InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Allies I: How to Train a Taiyoukai ❯ The Reasons that We’re Here ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

{Disclaimer: See Chapter One.}

Chapter Two: The Reasons that We're Here

Sesshoumaru stopped at twilight, setting down in a clearing in the middle of the forest. He abruptly let Kagome go, sending her sprawling to the grass.


Sesshoumaru ignored her, choosing instead to study the stars. Kagome stood up and brushed the dirt off her jeans.

"That hurt, you know."

Sesshoumaru spared her a glance. "Humans are so fragile. I do not see how you stand yourselves."

Kagome glared back at him. "Who asked you, Mr. 'I Kidnap Girls in the Woods for the Sick Fun of It?'"

Sesshoumaru growled softly, his eyes flashing coldly in the pale moonlight. "This is not my idea of fun."

Kagome put her hands on her hips. "Funny, its not my idea either. Why am I here and not dead, Sesshoumaru?"

Sesshoumaru was on her in a flash, his hand around her throat. "Would you like to die? I can arrange that for you."

Kagome shook her head and he dropped her back to the forest floor. Kagome gasped for air as Sesshoumaru dusted his hands off.

"I take it you would like to know why you are here."

"Only if it pleases you, my lord," Kagome sneered sarcastically.

Sesshoumaru turned his back and ignored her. "Some things of great importance were stolen from me."


"My signet ring, for one."

Kagome scowled. "You mean to tell me you brought me out here to play detective?"

Sesshoumaru glanced at her from over his shoulder. "I do not play, human."

"Fine, fine. Where is it?"

"It is in a miko village, protected by a youkai shield. I want you to go in and get it."

"Why didn't you get another miko?"

"You are the only one that would be still and listen. For some reason, you are smarter than most human females, even though you do not have any preservation sense."

"Gee, thank you so much. You could have asked Kikyou."

Sesshoumaru scowled. "The miko who smells of earth and ashes? Only Inuyasha finds her company acceptable."

Kagome smiled. "So you don't mind my company?"

"Yes, I do."

Kagome sighed irritably. "What did I expect? Can I ask you a few questions?"


"One: When did your arm grow back?"

"A few days ago."

"Two: What is so important about a ring?"

"It is my signet ring. It proves that I am the rightful ruler of the western lands. Without that ring, any demon could try to take my lands from me, resulting in war."


"If you believe the human wars are brutal, imagine a youkai war. The last one endured five hundred years."

"Not good. OK, three: How far away are we from the well?"

"For Inuyasha, two days."

"Wow, that's not bad."

"For you, one week."

"ONE WEEK?!" Kagome lightly slapped her forehead.

Sesshoumaru nodded, leaping into a nearby tree. Kagome sighed. "Four: Where's Jaken?"

"At my fortress. Are you finished?"

"One more, I promise. Ready?" Sesshoumaru growled softly, the sound fluttering on the night breeze. "I'll take that as a yes. Why didn't you ask me?"

"Ask you?" Sesshoumaru repeated, the darkness hiding his confusion.

"Yes, ask me instead of yanking me out of the well," Kagome lifted her left sleeve, showing him the purple bruises on her arm, "marring my arm, and running away with me like a thief in the night?"

"What would you have done if I had? Screamed for my brother?"

Kagome dug in her pack and pulled out a pack of Ramen and her kettle. "No, I would have said yes."

Sesshoumaru said nothing for a moment, then "Why?"

Kagome shrugged, dipping the kettle into a nearby stream. "I can't refuse someone who needs me help. Not even a blood-thirsty, arrogant youkai like you."

"Keep your opinions to yourself, human."

Kagome sighed. "Fine. I'll help you, in one condition."

"Go on."

"You have to promise me that you won't try to kill me until one week after this is over."

"What makes you think I will not go back on my promise?"

"You are a Great Demon, Sesshoumaru. Your honor won't allow that."

Sesshoumaru nodded. "You have my word. What are you doing?"

"I'm fixing dinner. You want any?"

Sesshoumaru ignored her again, turning back to the stars. Kagome sighed. "I guess that means no."

She finished her dinner, then pulled out a flashlight and her math homework. Sesshoumaru watched her from the dark branches above. 'So, Inuyasha's wench is educated. I'm surprised. If she is so smart, why does she follow that worthless half breed?' Sesshoumaru watched as Kagome tapped her pencil against the pages of the book. 'It doesn't matter. In a while, I'll return her to Inuyasha and forget she exists.' Kagome shoved the book back inside the pack and yanked out her sleeping bag.

"What are you doing?" Sesshoumaru asked as she shook it out. Kagome smiled into the darkness above her.

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Sesshoumaru."


'Wow, how rude,' Kagome thought as zipped the bag around her. She instantly missed Shippou's warmth, and considered asking Sesshoumaru to go back and get him. 'Yeah, right. He's more likely to rip my head off and give it to Shippou instead of bringing him to me.' She sighed and went to sleep.


Two more days (or two more weeks, depending on if you're youkai or not) of traveling and Sesshoumaru and Kagome were outside the miko village, watching for any sign of weakness. Sesshoumaru crouched in a nearby tree with Kagome dangling from his arms.

"Why can't I sit in the tree?" Kagome moaned, her eyes shut. They were at least 12 feet from the ground, and Kagome knew that looking down would be bad for her fear of heights.

