InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Halloween Party ( Chapter 51 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yeah, sorry about stupid Joseph last time, he’s just an egotistical know it all-oh I’m rambling sorry. Anyways, enjoy!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

“Hitoshi, whatever you’re thinking of I know it’ll get us kicked out so don’t do it,” InuTaisho ordered sternly.

“Fine,” his grin grew wider, “I’ll just order a giant strawberry parfait to go.”

This time:

Saturday evening:

The girls were in Kiyomi’s room getting in their costumes for Shippo’s Halloween party, they were each going as an animal. Kiyomi was going as a black cat (…I guess it is cuz of the pet name) which costume consisted of a black leotard, black fishnet leggings, and black high heels. Kagome was going as a ladybug with a black and red-layered tutu, ladybug effect corset top, bug-like headpiece and wings, matching gloves, stockings, choker, and black high heels. Sango was going as a white bunny with a white leotard with evening tails and a bunny tail, gloves, collar, bow tie and bunny ears. Also it consisted of long satin gloves, separate white collar, white bow tie, bunny ears on an Alice band and finally a pin on bunny tail (A/N: I do not own this combination).

“Damn, we look hella sexy!” Kiyomi squealed.

“Come here, let’s take pictures!” Sango suggested.

They struck poses and took about thirty pictures until they remembered the party started at 10:00 and it was 9:27. They walked out into the living room and their jaws dropped at what they saw, the guys looked so fine! Inuyasha was wearing a Spartan costume that consisted of a black armor skirt (*snicker*), sandals, and lace up black wrist cuffs. Miroku was wearing a black and dark purple pirate costume with a real sword (…poor Shippo). Hitoshi was going as a werewolf with a black pelt that looked familiar to Kiyomi.

‘In his father’s pelt, he looks exactly like him,’ she thought.

“Geez you’re finally ready!” Inuyasha complained.

Kiyomi looked at Inuyasha up and down and giggled. He quirked an eyebrow as she pulled on his skirt (*eyes watering trying to stifle a laugh*).

“What?” he asked.

“You’re wearing a skirt,” she mumbled.


“Hey, hey, hey let’s not get at him. He looks sexy in a skirt!” Kagome defended.

“Thank you!” Inuyasha said.

“Anyways, it’s already 9:31, let’s go!” Miroku declared ushering them all out the door.

At Kobayashi High:

Shippo stood on the sidewalk in front of the gym waiting for his V.I.P guests. His prince charming costume consisted of a white military style jacket with attached gold and black epaulets, white slacks with a gold stripe on each side and a military style belt and metal. The jacket also had a gold collar, buttons, cuffs, and a gold sash. He then saw a black and silver Veyron Bugatti come through the entrance and stared at it in awe.

‘I wonder who’s car that is’ he thought.

The car pulled into a parking space in front of the gym and he was shocked at who came out. His employees came out of the car that cost over one million dollars! So, why the hell were they working for him? The girls ran up to him with excitement plastered on their features.

“Hey Shippo!” they greeted in unison.

“Wow you three look amazing,” he complimented and then looked over to the guys, “but why is Inuyasha wearing a skirt?”

“Damn it it’s not a skirt!” he protested.

“Sure what ever lets you sleep at night,” he muttered and then turned back to the girls and held out his hands, “May I escort you into the party?”

“Of course you may,” they answered with British accents.

He laughed and led them into the gym.

“I hate that damn kid!” Inuyasha growled.

“How long do you think I’d be in prison for killing a minor?” Miroku asked evilly putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Now, now gentleman, I’m sure Shippo is a stud here so some of his fan girls will pull him away soon. Just like when we were in high school,” Hitoshi assured.

“Will you stop acting like it was so damn long ago, you’re making me feel old,” Inuyasha muttered.

Miroku and Hitoshi laughed and they followed the girls and Shippo into the gym.

Inside the gym:

The group was dancing to Lollipop by Lil Wayne and the girls were having the time of their lives.

“Hey Hitoshi, how about you tell Shippo your secret to getting a girl in the club?” Miroku suggested with a smirk (they are speaking loud since the music is up so high).

“Secret?” Shippo asked.

“Nah, I don’t think you’re ready for it kid,” he teased.

“Whatever man, I run this school! Now tell me the secret or you’re fired,” Shippo ordered.

“Ight, ight, what you need to do is be in sync with the girl while she is dancing. It might sound easy but it really isn’t since women are so…flexible,” he smirked at the look on Shippo’s face and gestured over to Kagome, Kiyomi, and Sango who were making all the other girls look like amateurs, “now watch.”

He walked over to the DJ and whispered something in his ear. The DJ nodded and after the song ended, everyone sat down, but the three couples stayed on the floor as Shippo watched from their table. The girls looked up at their fiancés in confusion, but they just smirked. Then the introduction of Low by Flow Rida started.

