InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Allies: Chosen, The Tosusaiga's True Master ❯ Oh Where, Oh Where Has Kagome Gone ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

{Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha. I don't even own this computer. It's a rental. What do you expect from a poor college student?}

Unexpected Allies Trilogy

Part Two

Chosen, the Tosusaiga's True Master

Chapter Nine:

Oh Where, Oh Where Has Kagome Gone?

Sesshoumaru slid the door to the room open, growling softly as Inuyasha and the others peered around him. Inside the room was a little cot, a tray of knocked over food and Kikyou, chained to the wall. Kikyou looked up and grimaced.

"Well, It's about time you showed up," she grunted to Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru stared around the room, sniffing delicately as Inuyasha rushed past him.

"Kikyou! Are you ok?" he asked as he sliced through the chains. He picked Kikyou up bridal style, holding her close to his chest. "Why did Naraku do this?"

"Because Kagome is no longer here," she said, motioning for Inuyasha to put her down. When her silent pleas were ignored, she glanced at Sesshoumaru.

"A little help, please."

Sesshoumaru's gaze flickered to Shorin, then returned to Kikyou. Shorin stepped behind Inuyasha and landed a swift, but soft blow, to the back of his head. Inuyasha winced, dropping Kikyou as he whirled around.

"What was that for?!" he demanded.

Shorin shrugged. "My lord requested it."

Inuyasha glare reflected to Sesshoumaru. "Well?"

"We have more important matters," he said, his gaze never leaving Kikyou's. He approached the futon, picking up one of the blankets. "I know Kagome and Rin were in this room. Why are you here, miko, and where is everyone else?"

Kikyou watched him warily. "The others are with Naraku, who is looking for Kagome."

"Again, why were you in Kagome's chains?" Sesshoumaru replied, his glare falling to a piece of black cloth at her feet. He returned his gaze to Kikyou.


"Hey! Don't order my mate around!" Inuyasha yelled. Sango promptly elbowed him in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him. Kikyou used this to answer Sesshoumaru's question.

"I helped Kagome escape."

"WHAAAT?!!!!" yelled everyone but Keni'Chi, Sesshoumaru and Shorin. Sesshoumaru winced, glaring at Shippou.

Shippou grinned sheepishly. "Sorry." Sesshoumaru ignored the apology. "How?"

"I helped her. Isn't that all you need to know?" Kikyou said as she walked out of the room. The others followed her outside. Kikyou looked up into the morning sky with a small smile on her face.

"I did something I don't regret for once."

Inuyasha winced, but the others missed it for the blissful look on Kikyou's face. She turned to Sesshoumaru, her head tipped to the side.

"You and I both know that Kagome is something special, don't we taiyoukai?" she asked. Sesshoumaru glared at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"You are keeping secrets, youkai lord. It isn't nice to keep secrets." She sighed and plucked her bow and arrows out of a nearby tree. "Don't worry. I won't tell." Sesshoumaru loomed over her, grabbing her arm and sending a mental order for Shorin to restrain Inuyasha as he did so.

"Why did you help her?" he whispered.

Kikyou smiled. "Because she's not my reincarnation. I used to hate her because I thought she had what I had. I thought she was taking my place. She's not. She's more than I could ever be, and she is better equipped to protect the Shikon no Tama. She is still going to the volcano. Take care of her, taiyoukai, because she'll need you soon." Kikyou smiled and walked away when Sesshoumaru released her. Inuyasha watched her for a moment, then bolted when Shorin released him. He skidded to a stop in front of Kikyou, blocking her way.

"Move, Inuyasha."

"No," he hissed. "Not until you tell me what that 'I did something I don't regret for once' stuff."

Kikyou sighed, then cupped his cheek in her hand. "I love you Inuyasha, but you and I can no longer entertain the idea of being together. My time on this earth is finished and the life I stole from Kagome yearns to return. It will shortly. I understand that you had nothing to do with Naraku's evil, so I won't take you to hell with me."

"But Kikyou-"

"Forget me, Inuyasha. Forget me and live. That is the least you can do."

She kissed his cheek, then walked past him and down the path.


Kagome ran faster, unaware of how the trees blurred around her as she passed. She was trying not to panic, but she could sense Naraku on the night air. She smelled him all afternoon, the sulfur and blood floating on the breeze to her already hyper-sensitive nerves.

She'd finally lost him at dust.

Kagome could no longer run, keep hers and Rin's scents covered, and keep Rin asleep at the same time. She allowed Rin to stay awake, telling her to keep quiet as they traveled. When they found a tree to sleep in, Kagome climbing up to the highest, strongest branch that was shielded from all eyes by leaves. Kagome hugged the tree and waited for Rin to go to sleep. When Rin did so did she, too tired to dream. She could feel Sesshoumaru pressing on her mind, searching for a way to reach her, but she was too drained to try to respond.

She sensed Naraku again in the middle of the night.

She bolted out of a dead sleep, using her newfound sense of smell to track the hanyou. Kagome leaped the entire 12 feet of the tree three branches at a time until she reached the ground. She landed gently, careful not to disturb Rin, and ran for both their lives. She sprinted through the forest, careful to avoid snagging her clothes or hair on any of the branches or bushes she ran past. Kagome marveled at her new speed, wondering where it and her sense of smell were coming from. She glanced up at the full moon as she ran, still sniffing the air for Naraku's presence. She finally outran him, but she still kept going.

Kagome didn't stop until daylight, when Rin woke up. Kagome crossed a stream to a blueberry bush, plucking some off for Rin to eat. As she did, Kagome refilled their flask for the long way. Once Kagome had a few berries and a sip of water she sprinted again, going over what Kikyou said as she ran forward.

'Go straight for two days, then climb straight up a volcano to a cave,' Kagome chanted to herself. That one thought was the only thing keeping her going, though she could feel herself tiring with each footstep. She pushed on into the night, long after Rin was asleep, knowing that if she stopped she wouldn't get up until Naraku found them.

Then he'd kill them.