InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unconditional Dramatizations ❯ Kagome's Awakening ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
2 days passed and the gang had came back the first day. They asked Inuyasha what happened, and he explained everything, and every detail even though it hurt him to say it because he did not protect Kagome, but he stayed by her side and never left her while she was unconscious.
Kagome began to stir. Inuyasha just looked at her hoping she would not be mad at him for not protecting her, and for transferring his blood into her’s that would make her a hanyou too.

Kagome woke up feeling the pain pulse though her body, but got over in moments. Kagome began to open her eye’s. With her eyes half way open looked up and saw Inuyasha leaning above her.

“Inuyasha” Kagome said softly, smiling a bit.

Inuyasha looked at her with relief in his eye’s. He stared at her and thought to himself “I hope she wont kill me after I tell her what’s going to happen, or should I wait. It depend’s if it feels right.”

“Inuyasha w-what happened?” Kagome said rubbing her temple’s.

‘’‘Oh shit I didn’t want to tell her NOW!! Damn!!’‘ Inuyasha thought.

Kagome sat up still rubbing her temples feeling the pain come back but worse.

“So how you feel?”Inuyasha said trying to go to a different subect.

Kagome didn’t think about what she was saying ended up saying the first thing that came in her head, and she said “Like Shit!’

Inuyasha smiled at her use of bad language. Kagome got up making the pain unbearable, and she winced at the pain, and collapsed and Inuyasha grabbed her so she wouldn’t move, or getting up cause he knew that it hurt her.

Hey! Take it easy you just woke up and you injury still has yet to heel, Kagome, Now rest for a minute.” Inuyasha stated embracing her, but didn’t embrace her enough that it hurt her.

“Inuyasha can you please tell me what happened?” Kagome asked snuggling into Inuyasha’s fire rat robe. Some how Inuyasha knew she was going to ask that, but this time he answered.
“Kagome, do you promise you wont get mad at me?” He said almost making a innocent puppy face.

“Why would I be mad at you, Inuyasha?” Kagome said confused.

“Kagome, just promise me ok” Inuyasha stated looking down at her.

“Ok I promise, now tell me what happened” Kagome said smiling and looked up at him, and seeing a little bit of fear in his eyes.

“k, well first of all do you remember the fight with Naraku? He asked so he would know where to start.

“No” Kagome said firmly liking the way Inuyasha held her.

K, so I will start there” Inuyasha started and took a deep breath,” Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara, us split up because we sensed Naraku around, and you sensed the jewel shards, but couldn’t find the exacted spot where they were, and me an you found him first.”Inuyasha paused and took a breath and talked again, “So I use my Wind Scare, but it didn’t work, and he disappeared, and then reappeared behind me, and then struck me in the back”(Takes deep breath)”But before he could finish me off...” Kagome interrupted now remembering some of what happened,”And I shot him with one of my arrow’s making him fall to the ground in pain, right” Kagome snuggling up with Inuyasha.

“Right” Inuyasha agreed liking that he didn’t have to explain everything, and that he was still holding Kagome. Kagome then carried on what she remembered,”Then he called me a wench, and then disappeared then reappeared in front of me knocking my bow and arrow’s out of my reach, and then choked me, I tried ti yell for from you, and I saw you get up, and start running.....and everything went black.”

Inuyasha sighed, and he knew he had to finish it all even though it killed him to even think it. He sighed and started to finish it all up.”Naraku struck you in the chest because...because I didn’t get to you in time.” Kagome could feel Inuyasha tense up. She looked at him and could feel the pain that he was in.”Inuyasha you don’t have to explain it if you don’t want to” She stated curling up in Inuyasha chest. “But I have to or you wont understand” Inuyasha told her sweetly.”K, just skip to the main reason” She told him.

“Fine, any way I destroyed Naraku, rushed you to Keade for help, and by the I got you there you had lost a lot of blood, and the rest of the gang didn’t come until yesterday, and so I had put my blood into your body to keep you living, and you what happeneds if you mix your human blood with a hanyou or are you made at me.” Inuyasha finished and closed his eye’s waiting for Kagome to get angry, and “SIT.”But it didn’t come.

“Why would I be mad at you Inuyasha?” Kagome said to him in a calm matter.

Inuyasha took Kagome by the shoulders to look into her eyes for a hint of anger, but he couldn’t see or smell any anger, just love, and thankfulness.

“Because you are going to be a Hanyou like me!” Inuyasha yelled at her out raged because she wasn’t yelling at him, or telling him to sit. He thought for a quick moment “ Why is she not yelling at me, oh, I know, she’s trying to torture me, or get back at me later, That Sly Wench.”

“ I know what your up to, don’t think I don’t know, just say SIT, yell at me, do something, I know you are angry at me, you know you want tooo ” Inuyasha barked at her, then he looked at her,she was confused about what he said, and she still didn’t show any sign of anger.

“Inuyasha what are you talking about, are you sick or something?” Kagome asked putting her hand on his head cause he was just acting crazy, and she didn’t understand that he wanted her to be mad at him.

“Kagome, you should be Mad at me BECAUSE I turned you into a hanyou like meee! Inuyasha barked at her again, standing straight up in front of her, then got up in her face to see some anger. But then she said” Yeah.”

“YEAH!!! That’s all you can say, KAGOME!! That means you can’t go to’ school ’ in your era, and go in public in your era!!!” Inuyasha yelled outraged again.

“Inuyasha, I understand, and you did it ti save my life, and just to tell you right now you didn’t ruin my life”
Kagome stated smiling at him, and kissed him on the cheek.” And now if you excuse me, I need to go get so fresh cloth’s”Kagome said getting up, and started walking towards the door, but Inuyasha grabbed her, and kissed her on the lips. Kagome couldn’t believe what just happened but she didnt want to stop, and she kissed him back, and the passionate kiss lasted about a minute or longer. Then they stopped gasping for air. Kagome had almost turned five shades of red, but walked out the door. Inuyasha just sat in the hut, resting.