InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Hearts ❯ The Claims On Her ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Twisted Hearts
The claims on her
“The reporters are right. You do look good for a human. I'm glad you can at least do that.”
Kagome felt her anger begin to rise.
Kagome felt her anger begin to rise.
“You jerk, of course I look great, and for your information, I can do a lot of things.”
They were in the limousine, going towards their party. Kagome was as far away from Sesshoumaru as she could be. He, on his part, looked as he always did. Cold and calm.
“Well, you can certainly talk, but besides that you haven't done anything spectacular.”
“For your information, I am…”
“What? Good at giving me headaches?”
“You idiot!”
Kagome, on an impulse, threw herself at Sesshoumaru, trying to inflict pain on the youkai. Sesshoumaru grabbed her raised hand and pulled her closer to him.
“Miko…” he said, and his voice was lower. Kagome felt goose bumps begin to form on her arms. “Don't forget that if I wanted to, I could kill you in an instant.”
Kagome's eyes suddenly gain a wicked shine.
“That wouldn't be wise.” She said, remembering the first time she had met him. “Considering that killing your new wife would certainly make relationships between youkai and human worse. Not to mention the mess my blood would leave behind.”
Sesshoumaru blinked. Had he heard right? He had just threatened her life, but she… He sniffed. She smelled of surprise and annoyance, but there was no fear. Sesshoumaru's eyes darkened. He was not used to a human not fearing him.
“You need me.” She said. “You won't kill me.”
And because she was right, Sesshoumaru felt like hurting her.
And because she was right, Sesshoumaru felt like hurting her.
“My half-brother and his wife are going to their honey moon tomorrow. If I remember correctly, they're going to Paris. They met there, you know, about three months before he finished things with you.”
“Apparently, my half brother's mate told him to wait for their trip. They wanted to be at our wedding. Funny, don't you think?”
Kagome's head lowered. She shut her eyes hard.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Sesshoumaru didn't have to sniff her to know that she was hurt. It came on waves around her, and he mildly wondered how one small thing could have so many emotions, feel so much.
“You know…” she whispered “that it hurts. You don't care, though, do you?”
She raised her eyes. They were dry. Sesshoumaru felt intrigued. She was upset…but she did not shed tears.
“You are selfish and arrogant.” She said lowly, here eyes still on his. “You care about nothing and no one. You are cold. You are either looking bored, annoyed, smirking, or blank. Are you ever really happy, Sesshoumaru? Are ever satisfied?”
The limousine stopped, and the driver shyly told them they had arrived, no wonder, he was getting the wrong impression from their closeness.
Sesshoumaru and Kagome stayed where they were.
“What do you live for, Sesshoumaru?”
And with that, Kagome separated herself from him. “We have a party to attend. Try to look at least not bored. There are lots of people watching us. Remember you want them to think we are happy.”
Sesshoumaru moved to follow her put of the limousine, but her words kept repeating themselves on his mind.
He didn't know what that thing in his stomach was that was making him feel so uneasy. He did know he didn't like it at all.
He also suddenly felt a little bad about hurting her. He blamed it all on his father and this damn wedding.
The ballroom was illuminated with candelabrums, their light dim, giving it an air of romance. The tables were at the sides of the dance floor, all of them with candles. There were flowers everywhere, and the mood of the place was cheerful and almost magical.
Kagome walked in, trying to absorb the place, trying to feel better.
“Kagome, wow, I, I….”
Kagome smiled brilliantly at Shippo, seeing him just brightening her mood. The fox demon was blushing slightly, and Kagome planted a quick kiss on his cheek, which only made him blush harder. At his side, Souta punched him playfully on the ribs, and Kohaku smiled at them from the side. Kagome felt better just by watching them interact.
“Boys, I'd love to let you have more time with this lovely lady, but she hasn't danced with me.”
Kagome turned to find Miroku at her back. She smiled and took his hand.
“Behave yourselves, boys.” She told the trio, giving them a warning look. “You don't want to break or mess up anything. Mean Sesshoumaru would probably enslave you or something.”
All the boys groaned, and Kagome laughed at their faces. Miroku took her to the dance floor.
“You know, you just broke Shippo's heart.” Miroku told her playfully.
“Excuse me?”
“The poor boy has a crush on you.”
