InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under the Monster's Eyes ❯ That Woman ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Because inspiration struck.

Written to: “To Every Captive Soul” from the Hannibal soundtrack.


Under the Monster’s Eyes
That Woman


She was angry today. The young girl had stomped into his office this afternoon for her daily appointment after being escorted by two disgruntled nurses in uniform.

Kagome sat in the leather recliner, arms crossed and a scowl on her lips. She was dwarfed by the oversized chair, enhancing her appearance of a petulant child.

“That woman came again,” she snarled, her anger, as always, directed at herself and her family.

“Your mother, you mean,” Dr. Lecter corrected her, following the path of her eyes with his own, looking where she looked.

“That woman is not my mother,” she assured him.

“What makes you say that, Kagome? Mrs. Higurashi and your family and friends have told us that she is your mother,” he challenged her, testing how she would react when confronted with her own fantasies.

“She looks like my mother and she sounds like my mother, but she isn’t my mother. That woman isn’t the one who birthed me,” she explained impatiently, beginning to relax back into the leather of the recliner.

“There are records at the hospital in Tokyo-”

“You’re not listening to me, Dr.,” she sighed, defeated. No one ever did. To him and the rest of this world she was just another lunatic, a prisoner of her own mind.

Dr. Lecter leaned back into his seat for a more comfortable position, anticipating a trying session with her. “She is an imposter, then? Someone posing as your mother?”

Kagome thought over this for a moment; the concept was difficult to explain. “No,” she said uneasily. “She believes she is my mother. She isn’t trying to trick me.”

“Do you believe someone has purposely replaced your mother with this woman?”

“No, no, it’s not like that,” the young woman shook her head, becoming frustrated. “This woman has always been Kagome’s mother. Another Kagome. But not me Kagome.” She grinned self-depreciatingly. “That doesn’t make much sense.

Dr. Lecter neglected to tell her that not much of what she ever said made sense. This ruled out Capgras’ Syndrome.

“You are not the person she believes you to be?”

Kagome jumped on this, the light of discovery brilliant in her eyes. “Exactly! That’s exactly what I mean! This woman is Kagome’s mother, but I’m not her daughter!”

“Then who are you?” he tried again.

“I’m Kagome Higurashi, time-traveling miko extraordinaire,” she giggled, her mood lightening in the wake of her find. Her special brand of self-belittling humor was always an amusement to the doctor.

“Where is her daughter, then, Kagome?”

She quieted down and seemed to contemplate this for a moment. “I don’t know. Maybe she’s in my world now. Maybe we were switched in the well.”

The young girl had spoken of the well on her family’s shrine many times before. It was the crux of her delusions.

“What do you think she is doing now, Kagome?” Dr. Lecter cajoled her with gentle words.

Her blue eyes dulled with angry thoughts. Bitter tears gathered on her lashes. “Living my life.”