InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under a Crimson Sky ❯ I'm waiting for you ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Gomen nasai for the long wait...Oh has been a killer these last couple of weeks. Haven't had much time for anything...but I'm glad you guys are still keeping interest! I appreciate the reviews so much! Don't worry, I'm going to finish this will probably be around 20 or more chapters. I'm hoping anyways, I guess we will just see where this takes me! (Fingers...type....type and awaaaaay!!!!) LoL...Now onto the story....=)

I'm waiting for you

A cold hard gust of wind brushed past, vapor escaped from Kirara's nostrils as she struggled against the invisible barrier. The chilling night air seeped through the demon exterminator's armor and left her shivering. A look of concern grazed Miroku's face as he began rubbing her shoulders trying to warm her. By this time Shippou had already made his way into the folds of the monk's robes, quite warm and content for the time being. Sango sighed as she felt his touch, expecting another hentai influenced act. His hands did not wander to her nether regions as she expected though, but remained on her shoulders, warming her inside and out. A faint shade of crimson colored her cheeks at his touch, and the meaning it implied.

"Sango-chan, I know how anxious you are for Kagome-sama's return but traveling at night like this is dangerous. Not to mention you are shivering from the cold, why don't we camp for the night? A strong fire and hot meal is just what we need to warm you up"….although my body could do the job just as fast ….the amorous monk mused.

"Hai…I think you're right. We have no idea where Inu-Yasha is and it's still another 2 ri from Kouga's den. I think it is best if we try to conquer that in the morning; even though the full moon is providing us with a lot of light. Plus I would love a bowl of oden right now; Kagome got me hooked on that stuff!"….I would like anice hot bath too but not with you so close and left unguardedSango grated.

As they flew past a sharp corner alongside the cliff, the demon exterminator saw a clearing up ahead, shifted her body weight and leaned in that direction prompting the observant neko youkai's flight path to change. A stiff breeze rustled the sakura of an ancient cherry tree, the light of the moon filtering through its branches as Kirara paws touched the earth. An hour later, bellies filled until bursting, the tired group huddled close to the fire as sleep overtook them; unaware to what had happened in that same clearing only a few hours earlier…

Kagome's senses were on fire as she entered the wolf prince's den. "Dinner" to her plainly meant a serving of rice, flame broiled fish, pickled plums and an egg if available…but this…was a masterpiece in her eyes. Delicately arranged by Kouga's bedside were two elegantly carved bone platters of chirashizushi which consisted of vinegar rice mixed with fish, seafood, slightly boiled sweetened vegetables topped off with thinly sliced pieces of fried egg.

"Dinner for two?" his intense deep blue eyes sparkled in the firelight as he led her to his bed by the hand.

A look of awe flooded from her eyes, "Kouga-kun!!! Why didn't you tell me you were making such a feast…I would of helped you instead of lounging about outside!!! It must have been a lot of work, it looks absolutely wonderful. I can hardly wait to try it!" Her mouth began to water at the delectable sight set before her.

"I may be a demon but I'm also royalty….have to separate myself from the animals somehow. Cooking is merely another skill in my long list of repitores." he joked. Although not my best skill, maybe tonight you will allow me to show you...

"Besides this wouldn't of been a surprise if I asked for your help." Imagine…Ahhh Kagome my love, would you be so kind as to help me prepare an extravagent feast prepared in your honor tonight? he chuckled at the thought.

"Hmmmm I guess you are right..." she began to trail off.

"Gods I love it when you say that!" he suddenly blurted.

She cocked an eyebrow at him causing his tail to slightly veer between his tanned muscular legs. She recognized his act of submission and sighed, pleased with his compliance.

"Kouga-kun, now don't get too cocky, you'll spoil the mood….demo….not my appetite…let us eat now! This sumptious feast you prepared is beckoning, I can already feel the calories coming on!"

His face crinkled in confusion, "Caaaw-or-ieeees?" he struggled to say.

"Oh oh's a term from my era…it means I can already feel myself getting fat" she groaned.

"Nani??? Kagome….YOU are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the privelage to lay eyes on….it still baffels me as to why you continue to grace me with your presence…you are the ipedimy of perfection in my eyes, a goddess…"

He looked her curvasious figure up and down, his saphire eyes brimming with desire, "And most definitely…NOT fat! Not that it matters to me either way….I actually prefer meat on my mate's bones…good for bearing pups…"

She stopped him right there blushing profusely all the while…."Now now don't get to hasty…I'm still only a schoolgirl…I still have LOTS of time to be thinking about babies yet!"