Kagome's smile warmed. ”Oh, he'll get over it.”
Miroku looked at her with an odd look.
Kagome's smile warmed. ”Oh, he'll get over it.”
Miroku looked at her with an odd look.
“You underestimate yourself. You are one woman that is hard to forget.”
Kagome sighed.
“Inuyasha forgot me quite fast.”
Miroku brought her closer.
Miroku brought her closer.
“I don't think he truly has forgotten you.”
Kagome was about to replay, but a cold voice spoke first.
Kagome was about to replay, but a cold voice spoke first.
“I didn't give you permission to dance with her.”
Kagome turned her head slightly, only to find Sesshoumaru looking at both of them.
Miroku smiled and pulled away from Kagome. Kagome felt her anger start to rise.
”I want him to dance with me.”
”I want him to dance with me.”
“That is not enough.”
“You have no right…”
“Oh, don't worry Kagome. It was rude of me. I'll go dance with the lovely Sango.”
Kagome watched Miroku go and made a mental note to kick him next time she saw him. Really, to leave her alone with such a jerk…
“Dance with me.”
Kagome crossed her arms and lifts her chin.
Kagome crossed her arms and lifts her chin.
“If you want to dance with me, ask it nicely.”
Sesshoumaru ignored her and took her in his arms. Kagome gasped and looked at him. He looked down at her.
Sesshoumaru ignored her and took her in his arms. Kagome gasped and looked at him. He looked down at her.
A picture was taken.
The music changed, and a slow song started. Sesshoumaru put one arm on her waist and took her hand on his.
You and me forever
We belong together
And we'll always endeavor
Through any type of weather
We belong together
And we'll always endeavor
Through any type of weather
“I didn't know someone like you could dance.”
“Like me?”
“Yeah, you know, so…serious.”
“Dancing is something everyone knows in high society. It is a standard.”
“I like this song.” Kagome told him after having enough of the silence.
“I don't care.”
You want everything to be just like
The stories that you read, but never write
You've gotta learn to live and live and learn
You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn
Or you'll get burned
The stories that you read, but never write
You've gotta learn to live and live and learn
You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn
Or you'll get burned
There was an awkward silence, and Kagome had never felt more uncomfortable.
“I was dancing with Miroku.” She finally said.
“I don't care.”
“It was rude.”
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. In the short time in which they'd know each other, she had come to understand that gesture as a sign that he was really annoyed or a bit interested. She was going with the first. She didn't really care.
“Lay your head on my chest.”
Kagome looked at him perplexed.
“We are supposed to be happy. We have to pretend.”
Kagome shot him an annoyed look, but she did as she was told.
Kagome shot him an annoyed look, but she did as she was told.
We wrote our names down on the sidewalk
But the rain came and washed them off
So we should write them again on wet cement
So people a long time from now will know what we meant
But the rain came and washed them off
So we should write them again on wet cement
So people a long time from now will know what we meant
“Why did you want to dance with me?”
“It's expected.”
We wrote our names down on the sidewalk
But the rain came and washed them off
So we should write them again on wet cement
So people a long time from now will know what we meant
So we should write them again on wet cement
So people a long time from now will know what we meant
“Why didn't you let me dance with Miroku?”
He gave her an annoyed look.
“Do you always ask so many questions?”
“Yes, so get used to it.”
“I won't have to get used to it.”
“Yes, you will.”
“Of course not. We'll barely see each other.”
“We'll live on the same house. I'm moving in tomorrow, remember?”
“We'll avoid each other.”
She glared at him.
“Fine with me, you pompous bastard.”
He tightened his hold on her until it was actually hurtful.
“Hey, stop that.”
“My name is Sesshoumaru. Do not call me by any other name.”
Kagome stepped on his shoe.
Sesshoumaru spun her so fast her head actually hurt.
You want every morning to be just like
The stories that you read, but never write
You've gotta learn to live and live and learn
You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn
I'm only concerned
The stories that you read, but never write
You've gotta learn to live and live and learn
You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn
I'm only concerned
“What's the name of this song?”
“I thought you didn't care.”
“It's tactics.”
“The press will like to know why I stopped talking to them when it started.”
“Why did you stop?”
“Oh, come on. Tell me.”
“Youkai are supposed to be possessive of their mates. When they saw you dancing with the human, I had no option but to come.”
