InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Bloody Nose ( Chapter 40 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

She pulled away and breathed, “You are the only man for me.”

This time:

Kagome was telling everyone about Hojo’s encounter with Inuyasha as they walked back to the dorms. They all laughed.

“Yeah Hojo is somewhat of a pacifist, though he claims to be willing to ‘fight’ for Kagome’s heart,” Sango clarified.

“Yeah he’s just an innocent stalker Inuyasha, nothing to be worried about,” Kiyomi assured.

“Better,” Inuyasha muttered.

When they were a few blocks from the dorms, Kiyomi stopped. She looked behind her and at an alleyway; did it just call for her? Hitoshi turned around noticing Kiyomi wasn’t by his side. He saw her walking towards an alley and immediately grabbed her by the arm.

“Kiyomi, what are you doing?” he asked.

She was silent and finally spoke, “Hitoshi, I need you to take Kagome to her dorm and watch her for me.”


“Naraku wants to speak with me.”

“What! You want me to leave you to talk with him alone!

“Naraku won’t hurt me; he knows that Masashi would kill him.”

“What if Masashi is-!”

She kissed him deeply before he could say anything and pleaded, “Please Hitoshi, trust me. I need you to protect Kagome.”

“Why can’t Inuyasha?”

“Inuyasha doesn’t know that Naraku molested her because I had that memory erased from her mind! She has no idea how much danger she’s in!” Kiyomi snapped.

Her eyes widened and she slapped her hand over her mouth, she didn’t mean to yell at him.

“I’m sorry Hitoshi, I’m just feeling a little stressed, I didn’t mean to yell at you,” she whispered.

He sighed and pulled her into his arms resting his chin on her head.

“It’s ok love, I know this isn’t easy for you. Just go and I’ll watch Kagome,” he assured.

“Thank you,” she said.

She kissed him quickly and walked into the alley.

With Hitoshi, Inuyasha, and Kagome:

“Where’d you say Kiyomi went again?” Kagome asked.

“Uh, she forgot something at work,” he lied.

“You let her go back to Shippo alone?” Inuyasha asked in disbelief.

“Of course, I trust her,” he replied.

“So why didn’t you go to your dorm?” Kagome asked.

“Is it a crime for me to hang out with my brother and sister-in-law?” he shot back.

She eyed him suspiciously making him fidget and then he decided to change the subject.

“Hold on, I just thought of something. If Inuyasha is both mine and Kiyomi’s brother, whose brother-in-law is he?” he asked.

(Me: It’s random but interesting)

“Yeah, well since Kiyomi’s his blood relative I think he’s your brother -in-law,” Kagome said.

“Yeah but according to our birth records, he’s legally my brother,” Hitoshi said.

“Yeah but I think you’d rather he be Kiyomi’s brother because, if you both are considered Inuyasha’s siblings, that means you guys are siblings. And if that is so it will be considered incest and you guys won’t have to worry about in-laws,” Kagome concluded.

(Me: ….I understand. Translation: I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about)

“Honestly I don’t care who’s brother-in-law I am,” Inuyasha said.

(Me: Translation: What the hell are they talking about?)

With Kiyomi:

“Naraku I know you’re here, show yourself!” Kiyomi’s voice echoed through the dark, narrow alley.

There was silence until Kiyomi made it to the middle of the alley.

“You know for someone I almost raped, Kagome only seems to hold resentment against me for beating you,” Naraku said from behind her.

She turned around to see Naraku leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Kagome is a very forgiving person, maybe she just hasn’t forgiven you for being an accomplice of the rape of her sister,” Kiyomi suggested coldly.

“Well I know that, but the memory of that one moment looked as if it was erased from her mind completely. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” he whispered in her ear.

She shivered and asked, “Why would you care anyway?”

“Memories are precious especially that one and they shouldn’t be erased.”

“You’re wrong! Kagome didn’t deserve to remember something like that; she didn’t deserve to suffer! Just like you don’t deserve her!” she shouted.

He growled and slammed her face into the brick wall.

“Listen, you might be Masashi’s bitch but you will not talk to me like that!”

“I…am not…Masashi’s…bitch!” she screamed slamming her foot between his legs.

He groaned and fell to the ground and she huffed wiping the blood from her nose.

“If anything, you’re Masashi’s bitch,” she spat kicking him in the gut and walking away.

At Inuyasha and Kagome’s dorm:

Hitoshi, Kagome, and Inuyasha had just put in Madea Goes to Jail and were on the couch watching the previews until they heard someone come in the door.

“Hey Yomi, we just put in Madea Goes to Jail, you wanna-,” Inuyasha stopped mid sentence and sniffed the air, “Yomi why do I smell your blood and why are you covering your nose?”

“Ok before you all freak out, I just want you to know that on my way back I ran into a pole. I’m ok I just had to crack my nose back in place, hence the bleeding,” she explained.

She uncovered her nose and it was indeed bleeding.

“Yeah that sounds like you,” Kagome said turning back to the movie, which was now at the menu.

Hitoshi stared wide-eyed at the blood pouring from her nose and clutched a pillow tightly. He shuddered as one drop of blood fell to the floor.

“Kataki, can you please clean up your nose before I lose control,” he pleaded through clenched teeth (I know I make him sound like a vampire but he is one in my new story).

She nodded and went to the bathroom. He sighed in relief and released the pillow that was now punctured. She came back out and sat next to him and they all just stared at her.

“Well are you gonna start my favorite movie or what?” she asked mockingly.

Inuyasha nodded and pressed play.

“When we get home, you’re telling me what really happened,” he whispered in her ear.

(A/N: Finally my 40th chapter is done! Minus the author’s note. REVIEW!)