"Not in my books you don't…we have to have at least ten! I'll name my first born son Toshiya, if it is female, Madoka. Hmmmm…Tomoyo….Mariko…Ryoku…Sei…oh and I can't forget Kouga Jr…." he trailed off for a few moments before realizing the half starved girl behind him was ravaging the carefully prepared food.

"There there! That's more like it! Nice to see you're preparing for motherhood already…at this rate we can have 20, nevermind 10!"

She blushed and apologized for her rudeness which was ironic since her mouth was overflowing with food, her words were barely decifered by the clearly pleased wolf prince. A hearty laugh escaped his lips as he lay witness to the comical scene….but he was still whirling around the prospect of pups. He plopped down beside her, feigning an appitite….his mind still rampid in thought…

Villagers' mouths gaped open in shock as the silver haired hanyou streaked past, a miko straddling his back. As quickly as they appeared, they vanished. The villagers wondering if it was all just an illusion as they stared at the two figures vanishing into the forest.

"Kikyo, we will be there in less than 2 hours. We are entering the wolf's territory as we speak." A blank emotionless look held the hanyou's face in its cruel grasp.

The sullen miko merely nodded, and tightened her hold on the hayou's wasit, her thighs squeezing in effort. Inu-Yasha took this as a sign to go faster, he pumped his already over exterted muscles in an effort to comply. Their reflections blurring into the moonlight as they follwed the path of the river.

"Mmmmmm…..she groaned."

"I think I should of taken it easy on that second helping…my stomach feels as if its about to burst" she made an attempt to clear the dishes but a hand stopped her.

"Kagome, you are my guest, there is no need for you to be cleaning." As he said this, two young females in fur cladden mini skirts and intricately designed chest armour appeared and quickly cleared the make-shift dinner table.

"Domo Kouga-kun, you are so good to me." was all that she could muster before she collapsed onto his soft bed of furs.

He took this as his moment and snuggled up to her, craddling her head beneath his shoulder, his taunt body warming the length of hers. They layed on their sides, cuddling until all that remained of the fire were a few glowing embers.

Kagome's mind whirled around the prediciment she had gotten herself in. This feels so right, him and I lying here together. I feel so safe, warm, and loved in his arms…as if nothing else in the world mattered right now. It's just him and I…demo Inu-Yasha….I once felt this way about him, but everytime we made progress he would ruin it by running off with Kikyo. I know he has an obligation to her demo…that's not good enough for me anymore. Here, I KNOW I'm loved and appreciated…Kouga is so good to me, loving, caring, affectionate…he even wants my children…I think I'm in love…

Her heart caught in her chest. Kouga sensed her tense and then relax all in the same moment. He snuggled closer, her hand captured his, their fingers interlocking in the darkness. She rolled over onto her back, facing his heated form, a look of tenderness brimming in her chocolate brown eyes. Kouga gently lowered his body upon hers, all the while looking into her eyes, seeking for permission. A pair of delicate hands grasped his shoulders and pulled him towards her, the reply sent shivers down the wolf youkai's spine.

"Kagome…I love you…"

"I know..I love you too" was her quiet response.

"Kagome…will…will you be my mate?

His eyes burned with intensity, searching hers for a response.


"I love you so much, I just didn't realize how much until these past few days. Even when we first met, I felt it, we felt it…I knew in my heart you would never hurt me, you would protect me no matter what happened. And when you stood atop that ledge on the cliff and announced your love for me, it sent a shock through my body." I..I thank all 108 Kami for bringing us together…I feel so blessed…" tears silently began to fall from her eyes.

"Kagome…." he breathed…the emotion in his eyes said it all. He pulled her to him and buried his face in her chest. Kagome ran her fingers through his hair, feeling its softness, taking in its faint scent of pine. She knew what needed to be done, and anticipated it.

He looked into her eyes and was about to open his mouth, but the look on her face said that she already knew. His lips traced her collarbone….stopping at the juncture between her shoulder and neck. He bared his fangs and carefully broke the skin. She flinched but relaxed as his warm tounge tasted her skin, the faint trickle of blood dissapearing into his mouth. He unsheathed his dagger and drew a red line in the same spot on his body, marking himself since she had no fangs to do so. They mingled their blood, creating an unbreakable bond. They belonged to eachother now…mates for life. Expressing their love in the glow of dying embers, the heat of passion coursing through their bodies…

A/N: Hope this wasn't too much of a cliffie...up next: confrontation between hanyou and wolf all comes out baby!!! Love y'all!!! Review if u like, I'm not forcing anyone here...LoL

ja ne, beautiful-cherry-blossom