InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone.
Kaze no kizu: Wind Scar
Kazaana: wind tunnel
Saimyoshii: Naraku's flying insects, sorry if I spelled this wrong
Ofuda: sutra/sacred scrolls
Onna: woman
Kitsune: fox
Houshi: monk
Jaki: demon aura/energy (may be misspelled)
Otouji-san: uncle
Onegai: please
Kuso: shit
Just a warning, there is a lemonsque/citrus scene here which has been labeled. So, please make sure you're over 17 if you decide to read it! I'd hate to have lawyers showing up on my doorstep with corruption of minor lawsuits written up against me!
Chapter 10:
Aikouitsu breathed in the rich soothing aroma of her green tea before taking a dainty sip. Exhaling on a contented sigh, she cradled the tiny teacup between her tired hands. Looking around herself at the kitchen, she marveled at how long it had taken her to clean up the dinner mess. It was now three in the morning, and she alone was still awake to take in the quiet of the early morning hours. Kagome had fallen asleep crying in Shippou's arms over the fresh loss of her friend and almost daughter, Rin; Shippou hadn't been in much better state remembering the grief of a few hundred years ago. Inuyasha had kindly taken the sleeping girl from Shippou's grief-stricken arms and carried the poor child upstairs to her room and left shortly after with the kitsune in tow. He was truly a great friend. Sango had been willing to help her with the clean up but had looked tired. She had been sent upstairs with only minimal protests as well. Jiichan had taken the easy road and left early in Kagome's emotional breakdown. He never was one to stand a woman's tears if he could help it despite being the cause of many.
Mrs. Higurashi shook her head and took another sip of her tea. Pondering the strange ties that bound the tight knit group together, she attempted to unravel the strange connections revealed during and after dinner. Shippou, adopted son of Kagome and Inuyasha, married Sesshoumaru's ward and adopted daughter and was the proclaimed heir to the western lands, whatever those encompassed. Miroku, Sango's one and only love, became the founder of the Higurashi family and shrine. And Kagome, her caring daughter, was emotionally being torn apart between duty, friendship, love, the past, and the present. So much history was revisited this evening, and all of it seemed to revolve around her daughter.
Sighing again, she drained her cup of the soothing liquid and placed it on the countertop. It would not hurt to leave one dish until the morning. Stretching her aching back, Aikouitsu again looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Three-thirty and well past her normal bedtime. Turning off the light, she paused as a sudden thought entered her mind. `I wonder how Sango is handling all of this?'
—Sango's Dream—
“Hiraikotsu,” screamed Sango as she threw her giant boomerang at the horde of demons clashing all around her. Ducking beneath a clawed hand, she kicked a serpent demon in the stomach sending him careening backward in pain. Reaching out a hand, she caught her boomerang as it returned to her and used the momentum of the flying weapon to swing it around to behead the hulking orge youkai about to clobber her from behind. Panting, she surveyed the carnage littering the battlefield.
Inuyasha was using his Kaze no Kizu attack left and right trying to keep the massive rush of demons from over running them while Kagome was belaboring with her bow at the few demons who made it past the hanyou's defense. She still had a few arrows left but had wisely chosen to save them in case one of Naraku's puppets decided to show up again. Shippou, standing beneath Kagome's braced feet, was doing his best to destroy the dazed youkai with his fox fire while Kagome moved in jerky movements from one to the next. Miroku was fighting not that far behind Sango using his monk's staff to send demon after demon flying in a whirlwind of bodies. He was getting tired though, and his face was creased with pain from his earlier attempt to use his kazaana before the saimyoshii infected the void.
Sango wearily let the boomerang loose again to take out another slew of the youkai horde. `Just how many are there?' she asked herself as she ducked and weaved. Grabbing a hold of a lizard demon's arm, she dropped and rolled on the ground sending the demon flying into three more, knocking them and those crowded behind them down in a domino effect. Jumping limberly to her feet, she grabbed the Hiraikotsu where it had landed in the dirt next to her and continued to belabor the wretched horde surrounding her.
Fighting her way closer to the monk, she tried to scream over the sounds of battle. “Miroku! We've got to get back to the others! We've drifted to far away!”
