InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under the Monster's Eyes ❯ Dilution ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Written to: “Scene aux Champs” movement from the Symphonie Fantastique


Under the Monster’s Eyes


Kagome struggled under the weight of the numerous medical volumes, taking careful steps as she navigated the empty halls of the hospital. However, her heavy load prevented her from seeing the bin of linen in her path and she quickly found herself sprawled on the white tiled floor with a great clatter.

Dr. Lecter, who was just exiting his office, spotted his patient’s prone form and closed the distance between them. “Have a spill, Kagome?” he asked, offering her a hand.

She gladly accepted with a bashful smile and thanked him. “Yeah, I guess I just didn’t see that bin there,” she laughed.

“What are you doing with all these books?” Lecter asked, stooping to help her gather the many heavy volumes that littered the hall.

“Dr. Tanaka asked me to take them to the library. Thank you,” she said as she stood once again with her smaller load. She started to take the rest of the books from him, but he shook his head.

“I’ll carry half. It’s too much for such a small girl,” he told her, a kindly condescending smile twisting his lips.

Kagome blushed and walked beside him as they continued down the hall. “I’m so out of shape now. I don’t get much exercise. It’s a wonder I haven’t gained weight since…” her rambling trailed off as her thoughts turned to the circumstances that had brought her to this terrible world, this world devoid of magic.

“Where did you get your calluses, Kagome?” Lecter asked benignly, a purely curious light in his pale blue eyes.

She startled. “Pardon?”

“You have calluses on your hands, ones of an experienced archer. How did you get them?” he clarified.

“From shooting my bow, I guess,” the girl shrugged.

“Your mother never mentioned you were an archer. Were you competitive?”

“Oh, no. I never really had an interest in the bow before I met Inuyasha. But the past was a kill or be killed world; I guess I just developed it out of necessity,” she explained.

Dr. Lecter’s eyes turned from the stretch of hall ahead of him to focus on the silvery, moon blue eyes. “Did you ever shoot anyone with you arrows, Kagome?”

The color darkened with her thoughts. Her thin voice was strained. “Those who attacked us.”

“How did it feel, Kagome?”

Tears gathered on her lashes as the white walls bled glimmering crimson. Her arms trembled under the books. “Horrific. It felt… I was a monster. Their screams made me a monster.”

“A monster, like the one you sought to destroy.”

She didn’t answer, but the pain in her eyes was enough.

They arrived at the doors of the library and he took the rest of the books from her grasp. Her arms hung limp at her sides. She was thin, tiny in the oversized white robe. His pale eyes followed the path of her tears.

Kindly, softly he said. “Go back to your room, Kagome. You should rest.”

She nodded silently and left.