“So you just did it because you had to?”
Sesshoumaru stepped away from her and twirled her around.
Another picture was taken.
Around them, everyone had stopped dancing to watch them. Sesshoumaru pretended not to notice. If he did, he would probably kill them all to take away the smiles from their faces. Really, as if it wasn't enough that he had to lower himself and dance with a human.
Kagome didn't notice them either. She was too uncomfortable because of her closeness to Sesshoumaru to care. She was also trying to figure out how she had tangled herself in such a mess.
To the rest of the world, they looked like the perfect couple. They took the seriousness on Sesshoumaru's face as something normal on him, and they thought Kagome's smile was real. Only few saw through the charade.
I'm adding something new to the mixture
So there's a different hue to your picture
A different ending to this fairytale
And no sunset into which we sail
So there's a different hue to your picture
A different ending to this fairytale
And no sunset into which we sail
“The name of the song is `Together' by The Raconteurs.”
“What will you tell them?”
“I'll figure something out.”
He made her spin, her hair going all around her, her scent filling his nostrils. It was sweet and smelled a little like vanilla. It reminded him of a rainy day. He decided her smell annoyed him. Still, when she came back to him, he laid his chin on her head and sniffed one more time.
Yes, he did not like how she smelled at all.
“You don't really know.”
He brought his attention back to her.
“Miko, I know everything.”
She actually let out a little giggle. Sesshoumaru made a note to make her fear him. He truly couldn't go around the world knowing there was one human that didn't actually shake at the sight of him. He couldn't have her thinking they were equals. He would make her understand that she was inferior to him.
“You are bad with emotions, Sesshoumaru, and you are definitely not a romantic. You have no idea of what you will tell the press when they ask you.”
“Tell them you met me when this song was on.”
“That is hardly romantic.”
Kagome sighed and roll her eyes.
“We were at a bar. You looked at me and decided you couldn't leave without dancing with me. You asked me, I said yes, and we went out the next day. This will be our song.”
“That is not romantic. If anything, it is corny.”
You want everything to be just like
The stories that you read, but you can't write
You've gotta learn to live and live and learn
You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn
Or you'll get burned
You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn
Or you'll get burned
The song ended, and Sesshoumaru let go of her almost immediately.
“I'll meet you in half an hour to make rounds around the tables.”
Sesshoumaru turned to walk away.
He looked back at her, and Kagome once again found herself staring into his cold, golden eyes. She felt chills run down her spine.
“If anyone asks, this is our song.”
And he walked away from her. She stood on the middle of the dance floor, thinking that she truly had married a bastard.
Souta owed her big.
She looked at him with a hard face. He just kept smiling at her, which only made her look harden. When she felt his hand wander lower than was necessary for dancing, she simply did what any woman would do.
She slapped him as hard as she could and walked away from him.
He didn't waste time in thinking and started to follow her.
He grabbed her hand, but she took it away from his fast.
“I'm sorry. I swear I won't do it again.”
Sango did turn then, only to look into his smiling face.
Sango did turn then, only to look into his smiling face.
“Liar, you always say the same thing.”
She started to walk away from him again.
Miroku took a moment to try to understand the situation. Surely Sango couldn't be that mad just because his hands wondered on their own. No, it couldn't be that. Besides, he was positive she had blushed a little before hitting him. That aside, why was she so mad? He was sure he hadn't done anything that merited such anger. Miroku sighed and went to follow Sango.
“Sango, would you please tell me what is wrong?”
They were a little ways away from the party. Sango had managed to find a private place where she could yell all she wanted and not draw attention. She looked at him, her brown eyes intense, and Miroku felt a knot tighten on his throat.
“I can't believe you did that.”
Miroku looked so innocent she wanted to hit him again.
Miroku looked so innocent she wanted to hit him again.
“You danced with Kagome! You know you can't do that. Not now that she is married to a youkai, and not just any youkai. Sesshoumaru Taisho comes from a very old and powerful family. What were you thinking?”
“Kagome may be ignorant about youkai traditions and customs. She may be naïve, but you are not. You know perfectly well what could have happened if…”
“Sesshoumaru isn't attached to her. He doesn't really feel the need to protect her.”
Sango got more irritated.
Sango got more irritated.