Miroku grunted as he elbowed a flying head in the eye who was about to chomp his head off and clobbered a second lizard with his staff making the rings jangle in dissonant joy. Reaching into his sleeve, he grabbed a small handful of his few remaining ofudas and threw them at the lines of demons barring him from Sango's side. As the demons fell writhing in pain to the ground, he bounded over the distracted youkai to take up battle position next to Sango. Fighting back to back, they hacked and slashed their steady way towards Kagome and Shippou.
“Take that! And that! And this too!” cried Kagome as she swung wildly around with her bow, knocking senseless demon after demon. Distracted, she failed to notice her friends creeping towards her as she let instinct continue to control her movements. Feeling a cool wind brush her ear, she swung behind and slashed down in an overhead arch. “Hiya!” She cried letting wood hit flesh in a satisfying crunch.
“Ouch!” cried Miroku as stars flashed in his eyes. “I was only getting rid of a goat demon for you!”
Sango laughed as Kagome blinked owlishly at her friends before feeling her instinct kick in once more and turned to dispatch yet another of the countless youkai. “Serves you right Miroku.” Smiling, she winked suggestively at the Houshi. `He's so cute with that dazed and confused look clouding his gaze.' Sighing, she put away her licentious thoughts and turned her concentration back to the battlefield.
“There has to be a reason so many youkai are after us!” said Sango as she let her destructive weapon careen through the air leaving in its wake the mutilated remains of demon flesh. “Kagome, can you sense anyone out there who's controlling this horde?”
Kagome nodded and took a deep breath. Dispatching one last demon, she stepped backwards into the protective circle her friends as she reached out with her miko powers. Searching past the obvious youkai auras surrounding her, she widened her search pattern in a spiral of energy, intent on discovering the mastermind behind the attack. In a dizzying expansion of power, she finally located a well hidden aura in the thicket of trees some four hundred yards northwest of the battlefield. Letting her miko powers flow past the hidden force in seeming nonchalance, she allowed the search to continue for another few seconds before pulling her powers back in.
Releasing her pent-up breath, she looked knowingly at her fighting friends. Tilting her head ever so slightly in the direction of the thicket, she notched arrow to bow, and pulled the string taut. Taking a deep breath, she allowed her power to gather in the arrow that was pointed some fifty yards to the left of the hidden demon. Deciding enough was enough, the arrow would reach its mark with the added force of her powers behind it, she swung the arrow to aim directly at the thicket and released it into the air.
Watching the blazing arrow fly to its mark, Kagome was rewarded with the howl of pain as Kagura fell off her feather with an arrow piercing her shoulder. Smiling wolfishly, she looked at Sango and Miroku who shared her grin with matching ones of their own as Shippou jumped to rest on Kagome's shoulder. Dashing forward, Sango left her friends behind as she bounded over to Kagura's injured body. Once within range, she released her boomerang, intending to end the incarnation's life at last.
Kagura saw the dangerous weapon heading towards her and snapped out her fan and waved it precisely through the air causing the weapon to careen off path to thud into the tree trunk next to her. Lodged solidly, it would not return to battle this day.
Laughing manically, Kagura meet the onslaught of Taijiya, Houshi, and Miko with her blades of wind, breaking up the concerted attack easily. “Did you think you could bring me down with such a pathetic excuse for an attack?” she asked with a feral grin matching the evil red of her eyes. “You should know I am not so easily defeated.” Releasing another attack, she watched as her adversaries danced with graceless movements, dodging her wind blades.
“No!” cried Inuyasha from where he still fended off the greater part of the massive hoard. He watched as Kagome flopped to the ground, nicked by a lucky blade, sending Shippou rolling from her shoulder.
Sango registered the cry and moved to stand in defense in front of her sister. Unsheathing her katana, she waited to see what new attack the demoness would unleash.
“What? Do you think you can protect your precious miko with nothing but a katana?” Kagura smiled seductively as she turned her gaze to Miroku who was slowly regaining his feet from where he had thrown himself head first into a trunk. “Or do you think your lover will save you?” Pursing her lips, she looked at the monk from head to toe. “Perhaps I should steal him for myself. I hear he makes a fine lecher. What do you think?”
Sango growled in anger at the taunting words. “He's not my lover!” she cried as she sprung forward slashing with her sword.
