InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Apart ❯ Epilogue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to the Inuyasha characters and storylines nor any of the plot or elements referred to in this story based on Striking Falcon's, You don't know what you have `til it's gone. Everything else belongs to me
Kagome sighed, relaxing against her new husband's shoulder as she gazed tenderly across the garden where they had retreated in wedlock. Her family were happily socializing and dancing, as rambunctious and up to no good as the first time she meet them some four, maybe five months ago. She took a deep breath of the cool autumn air, basking in the feeling of well being.
Sesshoumaru wrapped an arm tightly around Kagome's waist, bringing her closer into his side though no one could see it rest there underneath the table. He had been so protective of her these last few months though the stifling care had lifted somewhat. Now, it was a comfortable feeling that she cherished because it meant he cared. She could almost bypass the arrogance with which he ordered her around, though wedding arrangements had given her the peace of mind to face his demands for bodyguards and the like.
Personally, she was still amazed she had been allowed to walk after a month of confinement to her room at the castle. Not to mention that he let her mother get anywhere near her to help plan the wedding.
She giggled, watching with warmth as Jaken strutted around the guests to their complete ire. His pride at being the closest to choosing their wedding date showed with the rather odd bubbliness surrounding his aura and demeanor. It was so much so that the children actually followed him around rather then running in terror from him. They wanted to catch the seemingly real glass spheres that rose from Jaken's warts as he strutted through the guests.
Even Sango appeared well, almost fully recovered from the wound to her lung. It would never be quite the same, but at least she could still practice her skills if and when Inuyasha let her. It was actually kind of cute, how he hovered over her. It reminded her of a certain someone...
“When do you think Inuyasha and Sango will realize what's happening to them,” she whispered, breaking Sesshoumaru's thoughts from restraining himself from public displays of affections with his new bride. He still had a reputation to maintain after all.
“Knowing the hanyou, I'll give him another three to five years before he even realizes he's in love and maybe another two to get up the nerve to ask for the taijiya's hand.”
Kagome laughed at his matter of fact tone earning a heady glance from Sesshoumaru. Her breath caught in her throat as she remembered what kisses she was gifted with from many such looks. As she leaned in closer, her reverie was interrupted by the high stringent voice of one of her friends coming near her.
Sighing at the interruption, they both turned their faces back to the sea of guests and noted with concern Ayumi marching forward with a wolf-cub following behind her. “Kagome! Get this pest to stop following me around!”
Kagome frowned. She could hear the pleading in her voice and the terror-stricken look in her eyes. She had yet to recover from Shuukaku's betrayal and the cloying taste of fear that near rape brought to her. Nor had she fully forgiven herself from dragging Kagome downtown to save her despite the miko's reassurances.
Sesshoumaru narrowed his gaze at Kappatsu. Releasing his hold on Kagome, he stood to his feet, traditional kimono flaring around him. Jerking his head to the side, he walked off with the wolf-hanyou stalking behind him as he shot yearning looks Ayumi's way.
Kagome patted the seat next to her, concern clouding her voice. “Are you okay, Ayumi? I'm really sorry about Kappatsu. He means well; he really does. He just gets overzealous sometimes.”
Ayumi sighed and sank into the seat next to her best friend. “I just can't handle someone like him, Kagome!” she pleaded, tears brimming in her eyes. “It's too soon. I can't trust anyone yet. You know that!” she whimpered.
Kagome sighed. Whoever decided to truly pursue the girl was going to have their hands full gaining her trust and friendship. Trauma was a hard thing to overcome, especially one as burned and used as Ayumi had been in her short life. “It's okay Ayumi. Sesshoumaru will talk to him and get things straightened out. He won't disturb you anymore.”
She sighed, slumping into Kagome's side in relief. She was so very, very glad that her friend was so forgiving, so calm with everything. She wasn't quite sure what happened in that alleyway, but she did know that if it had been anyone other then Kagome, she would have been lucky to get out of there alive and with her sanity intact.
Ayumi smiled tremulously and gave her newly wedded friend a strong hug. “I'm glad you're happy,” she whispered, before getting off the bench and moving back into the crowd, returning to the rest of their high school circle.
Watching her walk away, Kagome failed to notice Sesshoumaru come up behind her, although she did see Kappatsu head determinedly for Ayumi. Kagome gasped, and rose to her feet only to be halted by Sesshoumaru's hand on her shoulder.
“Watch, Kagome. The cub may have met his match at last.” Kagome gritted her teeth and did what she could to relax as Kappatsu tapped Ayumi on the shoulder, making her turn around to face him. Moments later, after conversing, he walked away leaving a stunned expression on the girl's face.
Without prompting, Sesshoumaru began to speak. “He apologized and asked for her forgiveness for coming on so strongly with this first meeting. He also said that he knew some of what she went through recently and was willing to wait for her to be ready before pressing his suit again.” Sesshoumaru paused as he inhaled his wife's delicate scent, the aroma going straight through his body. He couldn't get enough of it, because soon, its sweetness would be mixed with his own.
Brushing his lips against her hair, he whispered, “He also added that he would be honored to count her among his friends.”
Kagome gasped and looked up into Sesshoumaru's eyes, displacing his chin from its resting place. “Did he really? Did he really say that when he never listens to anyone nor backs off when told?”
Sesshoumaru nodded, the barest hint of a smile gracing his lips as his amber gaze softened. “He did.” He failed to mention however the threats of bodily injury if the wolf did anything less then that. There were some things better left unsaid around his new mate.
She squealed and threw her arms around her mate, her husband, her friend and protector. “I'm glad. I think that's what she needs, someone to wait until she's ready. It's a perfect step towards building a lasting foundation.” She smiled coyly up at him. “It worked for me,” she said seductively, moving in closer to his warmth.
Sesshoumaru nodded and returned the hug. “What say you, we retire for the night,” he murmured huskily into her hair, her words inciting his heat to a greater level. Answering warmth flushed through her body as she nodded her head in agreement. Smiling fully and brightly for all to see, he leaned down to kiss her soft, yielding lips as they disappeared from view, visible only to the concealed youkai eyes around them.
Shippou smiled, seeing the blur of Sesshoumaru's retreating form head to the back of the castle where their rooms lied. He was glad his adopted father finally found a worthy mate. Turning back to his companion, he enthusiastically continued discussing possible collaborations with the lovely Nasou. They had bandied the idea around during his convalescence, and he was itching to get back into the laboratory, especially with such new idea of harnessing energy to lyse the pathogens open, killing them almost instantaneously.
He was oblivious to everything except for the burning passion he and the neko opposite him shared for science. He didn't even notice a few of his grandchildren sneaking away into the manor to leave a few surprises for the happy couple to find in the morning when they awoke...
—\-The End-/—
Author's Note
Well, that's it. And before anyone asks (though I'm not to sure why you would) there will be no sequel to this fic. I have been immensely honored with the opportunity to finish Striking Falcon's, You Don't Know What You Have Til It's Gone, and the amount of support I have managed to attract.
I hope it was worthwhile for each one of you who read this, and I'm glad I was able to share my first, completed novel with all of you guys. One of these days, I may go back and give this the solid proofing it deserves, but until then, I have other projects lodged in my head thanks to two certain people named Pseudomonas and Ouatic7.