“Ahh, this is my song!” they squealed.

Shawty had them apple bottom jeans…

They started popping and dipping to the music making the guys smirked. They pressed up against them and started moving in sync with them causing the girls to yelp in surprise. They danced nonstop until the music stopped and then the girls collapsed on the chairs at their table.

“Oh…” Kagome panted.

“My…” Sango continued.

“Jesus,” Kiyomi finished.

Hitoshi grinned, “Didn’t think a guy could move like that huh?”

They shook their heads.

“Yeah, mom always put us in all sorts of dance classes,” Inuyasha mused.

“But our favorite was always hip hop and freestyle,” Miroku stated.

“Wow Inuyasha, I never knew how good of a good dancer you are,” Kagome cooed climbing on his lap.

“No fair, my fiancée can dance better than me. You’re going to have to teach me,” Sango pouted.

Kiyomi jumped up, wrapped her legs around Hitoshi’s waist, and cupped his face in her hands.

“I have never been so attracted to anyone in my life,” she breathed.

He smirked, “Down kataki, I think its best we finish this conversation at home, preferably in our room.”

She pouted and hopped of him.

“Wow, it does work,” Shippo muttered.

Suddenly, Shippo blushed, looked around frantically, and covered the side of his face with his hand. They looked at him and confusion until one voice answered their question.

“Shippo-kun, is that you? Wow, you look really handsome tonight!” a lovely red-eyed she devil commented.

“Uh, um, thanks Kiara. You look, *gulp*, lovely tonight as well,” he stuttered.

Kiara Neko was a two-tailed cat demon; she had blonde hair with black at the tips as were her two cat ears, two tails with two black stripes at the tip of each, pale skin, and red eyes. She was wearing a slim red dress, red heels, and a diamond tiara.

“Really? I thought the whole princess thing was a little childish but then I saw you and no one seemed to care, but, after all, you are the famous Shippo Kitsune,” she stated.

“Please, a lovely maiden such as yourself shouldn’t think so highly as one such as I,” he replied bashfully.

She giggled, “Oh Shippo, you always have had a way with words even in a casual conversation.”

“Oh, forgive me, does it bother you?” he asked frantically.

“No, not at all,” she assured, “I think it’s cute and rather…charming.”

He turned beet red and looked away.

“Um, thank you. I am honored to have you think so,” he thanked.

“Well, see you around,” she said and walked off.

He sighed in relief; he had been in love with that girl since they were children and he was an absolute wreck every time he spoke with her. He tensed as he felt eyes on him and turned around soon regretting it.

“W-What?” he asked.

“You like that girl, don’t you?” Miroku questioned.

“W-What, no I don’t!” he defended.

“Ha, “I run this school” my ass! You were a nervous wreck when you talked to her,” Inuyasha mocked.

“Shut up before I fire your ass!” Shippo snapped.

“You guys stop teasing him!” Kagome shouted.

“Yeah, this is a very sensitive subject for him,” Sango agreed.

“C’mon Shippo, tell your big sisters what’s going on,” Kiyomi cooed hugging him.

‘Big sisters? Hm, I like that’ Shippo thought smiling.

He sighed and looked as if her were talking to himself, “Well, ever since I was in grade school, I’ve always been…fond of Kiara. And as the years past I’ve noticed that my fondness of her has never gone away, it has just grown stronger. That’s when I always ask myself…is it really just another crush?”

The girls eyes widened from his choice of words, they were exactly like a line from Masashi’s ‘confession’.

“Well Shippo, you’ll never know if it’s more unless you find out yourself,” Sango pointed out.

“Which means you’ll have to man up and ask her out on a date,” Kagome declared.

“A-A date!” he stuttered.

“Holy crap, don’t tell me a guy like you has never been on a date before!” Hitoshi said in awe.

“W-Well, the only time I’ve ever been with a girl alone is when I’m drunk in a bedroom and that’s all I remember until the next day someone tells me what I did,” he explained.

They all sweat dropped anime style.

“Are you fucking serious! You drink!” Sango shouted.

“Well I do work in a bar,” he replied.

“No more drinking mister. God, those frikkin sluts probably spiked your drinks to make you vulnerable!” Kagome cried out.

“I guess,” he shrugged.

“I guess is all you can say! Shippo you lost your virginity when you were already in love with someone else! How can you not feel bad?” Kiyomi questioned.

“Well, in my opinion, I think when you make love to the person you are truly in love with, that’s when you really lose your virginity. However, science makes people think otherwise, so I guess that’s why some people think I’m strange,” he mused.

Kiyomi was taken aback by his statement but smiled at how serious he was.

“Then it’s settled, you are going to ask Kiara out!” Sango declared.

(A/N: Hoped you liked it. Review!)