Cutting off her laugh, Kagura jumped backwards as she felt the whisper of steel caress the side already useless with the miko's arrow. Feeling the blood start to flow freely from the wound, she cried out in pain. `A single scratch should not hurt this much!' she thought, whimpering. Turning her gaze to the now kneeling miko, she stared in horror as the woman concentrated her power into a thin string that stretched from her hand to the arrow lodged in her shoulder. Shrieking, Kagura unleashed another round of wind blades scoring several hits against the Taijiya before Miroku dove into the exterminator to knock her out of the pathway of destructive magic. With the exterminator out of the way, Kagura unleashed a fresh attack against the miko kneeling on the ground. Before the first blade could tear into the miko's flesh, a dome of white light surrounded the onna and kitsune; protecting them from harm. With the miko's attention diverted elsewhere, Kagura whipped a feather out of her hair and flew away on the wind as she gave in to the purifying pain of the miko's magic.
Gasping from her place on the ground, Sango pried open her eyes to see Miroku's concerned gaze peering into her own. Moaning, Sango tried to lift her arms to push the Houshi off her body but found herself incapable of motion.
“Shush,” whispered Miroku. “Don't move. You took quite a beating from that last attack.”
Sango closed her eyes against the pain. “What about the others?” Sango felt the loss of weight against her body as the Houshi moved off of her to look at the battleground just in time to see Kagura fly off and Inuyasha demolish the last of the youkai blocking him from his Kagome.
“It's finished,” he said. Turning to look back at the lovely Sango, he leaned over her to give her a chaste kiss on the mouth.
Sango's eyes flew open in surprise at the gentle touch. “What was that for?” she asked.
Miroku smiled weakly. “I thought you were going to die. You didn't think for a minute to dodge Kagura's wind blades and save your own life; you were to busy thinking of Kagome.” Gathering in a shuddering breath, he released it to whisper forcefully, “Don't ever do that again.”
Crashing lips descended on Sango's again as he proved the desperation he had felt moments earlier. Having little strength to return the passionate movement of lip against lip, she concentrated on the roaring in her ears and the rush of her blood as it pumped from her body to cover the ground in crimson color. Dazzling light flickered across her closed eyelids as cool breath trailed from her lips to her ear leaving pinpricks of desire to flash through her wounded body.
“Miroku,” Sango whispered. “I—I love—“
“No, Sango. Just let yourself go and feel.” Miroku lightly nipped at Sango's perfect ears as he spoke causing the Taijiya to relax against the ground.
Drowning in pain and burning desire, Sango fought open her eyes to stare into Miroku's face. `What's wrong with him?' she thought. `He hasn't tried to grope me once. Just steal a kiss.' Hope burgeoned in her wounded breast. `Maybe he does love me.' Smiling tremulously, she found the strength to lift her crimson stained hand to the Houshi's cheek. Feeling his skin against her palm, she tried to choke out more words, “Miroku, do you—“
Miroku jerked against Sango's touch as disgust flooded through his features. Anguish pierced her breast as she watch the Houshi stand up and step over her bleeding body. “I love Seijitsu, not you. I could never love you. Don't ever forget that Sango. Don't ever forget.”
Tears pricked her eyes as she watched her friend and love walk away from her and the battleground. Tearing her eyes away from his retreating back, she looked for comfort and understanding from her remaining companions but saw only Kagome's concern for the unconscious Shippou and Inuyasha's mocking gaze as he stood over the miko with the Tetsusaiga perched arrogantly against his shoulder. “You should practice more Sango. You can't let a demon like Kagura take you down.”
Sango cried in agony as she jerked her body up. Hands fisted in the rough cotton of her sweat-soaked sheets as her heart pounded in misery. Miroku had never loved her. He had chosen someone else. Leaning back against the bed, she buried her head in her pillow and cried her tears of loneliness into the soft down.
—Inuyasha's home—
Inuyasha moodily stared at the full moon shining above him. Tonight had been anything but perfect. His temper had gotten the best of him, again. It just seemed that when he came face to face with Kagome that his baser instincts took hold of him. Something in her scent just made him give in to his inner beast. It didn't help that her sweet sakura scent became stronger revealing a hint of summer storms the angrier she got. That tantalizing combination drove him wild with need to bask in her aura. Shaking his head, he rubbed his hand over his aching heart.
It had been so long since he was able to hold her in his arms and leap across the treetops as she let loose that wonderful laugh of hers. It was moments like those that he knew she completely trusted him. She trusted him to never let go and to always protect her. The few moments he had held her as he lifted her limp body up the stairs to her room had been precious indeed and required all his strength to let her go and turn away. He had wanted to stay in that room, snuggle down next to her, and wait for the dream to end.