"So you may see better. Open your eyes."

"I can't. I'm afraid of heights."

Sesshoumaru fought the urge to sigh and tugged her closer to his chest. "Put your arms around me."

Kagome's eyes flew open. "What?"

"I do not like the idea either. You're human smell will get all over me."

Kagome scowled and did like he asked, wrapping her arms around his waist. She looked down at the village.

"Sesshoumaru, I don't think I can go by myself."

"Why not?"

"For one, what if I get attacked? And I don't know what your ring looks like, remember?"

"Youkai cannot get in."

Kagome pointed to the village. "Then why do I see a two-tailed cat youkai inside the village?"

Sesshoumaru followed her gaze. Indeed, there was a cat youkai, black and yellow like Kirara, following behind a miko in a mint green hakama.

"So it is," he said. "We need more information." He jumped down and ran to the right of the village.

"Where are we going?"

"I have a servant who lives not far from here. He will be useful."


Sesshoumaru landed in a large courtyard a few hours later. A badger youkai zipped out the door of a large house the moment Sesshoumaru's feet touched the ground. Sesshoumaru's arms tightened around Kagome for an instant, something about the badger disturbing him. He shook it off and let her go as the badger stepped closer.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, have you brought a human slave for me?" the badger giggled. "A most lovely specimen, too. I know many a youkai who will enjoy her!"


"Listen here, jerk! I'm not a slave! Don't put your hands on me, either!"

The badger stepped back from Kagome as if burned, and turned to look at Sesshoumaru.

"Aniki, the miko is assisting me for the moment."

Aniki nodded, then bowed to Kagome. "Forgive me, honorable miko. I didn't know."

"I'm not one of the miko's from the village, either," Kagome huffed.

Aniki nodded. "Of course not. Sesshoumaru-sama, what brings you here?"

"We need some information about the miko village west of here."

Aniki moved to light a torch. "Ah yes, Mi Sum Nu Rai. That's the name of the village. The mikos don't allow many outsiders, and any youkai there are slaves. I should know, I've sold many to them."

Kagome nodded. "We noticed. Sesshoumaru has a slight problem, and he doesn't want to hear my way of solving it."

"What is the problem?"

Sesshoumaru glared at Kagome, then turned to Aniki. He relayed to him the missing signet ring, and how the protection shield wouldn't let him through. Aniki nodded.

"That is a problem, my lord. What is your plan, miko?"

Kagome grabbed the torch from Aniki's paw. "My plan is to sneak Sesshoumaru in somehow, since I don't know what the ring, or the other thing of his, looks like."

Aniki smiled. "Why, that's a great idea!" He frowned suddenly. "But the only way Sesshoumaru-sama could get in is to pose as your slave."

"That's NOT funny," Kagome muttered irritably.

Aniki shook his head. "I'm very serious. If you want the best way, that is it. It's also the only way. What do you think, Sesshoumaru-sama?"

Sesshoumaru paused a moment, then nodded. "We will do as you suggest."

Kagome gaped at him. "Are you serious? I don't want you for a slave!"

"I am not your slave. Remember that and this should go smoothly."

Kagome grumbled, grabbed her pack and followed the two youkai entered the house. Turning down one hallway to another, Aniki slid open the first door on the right. "Miko-sama, this is your room."

Kagome nodded in thanks and set down her bag. "Sesshoumaru?"

Sesshoumaru and Aniki stopped to look at her. "Yes, human?"

"Why are you agreeing to this? I figured that pretending to be a slave would be beneath you, especially to be a slave to a human."

Sesshoumaru sighed. "It is beneath me, but I need what is mine. Your power makes it less demeaning."

"My power? I don't under-"

Before Kagome could finish her question, Sesshoumaru and Aniki walked down the hallway and were gone. Kagome sighed and slid her door closed.


"Here is your room, Sesshoumaru-sama," Aniki announced as he slid a door open. Sesshoumaru and Aniki entered, with Aniki sitting in the chair closest to the door.

"My lord, are you sure about this?" Aniki asked, watching Sesshoumaru warily.

Sesshoumaru nodded. "I have made my decision."

"Hai, my lord. Well," Aniki clapped his hands together as he stood up. "Tomorrow the training begins!"

"What training?"

Aniki stepped closer to the door. "Well, the miko must be trained in the ways to care for a youkai slave. You, my lord, must be trained to behave like one. We start in the morning. Do you need anything?"

"No, Aniki. You are dismissed."

Aniki bowed and left the room, sliding the door closed behind him. He smiled as he walked down the hallway. 'Tomorrow shall be very interesting. Neither has a clue what's in store for them.'


SF: I'm here by myself today. The rest of the cast is at the local sushi bar, hopefully not touching the sake. I don't trust the fellows not to intentionally get the girls drunk, so this will have to be short.

{A crash sounds from offstage. SF flinches as Inuyasha's calls her offstage.}

Inuyasha: {::slurring slightly::} Hey birdbrain! Where are ya?

SF: Oh crap. I've gotta go before he destroys my stage. Here's the preview.

Chapter Three: Training Days

"Alright, Kagome-miko-sama. Subdue him."

Kagome gulped, and did as Aniki asked. "Are you ready, Sesshoumaru?"


"Down, boy!"


"Oh…my…God," was all Kagome could get out before she and Aniki burst into a fit of giggles.