InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Surprises ❯ two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters; they belong to the ever talented Rumiko Takahasi. I do however own this plot line.

A/N: Okay after careful consideration, I’ve decided to give my reviewers what they asked for… here is the second part of Unexpected Surprises- enjoy! XD

This chapter is dedicated to Yuti-Chan for pointing out that some questions have still not been answered- Thanks Yuti! XD

With Bankotsu:

After leaving the restaurant, he walked home and kicked off his steel toed boots before smirking and peeling out of his muscle shirt. 'At least now I know that I wasn’t the only one wishing we had gotten closer.' He thought smugly.

Remembering the shocked look on her face after he kissed her, he grinned thinking, 'I can’t wait to kiss her again.' as he licked his lips remembering how good she had tasted.

He tossed his shirt into the hamper and undid his jeans slipping out of them and tossed them into the hamper as well. He raised his arm and sniffed. “Yuck I need a shower,” he muttered.

He padded into the bathroom and started the water before slipping out of his briefs and undid his braid. He pulled out the hair bands and slowly ran his fingers through his hair as the water heated up and ran into the stall.

He smiled thinking, 'It feels good to do manual labor, but it sure is tough on the back and shoulders,' as he continued running his fingers through his hair until the strands were separated.

He winced at how sore his shoulders were and sighed stepping into the shower. His eyes closed as the hot water beat down on his sore back and shoulders in an almost rain-like pattern.

He smirked thinking, 'These modern inventions do come in handy sometimes.' As he adjusted the shower head so that when the water fell onto him it would also massage him a bit.

Sighing audibly as the water began massage some of the tenseness from his tight shoulders he thought with mixed emotions, 'Well I don’t have Banryu or the guys anymore, but at least I have a chance to see where things could have gone with me and my little miko.' adding happily, 'Without that stupid Inutrasha around to interfere this time too.'

As he let the water soothe away some of his aches, he pressed his eyes closed and imagined instead that it was Kagome’s hands soothing away the pain from the tight muscles of his shoulders and back.

He imagined her soft hands kneading his sore shoulders and back as she sat behind him on his bed. Smirking he reached for his body wash and began lathering his body imagining that it was her hands running along the taunt abs and thighs.

After washing his hair and rinsing his body free of the day’s grime and sweat, he turned off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist padding into his bedroom, where he saw a flash of Kagome sitting on his bed and beckoning him over.

He sighed and sat on his bed thinking, 'For two years now, I’ve watched her being patient. The only guy I’ve seen that might be a nuisance is that wimpy guy Hobo or whatever his name is.'

Smirking he said, “But she always turns him down.” Laughing as he picked up his brush and began running it through his hair he thought, 'Poor fool just doesn’t realize she isn’t interested in him.'

He chuckled a few minutes. Deciding he had waited long enough he stood up declaring, “I will wait no longer.” and yanked the towel off before moving over to his dresser and pulling out some fresh underwear and socks.

He slipped into his underwear and walked over to his closet pulling out a fresh muscle shirt and some fresh jeans. Slipping into the fresh clothes he grabbed his towel and began drying his hair. When the hair was no longer dripping wet he smiled and carefully braided his hair thinking, 'She should be off work soon.'

Checking the clock on the wall he smirked thinking, “Five fifteen, huh?” and moved over to put his boots back on. He grabbed up his keys and wallet and said, “Perfect, I should get there right on time then.” as he locked the door behind him.

With Kagome:

She had clocked out and was on her way to the shrine. She thought tiredly, 'I can’t wait to get home and soak in a nice hot bath.'

After reaching the shrine, she placed the bag of food on the table in the kitchen and yelled, “Hey mom! I’m home now; I left dinner on the table for you and Souta okay? I’m going over to my place and going to soak as while.”

Mrs. Higaurashi yelled down, “Okay dear, Souta should be home from school soon.” as she finished cleaning out the attic.

Kagome smiled and walked across the shrine to the former shed that she and her family had made into a small one bedroom flat for her, after getting over her grandfather’s passing.

She unlocked the door and kicked off her sandals and closed the door locking it behind her. She hung her keys up on the hook on the wall and reached up pulling out her rubber band.

She frowned thinking, 'Was that really Bankotsu? I mean how could it be him?' as she walked into the bathroom and started the water.

She undid the button and pulled the zipper of her skirt down and let it fall to the floor. Her aching feet protested at still being stood on. She sighed and slipped her blouse off and unlatched her bra. She slipped her panties down her leg and climbed into the tub sighing in relief as her feet and shoulders soaked in the warm bubbly water.

She laid back in the tub and sighed thinking, 'What a day. First Hojo comes in asking me out- again.' Whishing he would learn to take a hint. 'Next the new waitress botches up a few orders. And finally the guy who reminds me so much of Bankotsu asks me to sit with him, and we talk a bit. And then when he’s about to leave he just up and kisses me out of the blue.'

Her hand slipped to her lips as she relieved the kiss and thought, 'Damn that guy sure knows how to kiss.' Smiling she asks sadly, “I wonder if Bankotsu would have kissed me like that?”

Sighing as she leans her head back closing her eyes she thinks, 'Too late now I guess.' And wonders, 'But his parting words… how did he know I was a miko?' frowning she asked, “And if it was Bankotsu, why didn’t he just tell me? And how did he get to my time?”

She bumped her head against the wall thinking and let her sore body soothe its aches pondering over those last two questions, growing frustrated as she couldn’t get the man out of her head.

She sighed and got out of the tub drying off with a towel and belted her robe around her waist. As she replayed hi parting words in her mind again her eyes widened and she gasped thinking, 'I know I’ve heard that voice before.'