Turning away from the window, he padded through his house in search of an outlet to his hidden emotions. Nostalgia, it would seem, was heavy in the air. Thrusting his hands into his fire rat haori, images of his life flashed through his mind. Memories of others he had sworn to protect flew through his mind while those he had failed lingered like a poison. Would he fail Kagome yet again? Was his decision to see his first and best friend again the wrong one? Would she ever be able to pick up the broken pieces of her life once more? Could she find a place for him in her everyday life?
“Feh,” he said out loud as he punched a hole in the wall. “There's no sense in what ifs. I'll just have to make sure Fluffy treats her right. No more crying shit is going to be allowed.” Resolve strengthening his spine, he returned to his room and grabbed his Tetsusaiga. He might as well get some practice in since he was too keyed up to sleep.
—Sesshoumaru's Castle Gardens—
Moonlight bathed the tranquil garden in dancing shadows as the biting wind rushed through the summer night to leave behind a chill that went unnoticed by the taiyoukai standing as solid granite before a miniature shrine. It was a simple enough structure, almost a hut really, that stood in a corner of the immaculate garden. Its white stone columns added to the balanced tranquility nesting around it while its humble origins were lost in a cascade of winding wisteria and surrounded by a plethora of fragrant flowers. They were among Rin's favorites.
Sesshoumaru glanced around the silent garden before walking beneath the tiled roof. Taking a match stick from a container resting on the edge of a hanging pedestal, he lit the wick of a fragrant oil lamp. The flickering light of flames danced in silent commiseration as the taiyoukai stared at a single name chiseled deep into a granite marker.
`Rin,' he thought as he laid a bouquet of fragrant roses before the stone. `Why did you insist that it must be I to tell Kagome what happened to you in life and not your husband? Shippou would have been the better choice; he had a deeper relationship with the miko then I ever did. Surely you could have given this responsibility to him and not to me.'
Sighing, Sesshoumaru reached out a clawed hand to brush against the graven word of her name. “She cried Rin. Oh how she cried.” Water dampened the corner of his eye as he fought to stem back the flood of tears that had been threatening to fall since he started his tale. “Could you not have left her with the memory of your sweet face and laughter that she grew to know so well? Why did you insist on ripping a new hole in her already troubled heart?”
A single tear trickled down his pale flesh as it escaped his control. “Although, you should have seen her smile when I told of your marriage and how you saved Seijitsu.” Sesshoumaru drifted into silence as his hair whipped around him playing in the wind. Closing his eyes, he allowed his mind to wander with the wind, stretching his senses and his jyaki to encompass the night. Calm flooded through his mind and his being as he regained his center. An odd peace settled in him, as though something that had been tugging at the edges of his consciousness had now been released. Opening his eyes, he looked at the chiseled stone and smiled faintly in the moonlight. “Thank-you, Rin,” he whispered, marveling at her astuteness. Perhaps it wasn't just for her, he had to tell the story, but for himself as well.
With his smile still lingering on his lips he walked away back into his ancestral home. It would be good to spend some time with his spirit free. It had been to long constrained to fit the human world.
Shippou watched from the edge of the garden as his otouji-san walked away with renewed peace exuding in his aura. Jumping lightly down from the tree he had found refuge in, he walked into the shrine and laid a single daffodil next to the roses Sesshoumaru had left behind in homage. “I miss you Rin. I miss you so much,” he whispered as he let his tears decorate her grave marker. Letting his tears run their course, he pressed his lips against her name, imagining that the cold stone was instead the warm pliant lips he had once known so long ago.
Blinking his eyes, he laboriously regained his feet and turned to stare into the shadows behind Rin's prominent marker. Walking into them, he laid a lily on another marker. “Rest in peace, Mottomokicho. Rest easy knowing I still look after your children.” Turning to the marker resting beside hers, he bowed in prayer before laying on the ground a sakura blossom. “I wish you had known more of life my son. May you too find ease in the after-life.”
Moving to stand next to the flickering flames, he looked back on the gravestones that marked the sorrow of his life. “Rin, Mottomokicho, Roiyaro, I miss you all,” he whispered before blowing out the flame and disappearing into the moon washed night.
