InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Under the Monster's Eyes ❯ Snow ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. A holiday pick-me-up for a my readers! =)

Written to: Melancholy Interlude by Hayley Westenra


Under the Monster’s Eyes



It was Christmastime at the hospital. The white, gaping halls were sparsely decorated with holly leaves and evergreen wreaths. Kagome had been allowed to wear a red and green ribbon in her hair, and the small freedom had her in better spirits.

Dr. Lector had for the better part of their session been trying to pull her attention away from the window. Her blue orbs seemed transfixed on the falling snow just beyond her reach, a strange happiness that had been absent for so long shining there.

Alert and watching, his pale eyes followed every tiny movement of her hands as she twisted them and folded them in her lap. He’d learned that it wasn’t a nervous habit, but rather a movement she made when none was necessary. The little creature couldn’t stand to be completely still.

“You like the snow, Kagome?” he asked, his voice habitually smooth, but hard-edged.

Vaguely, she nodded as if she hadn’t really heard him. Then, she turned a delighted smile on him. “Isn’t it amazing, Dr.? Every single snow flake is different and special. How can there be so many different designs?” she asked in wonder.

Lector himself had never enjoyed the snow, but for a moment marveled at the glee it seemed to spark in his patient.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to touch it?” Her voice was low and somber, but hadn’t completely let go of its delight.

“It is only snow, Kagome. It is cold and bothersome most of the time,” he goaded, wanting to see her reaction, wanting to see the light in her eyes.

There it was! A little gleam. “It’s the most wonderful thing! I remember when I was little I used to play in it for hours. Souta and I would build snowmen and go sledding. It was the most fun I ever had, I think.”

“Did Inuyasha like the snow?”

After giving it some thought, she shook her head. “He always seemed sort of sad when it snowed.”

“It reminded him of Kikyo?” Cruelty glinted in his eyes.

Silently, she nodded.

“Do you think he loved Kikyo?”

Another nod.

“More than you?”

… “Yes.”

He wasn’t as pleased as he thought he’d be to see the pained darkness overtake her eyes once again. She was silent and still in the recliner, her long legs dangling over one side, her hands unmoving in her lap.

Lector rose from his chair suddenly, mumbling, “Where is that pen?“ He made a show of emptying the pockets of his white coat onto his desk. Kagome’s eyes caught the glint of the set of keys and stayed there. He then looked up, a strangeness in his pale eyes, and excused himself from the room with the explanation of checking the library for his pen. When he returned several minutes later, he wasn’t surprised to find the emergency exit door in the corner of his office ajar and a beaming Kagome stumbling about on fawn legs in the falling snow.