Flash back:

Kagome was standing in a clearing by the water and sighed thinking, 'Baka Inuyasha. Why does he always have to compare me to Kikyo.' as she kicked a rock in frustration.

An amused male chuckle filtered across the air and she heard the rock being caught.

As his strong hand caught the rock he teased lightly, “Hey now, what did this poor rock ever do to you to deserve such harsh treatment?” blue eyes dancing with mischief.

She blushed before looking down at the ground and muttering, “Sorry.”

He tossed his head back letting his laughter rumble into the air and tossed the rock aside saying, “I was just kidding.” Adding seriously, “You never cease to amaze me Kagome, actually apologizing for kicking a rock, as if the silly thing had real feelings.” and chuckled a bit more.

She huffed crossing her arms over her chest ad looked away muttering, “Never know in this world.” earning more laughter from the amused teenage mercenary leader.

She placed a hand firmly on her hip that had been cocked to one side and scowled, “Hey! I was being serious.” glaring at him.

He stopped laughing and said with a grin, “I’m sorry, it’s just so refreshing to see someone so innocent still exists in the world.” as his eyes dimmed from the pain caused by his own past.

Remembering what he had shared with her last time about how rough his life had been, she felt her anger drain away and sat down beside him saying with mock annoyance, “Glad I can amuse you.” and lightly tugged his braid giggling.

A brief blush filtered across his face at the touch before he turned to her scowling and reprimanded sternly, “Hey! No one messes with the braid.” boring his eyes into hers as he swatted her hand away.

She chuckled piping back, “Ya ya,” and dropped her hand to her lap before asking softly, “So what brings you out here tonight?”

He shrugged answering, "Thought it was nice weather for a walk.” before staring at the stars.

She said, “Hai it is.” before sighing and staring at her lap thinking, '“Baka Inuyasha and Kikyo! Who needs you two anyway.'

Bankotsu noticed she was sad again and asked, “So why are you here?” before she could answer he answered his own question. “Let me guess, it’s that baka Inuyasha again, huh?” and stared into her warm brown eyes.

She sighed and nodded answering, “Hai,” and scuffed her feet while plucking some imaginary lint from the hem of her green school uniform skirt.

He scowled demanding, “So what did he do this time?” waiting for her to explain.

Her eyes filled with tears as she whispered, “He is always comparing me to Kikyo… Kikyo is a much better archer. Kikyo is a better fighter. Kikyo this, Kikyo that.”

He snorted, “Inutrasha is nothing but a baka!” he slammed his tightly clenched fist on his thigh thinking, “Damn half breed, he doesn’t deserve her! I would never hurt Kagome like he always does.”

Sighing he thought sadly, 'If only I could tell her how I feel.' and looked back at the stars saying, “Ignore him Kagome. You are way better than Kikyo.”

She blinked away her tears and stared at him asking, “How so?”

He faced her and replied seriously, “You’re prettier than she is. You are much stronger than she is too.”

Seeing her frown he assured, “I wouldn’t say any of that if I didn’t believe it.” and the corner of his mouth tilt up as he watched her tears dry up and saw her smile.

Feeling a little better Kagome hugged him saying, “Thanks Bankotsu, you always know how to cheer me up.”

He smiled wrapping one arm around her and said softly, “You’re welcome Kagome.” While thinking, 'I like being the one to cheer her up.'

She blushed and snuggled closer to him thinking happily, 'Bankotsu always makes me feel better.'

Bankotsu sat there letting her hug him and ran his fingers through her hair thinking, 'Inuyasha doesn’t realize what a lucky jerk he is. He doesn’t deserve a sweet girl like Kagome.'

He sighed and thought wistfully, 'If only I wasn’t so afraid to tell her how much I really feel for her.'

Snorting in disgust he thought sourly, 'Who would have believed that I- the powerful leader of the most notorious band of killers in all of Japan, wouldn’t be able to tell the woman I love how I feel, all because I’m scared of her rejecting me.'

Releasing a deep sigh as she pulled out of his arms, and noticing her blush he smirked. Standing up he hoisted Banryu onto his shoulder and said, “Remember what I said Kagome, you are much better than Kikyo and shouldn’t be compared to her either.” Smirking as he saw her smile at him.

He tapped Banryu against his shoulder adding sternly, “And don’t let that baka Inuyasha tell you any different!” staring into her eyes.

She grinned promising, “I won’t, and thank you Bankotsu.” as she smiled at the handsome man before her.

He smirked proudly and said, “Anytime Kagome.” sending her his boyish grin and waving to her. He waited for her to wave back and then teasingly saluted to her saying, “See ya around miko,” and disappeared.

She shook her head grinning and muttered amused, “He is such a kid sometimes.” before grabbing up her bow and arrows and saying, “But he’s right- I don’t need to compare to Kikyo.” Straightening her shoulders she declared, “Alright now back to camp and this time, I’m not going to let Inuyasha chase me off.” grinning deviously she thought, “I’ll just sit him instead.”

End Flashback!!!!

Her eyes flew wide open as she gasped, “It’s Bankotsu’s voice!” After her racing heart slowed to its normal pace, she frowned asking, “But how… how did he get here?”

Mind swirling with questions she slowly dressed and grabbed her keys slipping them and her wallet into her pocket before walking down the steps to the shrine thinking, 'May as well go for a walk since I won’t be able to rest until I know the answers.'

A/N: Okay I’ll admit there are still some questions that need answered a bit more, {Some of which Yuti-Chan has brought to my attention} so I’ve changed this into a three shot. Here is the second part- enjoy! XD