Kagome's Dream Part I—
Kagome smiled sleepily as she let herself bask in the sunlight of late afternoon as a tender breeze drifted across her face. Warmth engulfed her as she leaned backwards against a solid support, contentment oozing from every pore as her leg dangled over the edge of the branch she laid on. A deep rumble pushed against her chest as a gush of soft laughter brushed her ear, fanning her hair out to caress her cheek.
“Tired my love?”
Kagome cracked open an eye and swatted at the hand that held her close against the firm chest she had been caught resting on. “Of course I am baka. What do you expect when you give me three precocious children and little time to rest between?”
Inuyasha chuckled again. Kagome savored the sweet sound of laughter as it escaped his chest. Ever since their mating, he had opened up more, laughed more, respected himself more. It was a gift more precious then the ring he placed on her finger two moons after their mating in a wedding ceremony to satisfy her mother. Hugging the arm that rested against her shoulders, she tilted her head back to gaze into her husband's golden eyes.
Giving him a sultry smile, she reached up with a single hand and pulled him in closer and brushed her lips teasingly against his. Warmth sparkled in his eyes as he willingly gave in to his wife's demands and gently grazed the corner of her mouth with his before lightly brushing his tongue along her lower lip. Her soft moan prompted by his teasing made him sweep down on her parted lips.
Kagome reveled in the feel of his soft lips against her own as his teeth gently nipped the tender flesh and his tongue soothed it. A sense of well-being flooded through her body knowing this was where she belonged. Profound contentment washed over her as she twisted her body slightly in his grasp to deepen the kiss and to broadcast her love more fully to the hanyou who had stolen her heart and made her life complete. Who would have imagined all those years ago that he would be the one to fulfill her desires?
Kagome smiled as her mate withdrew slightly to press light kisses against her mouth. He could be such a tease sometimes.
“Eww! Mommy's kissing Daddy up in the tree again!”
Kagome broke apart from the kiss in startlement. Wobbling, the force of her jerk pitched her over the side of the branch. Silently, she started the slow descent to the ground as Inuyasha leaned forward, attempting to keep his grip on his wife's haori as her son screamed in horror just before her body crashed into the ground.
—Kagome's Dream Part II—
“Ow,” she whispered into the darkness as she rubbed her tense shoulder. Stretching out her arms above her, she worked out the kinks that had formed after her fall. Her dreams were the worst on her muscles. Bringing her arms down to lay against her stomach, she felt a slight dip in the mattress next to her as a pale body moved into her vision above her. A gentle hand reached down to push back a lock of ebony hair from her sweat-sheened brow.
“Did you have another dream,” he whispered as he cradled her cheek.
Kagome smiled sweetly at the heavenly visage above her. “Only if you're not real Sesshoumaru,” she whispered back.
The taiyoukai chuckled and brought his lips down to lightly graze her pliant ones. “I'm as real as you want me to be.”
Kagome reached up her hands to run them down his smooth chest. She marveled again at how much the demon had opened up since she confessed her love for the lonely man. He had taken her on a whirlwind romance, wooing her gently. Gone was the cold exterior in the privacy of their home and gone were the hard edges of his soul. They had found fulfillment in each other and the second half of their soul.
“You know you shouldn't start things unless you plan to finish them,” he rumbled as a purr soothed his throat. Amber eyes deepened in passion as he gazed at the wanton onna in front of him.
Kagome chuckled lightly. How could she forget his sense of humor? Leaning up slightly, she gently nipped his ear before soothing the hurt with her tongue. “I have nothing better to do right now I guess,” she whispered before tugging his ear between her teeth again.
Sesshoumaru tilted his head slightly, moving her chosen appendage away from her ministrations. Tapping his claw against Kagome's shoulder, he pondered for a moment. “Well, I suppose I could rearrange my schedule just for you, although I don't know how in the world I'll explain that to the judge.”
“Tease,” cried Kagome as she hit him in the shoulder.
Sesshoumaru laughed and plopped his weight down on her silken body, effectively trapping her arms beneath them. “You should know better then to threaten me.” He glanced slyly into her bright blue ones. “You must be punished now,” he whispered suggestively into her ear before tracing a pathway down her cheek to tease and taunt her lips with feather soft touches, promising fulfillment but denying enjoyment.
Soft moans filled the pre-dawn air as Kagome struggled to free her hands from Sesshoumaru's weight. “Onegai,” she whispered against his mouth.
