InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Tenshi-kun ( Chapter 35 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

Two cold arms crossed over her chest and a chin rested in the crook of her neck.

“Benvenuto ospizio.”
(Welcome home)

This time:

She froze at his choice of language. Italian, the language tey had learned just so they could speak to each other without anyone being able to eaves drop.

“Che, avere voi dimenticai nostro segreto idioma?” he asked with fake hurt in his voice.
(What, have you forgotten our secret language?)

“Non,” she replied emotionlessly.

“Allora, volei voi mente parla a lui ogni marchio noi discorso?” he asked.
(Then, would you mind speakinit every time we talk?)

“Per quale ragione?” she questioned.

“Della trascorso is un delizioso materia a tavola ricordare mio amore,” he stated turning her face towards his.
(Our past is a delightful thing to remember my love.)

“Discorrere durante personalmente!” she snapped and jerked away from his hold.
(Speak for yourself!)

She glared at him with hate in her watering eyes.

“Come bidone voi discorrere cosi poco pesante da della trascorso dopo che voi did a tavola me?” she questioned angrily.
(How can you speak so lightly of our past after what you did to me?)

“Io did nulla ma amore voi Kiyomi, is un quei un crimine?” he retorted.
(I did nothing but love you Kiyomi, is that a crime?)

“Masashi, voi picchiare me e prese mio verginità quando io begged voi a tavola fermare; voi raped me!” she shouted.
(Masashi, you beat me and took my virginity when I begged you to stop; you raped me!)

“Io perduto dominare, io did non esoso a tavola penoso voi; io did non volere voi,” he declared sadly.
(I lost control, I didn’t mean to hurt you; I didn’t want to hurt you)

Her face softened in hearing his words; he didn’t want to hurt her. As those words repeated in her head, she was totally oblivious to the fact that he had backed her into a tree. Once she noticed she placed her hands on his chest about to push him away, but he just held her hands there with his and leaned his forehead against hers.

“Tutti io volere ebbene is a tavola sentisti voi chiamare me Tenshi-kun,” he murmured softly.
(All I want right now is to hear you call me Tenshi-kun)

“Favore, lasciare me andàrsene,” she pleaded shakily.
(Please, let me leave)

She looked up at him slowly as he released her and was shocked at the hurt in his eyes; the eyes of the real Tenshi-kun. She raised a shaky hand to cup a side of his face making him tense; yes, this was the Masashi she had grown to love. He let out a content sigh and closed his eyes.

“Tenshi-kun, is un quei reale voi?” she asked hopefully.
(Tenshi-kun, is that really you?)

His eyes remained closed as his content smile stretched into a malicious smirk, and when his eyes flashed open, they were glowing brightly. He pinned her wrists to the tree and crashed his lips against hers.

‘Why must you trick me like this’ she thought.

‘Because it’s so god damn funny’ he mocked.

He thrust his tongue into her mouth and she bit down hard. She pushed away from him tasting the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. He hissed in pain and she ran as fast as she could to get away from him, but when she made it to the middle of the clearing, he tackled her to the ground. He flipped her over so that she was laying on her back and slapped her across the face.

“A lui cera io usare a tavola istruire another lezione!” he spat.
(It looks like I need to teach you another lesson!)

She kicked and screamed as he tore off her clothes until she was naked. He, once again, crashed his lips against hers as he squeezed her breasts making her whimper. He tore away from her lips and took a nipple into his mouth biting down hard and sucking the blood he had drawn as he listen to her scream. He moved to the other breast and fought to restrain her as he mercilessly tortured her breast. She jerked her head away when he tried to kiss her. He growled and wrenched her face back towards him

“Tua feisty mente has returned io vedere. Sebbene a lui might sua un fila negli, io am going avere a tavola vomico a lui nuovamente,” he stated.
(Your feisty spirit has returned I see. Although it might be a turn on, I’m going to have to break it again)

He dug his claws in her sides and dragged them down to her hip. She winced not wanting him to gain satisfaction from her screams. She kicked and pushed trying to get him off, but she was too late. He had cut her up badly and now there was nothing stopping him from taking her. He released his manhood from the confines of his white jeans and thrust roughly inside her. She screamed in pain as he took her hard and fast. He could feel her power flowing through him; he wanted more.

“A lui has been cosi vasto allora io avere been di dentro voi, io avuto dimenticai come buono voi toccare e come grandioso tua potenza is, io debbono avere di più,” he urged.
(It has been so long since I have been inside you, I had forgot how good you feel and how wonderful your power is, I must have more)

He thrust inside her hard and pulled out slow repeatedly. She cried out and tried to push him out of her but it just made him angry. He thrust harder and faster than before and was literally driving her into the ground. She cried out begging him to stop but he continued and made his thrusts even more painful than the last. They moaned as his release erupted inside her. He withdrew himself from her and collapsed. Her power was stronger than before it left him weak , but he forced himself off her anyways and zipped up his jeans. He stood up and admired his work; she was bruised, cut, and bleeding from the neck down, she was lucky he had been merciful. He knelt beside her and gazed at her beautiful body. She was crying silently as he rubbed and caressed her body. He ran his fingers across her aching entrance and thrust three fingers inside her making her arch her back and groan in pain. He withdrew his fingers and licked her essence from them hungrily and then leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. He then left a small note on her stomach, got up, and walked away.

“MASASHI YOU BASTARD!” Hitoshi snarled pouncing on him.

They went at it until Hitoshi flung him against a boulder and he disappeared. Hitoshi turned back to Kiyomi and growled at the site; she was so beat up. Why didn’t she tell him where she was going? He walked up and knelt by her side. He brushed some stray strands from her tear stained face.

“Io am scusa,” she whispered weakly.(I am sorry)

His eyes widened at her words; she spoke Italian? His eyes softened.

“Shh mio amore, voi avere done nulla fasullo, ebbene giacere,” he hushed.
(Shh my love, you have done nothing wrong, now rest)

She smiled weakly and sadly said, “Negli meno di tutti io potere ebbene un quei Tenshi-kun is reale morto.”
(At least I know now that Tenshi-kun is really dead)

With that said, she drifted off to sleep.

(A/N: Review!)