InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unearthed Memories ❯ Death Keep Him ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome screamed as the cuts on his face wept blood. He was her savior, her world, her life, her love.

The only thing in this world that truly mattered to her. In any world, in any life, she knew he would be

there to protect her always. Their souls were linked, and there was no way she was letting him die, when

he had been taken prisoner, and when she helped him escape, and when she loved him so. He could not

leave her, ever. She shuddered to think of what would happen to her if he were gone. Her life would

trickle away, useless, meaningless, until she decided to join him in the sweet emptiness of death. And

whether it be in this time or her own, life or death, heaven or hell, she knew their souls would meet.

The bond between them could not be broken. Just then, Kagome was pulled back to reality, abruptly, as

his lifeless body fell to the floor with a dull thud. She screamed, a wordless scream, a scream of

mourning, a scream that expressed, in some distant way, all of the pain in the world. Her pain was the

only real thing to her right now, her pain and his body, devoid of warmth and life. She screamed again,

this time a cry of anger. "YOU!! YOU HAVE CAUSED ALL THIS PAIN!! MY PAIN, THEIRS, AND

HIS!!", she roared, indicating herself, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and the body as she spoke. "Naraku, you

are the scourge of this world, and it is time it was rid of you. None will mourn your passing, none of

humanity, or demonkind, hanyous like yourself, or even your incarnations. The world will be glad to be

done with you, as a dying girl is glad to be done with life. You will feel the pain of all those you have

tortured before you die, Naraku, I will make sure of that! And then you will die, by your own hand. All

you feel is mercilessness, but now you shall feel pain! The deep, deep pain of someone mourning,

bereaved of someone they have loved." She took the hands of her remaining friends and began chanting.

The pain of those you've tortured, now you shall feel.

With your death and passing, may their hearts be healed.

Now shall the scourge die,

And not a soul shall cry.

None will mourn the passing

Of the one who is laughing

Over graves of children

Shall he now die.

By his hand he caused the pain,

And by his hand he will die.

Feel the pain of tortured souls,

And die, scourge, die.

She began again, and this time her friends joined in. And a cloud arose from them, and floated towards

Naraku. It settled upon him, and he began to scream. Their chant remained steady as he took a sword

and, slowly but surely, plunged it into his own heart. As he bled, Kagome looked to the body. The

reality hit her. Naraku was gone, but he was too. She screamed again, a plea for this to be a dream, that

she would wake with him sleeping beside her.
