InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Changes ❯ Of A Fallen Child ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, H.P. and comp. Or anyone other than the people I create, like Jinome and the boys. blah blah blah.
Chapter 4: Of A Fallen Child
Jinemy lifted his hand in the direction of Inuyasha, his eyes started to close as he concentrated all of his power into the spell, again Inuyasha's eyes went blank and the white mist appeared that from his mouth as it slowly turned into a orb in front of him.
Inuyasha seemed to be getting more and more stressed; he tried desperately over and over again to break free from Jinemy's hold on him. Failing once again, he was forced to watch his past self-move about in, not just his dreams, but in front of him.
Jinemy looked deeper this time and was rewarded with something that was sure to rattle him.
You may begin to read the memory now-(sorry I just HAD to say that^-^)
His small form ran through the forest faster and faster quickly jumping over objects in his path, his sharpened senses were only getting better. He had started to grow accustom to being alone after only a few days, and it was bringing out all of his instincts, showing him just how powerful he could be. Since his mothers death he didn't have to sleep that much, even though he slept for 2 hours each day memories of his mother found themselves in his dreams almost immediately as he closed his eyes.
He stopped at a fallen tree and sniffed the air finding a scent similar to his but much different, it sent shivers up his spine and made his heart grow cold, he could hear the source of his fear coming up from behind him quickly, he jumped up into the tree that stood next to him and tried to hid his sent in the leaves.
The dark figure stopped just under the branches which were holding Inuyasha, looking down, he could see that his hair was pure white like his and his eyes were the same shade of pure amber (gold), but that's where the similarities ended, in his eyes was a pure hatred, engraved on his forehead it seemed, was a perfect purplish-blue crescent moon, his clothes were also white. He did however have a colorful belt on, over his white kimono was armor plating and a strip of metal that went over his left shoulder, along it was a very sharp points, on his right shoulder hung a silky smooth string of fur that showed he had a very powerful blood line and basically told Inuyasha that he was high in the ranks, and was not one to fool around with.
The figure looked up “Get down, I am not here to play games.” He said in a monotone voice, I still can't believe I agreed to come after him if his mother died.
He jumped down from his hiding place reluctantly not knowing what he wanted, and didn't feel he should trust him just yet. “Inuyasha” he said not looking at him.
“Yes?” a smile threatened to appear on his face, revealing his baby canine teeth; I wonder how he knows my name.
“ Follow me.” He ordered as he turned and started walking away.
“What's your name?” The figure stopped walking but did not turn around. Inuyasha had a trusting look in his eye, maybe, just maybe, I found someone who wont leave like the others, his hopeful look drawing the figures attention.
“Sesshomaru” he answered over his shoulder, and then he started to walk, towards a destination unknown to the child following him.
Inuyasha quickly memorized it. Then jogged to catch up with Sesshomaru, slowing to a walk at his left a little bit behind, showing respect for his space, knowing that he was to follow and not lead.
Sesshomaru looked him over out of the corner of his eye noticing that he looked similar to their father the great Inutaishou, but was more closely resembling his human mother that caused their great fathers death.
Inuyasha was content with the knowledge that Sesshomaru knew something about him and had even searched for him, he started to put all his trust in this stranger, looking at him with eager trustful eyes, thinking that he was his savior, and was the greatest person in the world, little did he know about his grudge.
His whip landed on his back one last time and Inuyasha seemed to have snapped, the last tear he shed fell slowly to the ground and his eyes dried quickly, his face held a blank expression and his eyes held distrust and hatred, he had learned to never trust anyone again now.
He looked directly into his perpetrator's eyes with a cold, frozen expression, all the trust he had so openly given him was gone for good this time and there was no way or getting it back, Inuyasha looked defiantly at him as he turned his back, paused, then without turning around to look at him, walked quietly to his room.
Sesshomaru stopped when he reached his room, why have I been taking out my anger on a defenseless boy. I could see something inside of him snap, and he might never trust me or anyone else again because of my temper. He could have been my strongest ally but I betrayed the trust he put so willingly in me, father would be furious at my rational behavior! He looked back at the boy who had put his back to him as he sat on the windowsill watching the moon with distaste in the hall way.
A year later…
Inuyasha ran away from the castle as soon as he could fend for himself and never looked back, but he never forgot what Sesshomaru had put him through, and he never would, his grudge would stand for as long as he was still alive, and he promised himself that he would make Sesshomaru feel the pain he had put him through, teaching him a lesson that he would never forget, and show him that he wasn't going to allow anyone to push him around anymore.
Ok memory is over now.
The group of friends gasped at the sight of Sesshomaru whipping Inuyasha, they new Inuyasha hated him for something but couldn't figure out what it could have possibly been, that was, until now.
“I guess that's why he despises Sesshomaru so much!” Miroku's eyes were shaking, he didn't even want to look at another memory of his close friends past, he was to ashamed of all the people who did him wrong, how could they do such a thing to a defenseless child, no matter what his blood lines contain!
“I feel sorry for him, even we didn't have such horrible pasts, here we thought we had it bad when Inuyasha had it ten times worse!” Sango placed a hand over her mouth to hold in the sob that was trying to come out. We all had pretty good pasts, even Miroku, and Shippo didn't have it to bad either, since Kagome and Inuyasha found him before anything bad happened.
“Yeah, we may have lost our families, but Inuyasha lost his life!” Shippo added, tears streaming down his face, poor Inuyasha, no wonder he's always so angry and always hitting him.
Inuyasha was again enraged, Jinemy stopped watching the memory that played in front of him and watched Inuyasha struggle, suddenly he managed break free from the spell which backfired and hit one of the buildings.
Someone screamed…
Sorry I had to do a cliff hanger, it was just to good of a sentence to keep going in this chapter, I had to make you guys read the other chapter to figure out what happens next. Hehe ;P I am also sorry this one is soooo damn short, but I assure you its going to get better(I think, I don't remember now^^') review tell me if you like it hate it or just found something I need to fix, I have been constantly going over these chapters to find and fix my mistakes again and again but I probably missed SOMETHING I mean nobodies perfect I just like to get close to it ^_^' again if you want to e-mail me to talk to me or tell me something what ever, my address is I also have msn so if I'm on I might be able to talk with you instead of email you, thanks for reading