InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ The Truth is Told ( Chapter 10 )
Disclaimer: If I have to say this one more time I'm gonna kill somebody. I don't own Inuyasha.
Review Responses
Eddie4: I guess he is, but my main focus isn't on him so that's probably why I made the fight short.
Pinayazngrl: Glad you finally know, and don't worry Inuyasha's fine. Hm, good questing, I don't know who I'll put Inuyasha with; I might not even have a pairing for him.
Sakura Tenvaiga: Lol, being mean is my job.
Amreld: If you're talking about the story that I might write, I don't think fluffy will be the younger brother. Anyway, thanks for the compliment, and about the fast pace, I think I just want to get this story over with cause I started a new story as you should know, and, ah, sorry bout spelling your pen name wrong I apologize.
Kdemongrl: Thanks for the compliment, I will keep going.
Anonymous: I was wondering when a flame would come. About your questions: the first one I didn't think about at all, the second one was answered in the prologue, and the rest I didn't really think of either. I know I am not a very good writer, but thanks for reviewing and giving this story a chance. Anyway, the characters may be OOC, but remember its ok for that because this is fan fiction, not realistic story. The characters don't have to be like they are in the anime series.
Unexpected Love Chapter 10: The Truth is Told
Italics are thoughts.
Kagome rushed over to Inuyasha. He was beat up pretty badly, but nothing SERIOUSLY life threatening. He looked like he had a slight concussion with bruises and cuts all over and also in need of rest. Kagome let out a sigh of relief and yelled at Sango for making her worry. In which Sango answered that she called her over to tell her that Inuyasha was still alive, not dead.
Miroku let the two women argue and was about to try and pick up Inuyasha, when Sesshoumaru walked over. When Miroku saw him, he readied his staff at the advancing demon...
"Go away Sesshoumaru!"
Sesshoumaru said nothing then picked Inuyasha up and stated, "I'll carry him back to camp." Then walked away, leaving Miroku and the girls behind.
"What the hell?" cried Miroku out of shock and enigma over what Sesshoumaru just did?
"Kagome, why did... he just...."
"I guess he wanted to help," said Kagome, finally, stopping her argument with Sango.
Sesshoumaru was sitting in a far off corner in the campsite, watching intently as they tried to bandage Inuyasha's wounds.
Idiots... I didn't even fight hard. Well, I guess I'll have to join them if Inuyasha doesn't object. I don't give a damn if he does, so it doesn't matter. I'll continue the shard hunt with them, and protect Kagome and her puny friends...
Sesshoumaru was yanked from thought as Kagome called out his name.
"Why don't you come over here?"
"Like Mr. Anti-social will actually join us? He's probably lying about the shard hunt too," mocked Miroku.
"Miroku, why are you like that? He didn't kill us...," defended Kagome.
Sesshoumaru was drowning out the useless arguing when something hit him...
Oh shit, RIN!!
He turned to run, when Kagome called out to him again.
"Where are you going?"
He just turned his head to look back and muttered one word.
With that said, Sesshoumaru ran into the darkness of the night, back to his castle.
"That was weird," commented Sango.
"Why, Sango?" asked the miko.
"Kagome, he just left..."
"He said he was going to get Rin..."
"Sure...," butted Miroku.
"Miroku, just accept it already!!"
Inuyasha woke up a few moments after his brother ran off.
"What the hell?"
"Good, you're awake Inuyasha," exclaimed Sango.
"Where's Sesshoumaru? I'm gonna kill him!!"
"Stop it Inuyasha!"
"Where is he? Sango... Miroku..."
"He went to fetch Rin," stated Kagome.
"Fetch Rin? What the hell for?"
"Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru is joining us on the shard hunt..."
"Yes, just bare with this."
"Inuyasha, SIT BOY!"
x.X "Why is he joining us?"
"I dunno yet, but he is," answered the Taijiya.
"Keh, sure..."
*Day later*
They were all walking in the forest, with Sesshoumaru way in back with Rin and Jaken. He didn't want to rush being with Kagome, because she hadn't told Inuyasha yet. He didn't want him to find out the wrong way, and then he'd have to kill Inuyasha if he should fight, and he didn't want to do that in front of Kagome.
"If he's joining us, then why isn't he with us?" asked Inuyasha rather annoyingly, but keeping his cool in check since he knew he needed his brother, even though, he despised him.
"Inuyasha, I'd keep my distance too...." answered Miroku.
"Shut up Miroku!"
"Inuyasha, stop it," cried Kagome.
*Later that night*
Kagome left to find Sesshoumaru who had wandered off. He was sitting at the end of a large clearing, staring at the stars. Without even looking to see who had snuck up on him, he just began talking...
"Why don't you tell him, Kagome?"
"I will, I promise. It's just..."
"Hard. I know, but you must. This is also hard for me, too."
"Sesshoumaru, I need to tell you something."
He turned to look at her and asked, "What?"
He patted his hand on the lush green grass next to him and told her to sit and tell him everything she wanted to tell him.
She at down and began, "Ok, well... I'm not sure how to tell you this... but..."
"But what?"
"Sesshoumaru, I'm from the future..."
He laughed and asked in a cool masculine tone, "You are kidding me right?"
"No, I'm not, I fell down a well next to the shrine that I live in and it brought me here, then I met Inuyasha. It's a real complicated story, I'll even show you," pleaded Kagome.
Sesshoumaru nodded his head in agreement even though he doubt that time traveling was possible. Then the silver cloud materialized under both his and Kagome's feet and they flew off to the well where Kagome came from, with Kagome telling Sesshoumaru the directions to get there.
When they arrived, Kagome sprinted over to the well, and jumped down, with Sesshoumaru yelling her name out of fear that she would get hurt, but instead a flash of pink light appeared and she was gone.
Sesshoumaru couldn't believe it. His love is actually from the future. That would explain her strange attire and language. Then another flash of pink light and Kagome was climbing out of the well.
"Now do you believe me?" she asked.
Sesshoumaru nodded his head reluctantly and said, "I believe you.
AN: I don't know about you guys, but I think this chapter is screwy. Anyway, R and R.