InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tying Up Loose Ends ❯ Inuyasha's Speculations ( Chapter 3 )
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“Happy occasion... How could Kagome even think that?” Inuyasha muttered to himself from the boughs of the God tree. Summer sunlight bore down onto the tree leaking in between the gaps in the green leaves and falling on Inuyasha’s melancholy face. Birds chirped cheerfully, and squirrels and other creatures ran about playing happily underneath a brilliant blue sky.‘Even the weather seems to think it’s a pleasant occasion,’ he thought to himself.He felt as though he should be happy. Naraku was slain. He’d had his revenge. So why did he feel this way? Was it truly Kikyo’s second demise that plagued his mind and left him feeling empty? He jumped down from the limb on which he had positioned himself. His eyes met with the scar left behind on the tree from Kikyo’s arrow.His mind turned to the day he and Kikyo were pitted against each other by the despicable Naraku. As much as he cared for Kikyo, he still felt she had betrayed him. Not because she had pinned him to a tree for fifty years, but because she actually believed he would harm and betray her. The trust of hers that he had managed to gain was lost so easily. He could understand why it had been lost since Naraku had taken on his form, but she continued to despise even after she had discovered the truth. She no longer seemed to care for him. Was this what was bothering him?He heard a soft rustling from the bushes surround the clearing in which the god tree grew and quickly leapt back into the tree doing his best to stay hidden from sight. A tall girl of seventeen carrying a large yellow backpack stepped out into the clearing. A soft breeze blew her raven locks out of her chocolate brown eyes, which were full of disappointment.“I was sure I would find him here,” she said to herself dejectedly. “Oh well, I guess I’ll apologize after I get more medicine for Miroku and Sango.”Inuyasha watched her toss her oversized backpack into the well and then jump in after it.“She.. She was going to apologize?” asked himself, slightly confused.It was little things like that that made her so different from Kikyo. She was also more trusting and open than Kikyo, and he trusted her in return. They had been traveling together for two years now, and he had grown to care for her very much. A realization hit him suddenly. This is what was bothering him.The shikon jewel was three shards away from being whole. After they had finished collecting all the pieces of it, her reason for her travels in the Feudal Era would be gone. Their journeys would come to an end. She’d return to her time and her former life, and he would use the jewel to become a full demon. With the jewel gone, she’d have no way to return to the Feudal Era to visit him. He had grown to love her, and they were going to be torn apart. He couldn’t bear the thought of it.