InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unacceptable ❯ Ho-Hum ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
A/N: This is a short entry for Forthright's “Perfect Compliment” challenge. Rules are simple. In 100 words, write the perfect compliment.
A Compliment
Suddenly detached from its tail, the stinger of the giant scorpion sailed harmlessly overhead to crash into the cliff face instead of Inuyasha's torso. Kagome lowered the bow to her side, a grin breaking out across her face even before Hiraikotsu gave the scorpion's head a similar fate. She startled as she felt a slight weight clamber up her body to stop on her shoulder. “That was a great shot, Kagome!” the kitsune loudly said right in her ear, prompting a wince. Both Miroku and Sango chimed in with similar sentiments, and even Inuyasha graced her with a respectful nod.
An Awesome Compliment
Kagome sighed as she targeted the demon crow carrying her pack. `I've been here before' she thought with annoyance, grimacing from the pressure as the bowstring twanged. The light surrounding the shaft vanished as the arrow passed cleanly through a split in a tree and then the canopy of branches. Reigniting as it cleared the foliage, it sang sweetly before annihilating the bird in a pink explosion. Nobody noticed the shower of brown and crimson flecks that rained upon them as they stared at the schoolgirl in awed silence as she just admired the charred feathers drifting slowly to earth.
The Perfect Compliment
When a fragment of Naraku flew off with the screaming kitsune, Kagome didn't hesitate to grab her bow. There was no concern for the swirling winds as she pulled back on the fletching, nor was there chanting for the arrow to hit as its streak chased the dot on the horizon the target had become. A small *poof* in the distance followed by a pink balloon floating gently to the ground was the only indication she'd made a shot that would be considered miraculous by any standard, but her friends simply carried on with their struggles without a second glance.