InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ You Just Got Told in Italian ( Chapter 37 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ok I know some of you probably hate me for putting Masashi and Naraku in the school *dodges bullets and arrows*, but I promise there is a good reason. Enjoy!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

The girls tensed and the boys growled, even Miroku. It was Masashi and Naraku.

This time:

“You look surprised,” Naraku stated.

“Sereno, did voi pensare io was going a tavola equanime dare sù because quei accopiare da vostra got me quando io was debole? Ha, voi debbono non potere me
quei ebbene, forse io should enlighten voi un bit di più,” he suggested.
(Yeah, did you think I was going to just give up because that mate of yours got me when I was weak? Ha, you must not know me that well, maybe I should enlighten you a bit more)

Kiyomi took a deep breath, let go of her sisters, walked right up to him, and stared him right in the eye with a blank expression.

“Io am non paura da voi anymore e io volli non eremo mio epoca waiting durante della ancorare io knew tutti questi years ago,” she declared sharply.
(I am not afraid of you anymore and I will not waste my time waiting for the guy I knew all those years ago)

His eyes widened at the abrupt statement.

“Voi knew pari come a tavola vomico me e voi did, ma voi didn’t fermare, voi waited until io was spatola negli tua mani. Voi avere tortured me durante ears facente sicuramente io volei giammai realizzare, quite voi fare ebbene, quei am stronger than voi sono. Pure, voi già potere quei don’t voi?” she smirked.
(You knew exactly how to break me and you did, but you didn’t stop, you waited until I was putty in your hands. You have tortured me for years making sure I would never realize, as I do now, that I am stronger than you are. However, you already know that don’t you)

“Sentisti quite voi minuscolo bi-,” he started.
(Listen here you little bi-)

He grabbed her shoulder. She grabbed his wrist and through him across the room. She walked up to him as he tried to get up, crouched down next to him, grabbed his chin, and snapped his head toward her.

“No Masashi, voi sentisti,” she hissed, “se voi, Naraku, ovvero qualche da tua amici posare un ditto sopra mio famiglia ovvero amici, io volli non esitare a tavola uccidere voi.”
(No Masashi, you listen; if you, Naraku, or any of your friends lay a finger on my family or friends, I will not hesitate to kill you)

He glared at her and then started laughing hysterically. He slapped her hand off his face, grabbed her wrists, and pulled her on his chest.

“Don’t pensare voi sono tutti elevato e mighty equanime because voi knocked me da quei uno epoca. Io bidone accettare voi qualche epoca io volere, cosi don’t obliare ove tua posto is,” he whispered menacingly.
(Don’t think you are all high and mighty just because you knocked me out that one time. I can take you any time I want, so don’t forget where your place is)

“Io haven’t; io equanime found a lui,” she shot back.
(I haven’t forgotten; I just found it)

He smirked, pulled her closer, released her wrists, cupped her face, and leaned in. She put her hand on his face and slammed it into the floor leaving a dent. She got up and started to walk back to the table. Hitoshi pulled her back on his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled and kissed him on the lips making Masashi growl. They got up and walked to P.E. class.

“Andare a tavola inferno!” Masashi shouted.
(Go to hell!)

“Voi andare primo,” they shot back in unison.
(You go first)

He growled and punched the wall making a hole.

“Pathetic,” Naraku said shaking his head.
(A/N: Yeah I know it’s short but it just felt right ending it there. Anyways review!)