Oh, spirits hear my prayer! Protect my house from demons!” Another ofuda was added to the collection.
“Oh spirits, hear my—Gah!” Jiichan jumped from his kneeling position on the ground as he felt a hand fall on his stooped shoulder. “Don't you know better then to interrupt a man in the middle of a prayer, child!”
Sango bowed in consolation to the old man. “Pardon me, Jiichan, but your presence has been requested at dinner.”
Jiichan mutinously took up position beside his make-shift altar. “I'm not going in there. I am more useful out here and praying for the protection of my home and granddaughters then in there with those demons!”
Sango sighed. “I'm sorry Jiichan, but you really must come inside. We will need your help in determining the outcome of tonight's entertainment. Although, if it makes you feel any better I am a taijiya.”
“Ha! There will be no dating if I had my say in the matter!” Jiichan peered slyly at Sango. “If you're planning on doing some exterminating, where's your sword or that giant boomerang?”
“There hidden in the dining room. Now come inside and you will have your say. Besides, it would mean a great deal to us if you could lend your wisdom to tonight's choice.” Her weapons were currently sitting in her room, but he didn't need to know that.
Jiichan stood in thoughtfulness before shaking his head. “No, I've already sat down to dinner with one demon; I won't do it again.”
“But Jiichan! Who will protect Kagome while I fight off the demons if you are not there to aid me?”
“Humph, I suppose I should tag along then to protect my girls from those foul beings.” Nodding his head, he struck a gallant pose and grabbed a hundred ofudas from his sleeves, ready to jump into action. “Lead the way fair Sango!”
Sango shook her head and led the way back inside.
—In the Living Room—
“So how come the necklace still works? I thought the spell was broken when you took it off.” Inuyasha was leaning against the wall staring at Kagome while she nervously picked at a piece of lint. She had taken repose on the couch with Shippou where she could keep an eye on the two suitors who had posted themselves on opposite ends of the room.
“Kagome! Answer the question!” Inuyasha impatiently yelled at the distracted woman.
Kagome started and glared at the rude hanyou. “Don't yell at me! My hearing is perfectly fine!”
“Then answer the stupid question! Why does the necklace still work?”
Kagome huffed from her seat and crossed her arms. “There's two spells on the necklace. One is a sealing charm which I broke by removing the necklace. The other one, the subjugation spell, has always been active.” Kagome looked queasily at Inuyasha's mutinous expression. “I—I'm not really sure how to break that one.”
“Of course it's still active! You already used it once tonight didn't you?”
Kagome balled her hands before gritting through her teeth, “It's not my fault you're a baka.” Glaring pointedly at Inuyasha's chest, she continued a little more reasonably, “If you don't like it, take the stupid necklace off!”
Inuyasha's eyes flashed in panic as he clutched the bead and fang necklace. “No! I won't let you!”
Kagome's fists slowly unclenched as confusion filtered into her cerulean eyes. “Why would I take it off? You can do that yourself, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha cleared his throat and let his hands drop down between his legs, resuming his `dog' pose. “Good, I'll just keep it on then.”
“Alright, but don't blame me if I say the `S' word. It's your own fault for not taking it off.”
“Okaa-san?” asked Shippou from his place on the couch next to Kagome as he tugged on the black hem of her haori.
“What?” snapped the frustrated miko as she turned to stare at her son.
Once assured of her attention, the kitsune continued. “How much longer until dinner? I'm getting a little hungry.”
Kagome patted her son's hand in commiseration. “Soon, very soon I think. We have to wait for my okaa-san to come back.”
“She'll be back soon won't she?” asked Shippou as he shifted nervously on his seat. `If dinner doesn't start soon, someone is not going to last the night,' he thought desperately to himself as he shifted his gaze from irate hanyou to frustrated miko. The only one truly enjoying the display of temper was the ever stoic taiyoukai. He could tell by the telltale tick gracing the left corner of the taiyoukai's mouth as he strove to conceal a smirk.
“You're almost as bad as Inuyasha!” chided Kagome.
“Hey! I didn't say anything!”
Three sets of eyes looked knowingly at the distraught hanyou.
“Well, I didn't!” he cried.
“It doesn't matter. We all knew you were thinking it. Wait! I know!” Kagome jumped up from her seat and dashed upstairs. A few seconds later Kagome appeared at the head of the stairs and flew back down to her guests with a box in her hand.
