InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unacceptable ❯ Cycle ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. That privilege belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and various holding companies.
A/N: This was written as an entry for the iyfic_contest Starting Over theme. That should inform your reading of this drabble.
`First I'm stuck here, and now this,' Inuyasha grumbled to himself as he faced off on the school roof against a strange opponent - Inuyasha.

The noticeably older Inuyasha didn't seem to be in an aggressive stance, and just began to distort and waver in an odd way as he continued shouting instructions. He picked up something about protecting Kagome before his alter-ego disappeared with an odd popping noise, leaving nothing behind. Deciding the coast was clear, and realizing that school had ended during his encounter, he turned to head back to the shrine.

“Don't let her remove the rosary before you fight Goshinki.” Back stiffening at the sound of his own voice, he turned at another popping sound to see nothing. He sprinted off, jumping through some trees and onto the roof of a store when he was grabbed by another red-clad arm. He turned to slash at it, but the older version of himself stepped back deftly.

“Give her your suikan when battling Renkotsu.” Another pop.

“Let her hold you in the ogre,” came in an alley. “Don't let her drink the sake,” was said in a tree. He sprinted faster, determined to get back to his time, relieved when he was left alone through a final sprint across two roofs, the park, and the hill by the shrine.

Eleven months later, staring at the broken body of Kagome, he began his refrain of the next 499 years. “Tentacles from the ground. Meet me in the park. Tentacles. Park.”