InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unacceptable ❯ So Be It ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. That privilege belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and various holding companies.
Author's note: I decided to write as realistic a Sess/Kag as I could come up with…in drabble form. My sincere gratitude to Demonlordlover for her excellent beta work.
Kagome stumbled backwards in surprise. “No offense, Sesshoumaru-sama, but you're about the last person on earth I'd want to, uh, mate.” Her hand unconsciously wandered to the empty space at her throat where the jewel had once hung, and her expression saddened. Since her wish to get Inuyasha back had failed, she just wanted to return home.
Unimpressed by the emotional display, her suitor dryly announced, “I will not be denied,” before streaking into the sky. Kagome puzzled over this strange coda to her feudal travels, but said her last goodbyes and made her way to the well. Sesshoumaru watched her departure from a distance with an uncharacteristically feral grin.
Confusion distracted Kagome from her grief when the daylight surrounding her didn't fade as much as usual after her passage through time. The absence of a well-house roof unnerved the young woman and she wondered what could have happened. Worry made her arms shaky as she hauled herself up the vines growing on the side of the well, and as her fingers gripped the rim, a clawed hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her out. Twice in ten minutes, Kagome found herself stumbling back in surprise as she beheld the somewhat smug visage of Sesshoumaru. “Huh? Wha- what are you doing here?” she stammered, her brows furrowing and heart racing as she noticed the lack of any other structures or people. For a moment it seemed she was still in the past, but Sesshoumaru's armor was radically different and a frantic glance at the surroundings revealed evidence that this was indeed the future, though not as she remembered it. “Where is everyone?”
“Irrelevant. Are you prepared to join this Sesshoumaru?” he asked condescendingly.
“What? No. I already told you…”
“That I was the last man on earth you'd want to mate.” He looked at his hand, flexing his claws idly. “Well, now I am.”