“Here you go. This should help tide you over until dinner starts.”
Shippou's eyes lit up as he recognized the tendered treat. “Pocky!” Grabbing the box, he ripped it open and stuffed a chocolate covered biscuit stick into his mouth. A look of pure bliss covered his face as he munched on the favored treat.
“You're the best mom!” Shippou stuffed another stick into his mouth.
Kagome laughed. “I thought you would like it. There's more in my room as I promised, but please try not to eat it to fast. Mom would kill me if—“
“Why should she—Kagome! You did not just give him candy did you?” Sango strode angrily into the room and grabbed the box. “We're going to eat in less then five minutes! His appetite is absolutely ruined now because of you!”
“Um, Sango, this is Shippou we're talking about here. Only Inuyasha can rival this bottomless pit.” Kagome's attempt to deflate Sango's temper failed miserably as Sango picked up her rant again.
“I don't care! He still ruined his dinner!”
Shippou watched as the box wavered back and forth under his nose as Sango gesticulated her ire. Licking his lips, he reached a paw out to the treat, hoping to get at least one more stick from the angry Taijiya before it was locked away for good.
“Is that pocky? I haven't had one of those in years!”
Jiichan jumped into the fray and grabbed the box away from Shippou just as his paw touched its surface. Holding the opening to his mouth, he poured the remaining sticks into the open cavern and began to noisily chew. “Mmmm…scarf…yum…scarf…so good…”
Shippou's eyes began to tear up as he watched the treat disappear down his jiichan's throat while everyone else stared at the old man in amazement. “I just love—,” burp, “—pocky.”
Kagome glared at her grandfather. “You should be ashamed of yourself! You not only stole from a guest but my son! That's just despicable!”
Jiichan guiltily hid the box behind his back as he backed away from Sango and Kagome. “I'm not going to apologize! You shouldn't have given them to him in the first place. You know what temptation food is to me right now. I haven't eaten in three days!”
“Liar! I know you had a snack last night because I saw you sneak into the kitchen.” Sango advanced on the sputtering old man as he gazed back and forth across the room looking for support from any quarter.
“I swear I didn't eat anything! I was merely getting a drink of water!”
“Then why wasn't there any leftover oden this morning?” said Kagome as she continued to glare at the unrepentant old man.
“Are you sure you didn't have any Kagome? You might have been sleepwalking and took a bite or two. You know you can't control yourself when it comes to oden.”
“I don't sleep walk, and you know it! Stop blaming me whenever there's food missing. Now apologize to Shippou for eating his pocky and admit to eating the oden last night!”
“But I didn't!”
Sesshoumaru sniffed the air as Jiichan crept closer and closer to his position against the wall as the two girls continued to stalk the elder. “I can smell your lies old man.”
Jiichan squeaked as he spun around to stare at the confidant demon and slapped a few sealing ofudas onto the expensive suit. “Gah! Don't sneak up on a man like that!”
“This Sesshoumaru does not sneak. It would be beneath this demon's dignity to do so.” Brandishing a claw, he picked at the offensive ofuda marring his suit jacket. “Foolish man. No ofuda has the power to seal me.”
“Those ofudas work perfectly well—“ Warm hands gripped the old man's shoulder and spun him around.
“Don't do that! You're all determined to give me a heart-attack! That's what this dinner is all about. You just want to get rid of this old man so you can have your wicked ways with these demons. I won't stand for it!” Jiichan yanked himself out of Sango's hands and spun to glare maniacally at the taiyoukai. “Out, out, out! There will be no demons here tonight.” He grabbed the surprised demon's hand and began to tug at the immovable appendage.
Aikouitsu sighed as a headache began to pound through her head. “Father, behave. Kagome invited these nice gentlemen into our home, and we will treat them with the proper respect they deserve. It's the least we can do for protecting her while she was in the past.” Aikouitsu smiled charmingly at the poor demon. “Don't worry. He gets a little excited every now and then. I think it's the chocolate that's doing it to him. He really shouldn't eat it at his age.” Turning a kind gaze at her sputtering father, she continued, “Jiichan, please be sure to apologize to Shippou for eating all his pocky. That was really quite rude of you. Gentlemen, Sango, Kagome, please move into the dining room. I'll have supper out in just another minute.”
Turning on her heel, the seemingly unperturbed Aikouitsu Higurashi exited the room leaving a befuddled old man, two irate daughters, and three laughing demons behind in her wake.