InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unconditional Dramatizations ❯ Koga's Mistake ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I was running, feeling free and fast, it didnt feel like running, it felt like, flying, and it felt good.
I was dogding and jumping every opstacle in my way. " is this how it feel to run like this as a hanyou or demon?
well now all I know is im never goin human again"

I was running when I saw a brownish figure in the distance, I couldnt tell what it was. but I only thought it was a died out tree, or maybe
it was someone, I just ignored it and kept on running. Util I sniffed the air. it was koga. hopefully he wouldnt notice me if I went into the forest,
I better get moving then before he figures out who I am.

*Koga's pov*
I was running around with hinta and ginta far behind me. " geez those guys are slow"
I stopped running and stop on a high hill. when I saw this blueish figure zooming and zig-zagging in far infront of me heading for the forest.
My nose was on the brink so I couldnt sniff the sent of the figure, but I could tel by its speed it was a demon. But I did see that the figure had the
jewel shards that I had given Kagome.

I rushed forward determined to get the jewel shard for the blue figure.

*Kagome's pov*
I kept on running toward the forest, but I saw Koga heading at me, he look a bit angry, I didnt understand,
I was confused so I kept on running.

*Koga's pov*
As fast as I might be, that demon was a HELL of alot faster than me, but I was giving up yet I knew it was heading toword the forest, and thats all
I needed to know. I took a short-sleek cut and disappeared from the figures vision.

*relugar pov*
Kagome noticed that Koga was gone, but didnt slow down she could still smell him, she just kept on running.


"hey Inuyasha?" Shippo worriedly said.

"what?" Inuyasha spoke while he was in a tree relaxing.

"isent Kagoem late?" Shippo looked at the sky it was getting very dark, it seem very dark already, Shippo was nervous.

" Now that you mention it she is late" Inuyasha hopped down from the tree and tried to get Kagome's sent, and walked around the forest.

Kagome was still running, and would still look like a blur to anyone. She knew Koga was around, and learned a trick or two when she was a hanyou and a demon now,
and so she learned to hide her scent. But the problem was that when she used it, jacked up her senses a bit, so it was hard to tell where koga was.

*Kagome's pov*

I thought Koga was long gone, when just then a dark brown shadow slammed me against a tree. I knew it was Koga, i could tell from his close scent. His claws were jammed into my upper arm. I yelped loudly in agony.


*Inuyasha's Pov*

I finally found the scent of Kagome, but it wasnt the scent I wanted to smell, it was the smell of her blood. I ran towards the scent

*Kogas pov*

Once I looked at the demon, i was astonished, I felt guilt all over me. I rushed over to Kagome, i knew I would never forgive myself. I could smell Inuyasha coming.
"Kagome, I'm so sorry..I, I thought you were some demon steal the shards," A pained whimper came from my throat, I could feel the guilt swell in my chest. "I'm so so sorry."

~Third person (normal)~

Koga grabbed the hankercheif she gave him to wrap the wound.

"Its okay, Koga. You didnt know." Kagome winced in pain as Koga tied it tightly against the wound.

"Its not okay, at all. The Mutt is going to kill me, and never forgive me for this." Koga gently touched my shoulder, and smiled at me.

"The pain is already going away, Koga. The wound will be gone very soon, so I suggest you hurry off before he comes, You owe me." Kagome stood up, and kinda nudged Koga to go.

"I'm very sorry, Kagome. Ill make it up to you, Goodbye love." He kissed her forehead and quickly ran off.

InuYasha arrived, growling. He quickly scooped up Kagome in his arms, and sat down, his back against the tree.

"Kagome, What happened?" He looked down with a concerned expression, his worry and anger had nearly knocked his senses out. He couldnt smell Koga, only her scent.

"It was a small creature with a lucky shot, Its nothing." Kagome smiled weakly, and tried to get out of his hold. InuYasha held her tighter.

"Dont ever leave with me again, Kagome..." InuYasha spoke with a low scared tone. Shocked, Kagome blinked and softly spoke, "But why?...Ill be fine, Ill be healed and everything within a few hours...I'm okay." She could feel his muscles tense up.

"Pysically you'll be fine with wounds...I'm not as much worried about that.." His face was hidden by the shadows.

"Then what, InuYasha?" Kagome looked up at him, trying to see his face.

"Why are you so dumb!" A pained looked releived on his face, with so much worry. "Do you not realise how much a price you are to this world, this Era."

Startled at InuYasha, shes kept his eyes locked on his.

"Any male yokai would have no problem taking you as a mate, Kagome! Your an adorable inu-yokai, and a miko all together! Your a prize! Thats why sesshomaru would even want to take you away from me.." InuYasha quieted.

"InuYasha, I'm sorry." Kagome nuzzled into his chest, "I never realised that.."

"Myoga told me about the moons and the mating...I want to keep you safe until that time comes...But we do need to discuss what you want..." Kagome simply nodded.

"New moon, We're both human."A small thought beamed through InuYasha's head 'What Kikyo wanted...', he looked down at Kagome, "Full mood, Your a Hanyou again and Any other night, You stay Yokai, and I may become a full blooded demon." It almost hurt to say full blooded demon.

A soft murmur came from Kagome, "InuYasha..."

"Yes, Kagome?"

"I want you to choose..." Kagome looked up at him intently, but smiled alittle, "But I do rather miss having white around my pupils" She sat up alittle more, "And, In my opinion, I want you to stay yourself, Thats how I met you, fell in love you, and how you saved me. I dont care what you choose, but I'd like to be a hanyou with you. I've already changed, and its hard enough being a full blooded demon, I almost found myself lost at one moment. But I want you to choose." Kagome looked down.

"Full moon it is." InuYasha lifted her chin, and sweetly kissed her lips.