“A little possessiveness is enough. In youkai world, Kagome is Sesshoumaru's, and no other male is allowed to be close to her without his permission.”
“That only applies in youkai society, and in that society Sesshoumaru is now Kagome's.”
“That is not the point!” She yelled, frustrated. “If he had been attached, he could have hurt you.”
Miroku's grin widened.
“Were you worried about my safety?” He asked her softly, getting closer. Sango blushed.
“I am worried about Kagome.” She murmured. “She doesn't need any more trouble. Things between those two are going to be difficult without you adding more trouble.”
“She will be fine.”
Sango's brows narrowed. “You don't know that.”
“Ah, but I do.” At seeing Sango's veins start to pop, he spoke faster. “Kagome will, undoubtedly, catch Sesshoumaru's interest. Kagome is just like that. If there is anyone capable of standing up to Sesshoumaru-sama, it is Kagome.”
“Sesshoumaru is not like the others. He has no respect for humans. He just married her because…well, I don't know why he chose her, but he sees her as something inferior, something to be used.”
“He still came when he saw me dancing with her.”
“I suppose he did it because it was expected. Unless…”
And that is when everything clicked in.
And that is when everything clicked in.
“Miroku…”She said, a warning on her voice, “why did he choose Kagome?”
Miroku gulped and backed away from her.
“Well, you see…”
“I told him she would be a good option to, um, marry.”
Silence. A very dangerous silence.
Then, the storm.
“Why the hell did you do that? You knew! You knew about Kagome's situation. You knew she wouldn't be able to say no. She was heartbroken and her brother needed her. She had no option. She was desperate, and you just sent her to him! To a cold and emotionless youkai! How could you do that?”
“He is what she needs.”
”He is everything she doesn't need.”
”He is everything she doesn't need.”
“Sango…I wouldn't do anything that hurt Kagome. Trust me on this one. It will turn out fine.”
“He'll hurt her in less than a week.”
“Kagome will be okay. She is a miko. Surely that will keep her safe”
“She doesn't know anything about youkai's. She is an untrained miko!”
“We'll teach her.”
“He is Inuyasha's brother.”
“Inuyasha didn't deserve her.”
“And Sesshoumaru does?”
“You tied her to him for life!”
“Actually, they decided that for themselves.”
“You know Kagome doesn't know how deep this tie goes. She doesn't know that there is no way to break it until he decides to do so, and he won't because that is looked down upon in youkai's world. There is no way out.”
“Sesshoumaru knew.”
“Kagome didn't.”
“A minor problem.”
But Miroku took that moment to lean closer to Sango, and he gently brushed his lips against hers.
But Miroku took that moment to lean closer to Sango, and he gently brushed his lips against hers.
“If they don't get along in a few months, you can skin me alive.”
Sango smacked him on the head and walked away saying something about perverts.
When she was sure Miroku could not see her, she smiled.
He had to get away.
The air was becoming too heavy, and all the happy faces were making him uncomfortable, and for some strange reason he wanted to make someone hurt. Hell, even Kykio was getting on his nerves. He had no idea what was going on. He didn't know what was wrong. All that he knew was that he felt that the world was closing in around him, and all he wanted to do was run and run and run until the music faded and whispers of the newly weds didn't reach his ears.
“They look so good together!”
“They make a stunning pair.”
“She is gorgeous.”
“She married such a sexy and strong youkai.”
“If she wasn't taken, I would gladly go for her.”
“She is one lucky girl. Sesshoumaru-sama sure is a great catch.”
“Oh my, it must be good to be them.”
He had had enough of people talking about how pretty she was and how stunning he was and what a magnificent pair they made. The questions about whether he was okay with his brother marrying his ex-girlfriend had also gotten on his nerves. No, of course he was not okay. Yes, things were happening way too fast. No, there was nothing he could do but accept the fact that Kagome had married his idiotic half-brother.
He had had enough of people talking about how pretty she was and how stunning he was and what a magnificent pair they made. The questions about whether he was okay with his brother marrying his ex-girlfriend had also gotten on his nerves. No, of course he was not okay. Yes, things were happening way too fast. No, there was nothing he could do but accept the fact that Kagome had married his idiotic half-brother.
The real problem, though, was that he shouldn't care.