Sesshoumaru smirked. “No.” Grazing her lips one last time, he shifted lower on her body so he could pay proper homage to the softness of her flesh. Grazing his fangs against the beating pulse of her neck, he marveled again at how quickly she responded to his love making. It was a treasure he wouldn't trade for the world.
Feeling mischievous, he trailed a fiery path between her breasts denying himself the taste of her perfect breasts and herself that particular pleasure. Lingering, he dipped his tongue into the hollow of Kagome's belly button, fascinated at the contracting muscles of her stomach. Moving his hand still lower, he used a single claw to flick at her hidden bud, eliciting a deep moan from his wife. Smiling, he again laved her stomach with his rough tongue as he pressed again on the throbbing nerve. Kagome bucked her hips in response.
Laughing, Sesshoumaru moved lower down her legs and used one hand to press against her stomach as his second hand continued to tease and play with her glistening folds. Still in a playful mood, he taunted her flesh with his moist breath, poised to lick her center but withholding the promised rapture.
Kagome's body tensed in suspense as again and again, he poised on the edge of reason, promising but withholding. At last, at last, satisfied with her begging cries, Sesshoumaru licked at the sensitized nub sending her body thrashing on the bed sheets as the first rippling waves washed through her body. Intent on prolonging her pleasure, Sesshoumaru again licked her sensitive skin.
[no more lemonsque/citrusy scenes]
Millimeters away from pushing her over the edge of reason, a piercing cry ripped through the air jerking Sesshoumaru from his position between Kagome's thighs. “Kuso,” he whispered as he looked down at the glazed eyes of his wife and her still trembling body. He had given her a taste of rapture, but had been unable to completely fulfill the promise coursing through her veins.
Tearing his eyes away, he strode forcefully into an adjoining room where he picked up two precious bundles crying piteously. Who knew the little runts would do so much damage to his hearing? He would be lucky to hear himself speak, let alone hear the judge in today's court hearing. Walking swiftly back into the bedchamber, he watched as Kagome pushed herself weakly up from her prone position on the sweat-soaked bed sheets. His eyes glinted in male satisfaction. She had yet to recover from her near orgasmic experience.
“Kagome,” he said loudly, trying to be heard above the racket his two pups were making. “Kagome,” he said, panic filtering into this voice as she continued to stare into space. Her eyes snapped to his panicked ones as she blinked to clear the cobwebs from her vision.
Sesshoumaru moved closer to the bed and deposited the loudest infant into his wife's arms. “It's feeding time for Shippou and Rin.”
Kagome looked down at the furry infant lying in her arms. “Oh,” she said as she instinctively nestled the infant closer to herself where he instantly quieted sensing milk nearby. Glancing up from the seeking kitsune, she looked at the other infant still cradled in the taiyoukai's arms. She was a beautiful baby girl and exuded perfect humanity. Glancing back down at Shippou, she marveled at the perfection of the two children, one human and the other youkai. They were twins apparently considering their age but completely different from each other.
Blinking, she brought her gaze swiftly back up to the softened ones of her husband before she slid them back to the girl nestled in her arms. Confusion wrinkled her brow. `When did I have kids?' she wondered to herself as she brought her gaze back up to the red eyed gaze staring back at her before meeting the amber gaze of her husband.
`Red eyes?' she thought as she brought her eyes quickly back to look over Sesshoumaru's shoulder. “Rat!” she cried as she jumped up from the bed to press her body against the headboard, fiercely clutching her son to her chest.
Sesshoumaru deposited Rin in her mother's clutching arms before spinning to see the offensive vermin dash away from the corner and head towards the open window of their bedroom. Flicking his youkai whip, he decapitated the rodent and walked over to the carcass before throwing it out the open window. Closing the paned glass, he turned back to the still frightened female as the children's crying at last registered in his adrenaline crazed brain. Staring at his wife, he watched as her eyes refocused on his own before she cried out in pain as the children at last found their promised meal together.
—Wake-up call—
Kagome's heart pounded as she sat up in bed. Gazing frantically around herself, she hurried over to her open bedroom window and slammed down the paned glass. Checking again for stray rats, she shuddered as her dreams crashed through her system. Her body tingled from the combined kisses and teasing the two inus inflicted on her heated flesh as her mind screamed in denial. `What the hell just happened?' she thought as she collapsed back onto her bed. There was no way she was going back to sleep tonight.