Sure, he had loved Kagome, but that love had never run as deep as his love for Kykio did. They had had a solid relationship, but the spark had been gone long before Kykio came into the picture. Now, he had no right to act the way he was. He was married and mated, and Kagome should have stopped being his problem the minute he had chosen Kykio over her. He should not be feeling…whatever it was that was making him boil with anger.
And no, of course it was not jealously.
He could not be jealous of his half brother. Not when he had Kykio at his side. She was delicate and like a porcelain doll. She knew all the etiquette of the high class. She was intelligent. She was kind. She was everything he needed, and Kagome was not.
Except seeing them together made something inside of him snap.
When they had kissed at the church, he had felt like ripping Sesshoumaru's throat apart. He hadn't been able to control the growl that had grown in his throat. When they had gotten out of the limousine and his eyes had caught sight of Kagome's, he had seen the same spark that had been there at the beginning of their relationship.
It had made him want to go to her and take her away, and that was not good because he was sure that he loved Kykio and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
He was just confused. He wasn't ready to see Kagome with anyone yet.
“It will pass soon.” He whispered to himself, trying to calm his anger. To make a scene right now would not be good. “You just feel like taking care of her because of all the time you spent with her.”
With that in mind, he proceeded to walk back to the party. Kykio would be worrying about him, and the idiot would be asking stupid questions about his whereabouts.
The first thing he saw when he entered the ballroom did not help at all. He saw them dancing on the floor, surrounded by people with awed faces, and his hands clenched into fists.
They were too close, and his hand was on her waist. He brought her closer after he twirled her. They were talking to themselves and not paying attention to the world around them. If he didn't know better, he would actually go as far as to say that they looked happy.
Sesshoumaru seemed to be talking, which was odd because he usually just glared at whoever was in front of him. She was looking at him with a smile, but Inuyasha was sure that she was annoyed and probably shooting a thousand questions to Sesshoumaru.
He didn't know why it bothered him to see them interact with each other.
He followed Sesshoumaru as soon as he left Kagome's side.
He knew he was being followed. With all the noise the hanyou was making, even a human would know. He went outside of the ballroom and walked through the corridors, trying to find some peace inside this mansion. He had insisted to rent a place for the wedding. He did not want to receive people over at his house. As he kept walking, he was glad of his decision. His place would have smelled bad for days after with all the humans that had attended. Finally, he found a place that was quiet. Sesshoumaru allowed himself a moment of peace.
It was broken when his brother stomped ungracefully out and planted himself in front of him.
“Why the hell were you touching her?”
Sesshoumaru turned to look at a very angry hanyou that had obviously said the first thing that came into his mind because it was not a coherent question. It was such like his idiotic half brother to act on impulse.
“I haven't touched your…woman.”
“I am not talking about Kykio.”
Sesshoumaru didn't bother to say anything more.
It only made Inuyasha angrier.
“You were dancing with Kagome and you…”
“I have every right to be with her.” Sesshoumaru felt like angering him more. “She is my wife.”
“I told you not to marry her!”
Sesshoumaru moved fast as lighting and stood high over Inuyasha, who held his ground with stubbornness.
Sesshoumaru moved fast as lighting and stood high over Inuyasha, who held his ground with stubbornness.
“She is not your problem.” Sesshoumaru said dangerously.
“I don't care.”
The tension between them could be cut with a knife. They were challenging each other, daring the other to make the first move, waiting for the other to snap. Sesshoumaru knew it would be his brother.
Sure enough, Inuyasha was the first to move.
They were too close for Inuyasha to truly attack Sesshoumaru, so he threw his body at him, making the other stumble back. Now, with enough space, Inuyasha attacked.
There were fists and kicks, and neither cared that they were in suits and that there was a party outside and someone could come in and see them.
It reminded them both of when they were little and his father would make them train. Their father had always insisted that youkai should always know how to fight. Sesshoumaru would always win, attributing it to Inuyasha not being a youkai, which would lead them into another fight.
This fight was like those. The motive was the only thing different.
Sesshoumaru flew into the air and prepared to attack with his claws. He had not used this attack in a long time. Inuyasha did not even consider the danger and launched himself straight at Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru's attack hit Inuyasha, making him fall to the floor, blood coming out of his chest.
It was in that moment that Kagome came in, a shout forming in her throat.