InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unforeseen Hero ❯ Kiss & Tell ( Chapter 6 )
Chapter 6
~ Kiss & Tell ~
The small brigade met in the village and left as soon as possible but something was amiss, Koga concluded. None of them are behaving normally. He eyed Kagome who seemed off in her own little world and not a very pleasant one at that. Sango and Miroku were avoiding each and seemed nervous or embarrassed about something, maybe both. Inuyasha and Shippo were a good couple of jumps ahead of everyone, the little fox seemed wound up and playful about something. The dog just seemed to be ignoring him, which was just wrong on so many levels.
"Did I miss something last night?" He finally asked.
"Kagome." Inuyasha hollered over his shoulder. She looked to him from the passing scenery and jogged up next to him disregarding Koga's question.
"Yeah?" She answered.
"I've caught the scent of a hot springs." He replied without looking at her.
"That's what you called her for?" Growled Shippo.
"Why else would I?" He gritted out.
"Well - " He was muffled by Kagome.
"Let's go get Sango and enjoy a nice hot bath. A Shippo?" She gave him an odd look, which made him settled down and comply. "Hey Sango," she waited for her female friend to catch up, "there's a hot springs near by." They smiled at each other.
"Oh good I could use a hot soak." She replied.
"Inuyasha." Kagome called out, he turned slightly to show her she had his attention, "protect us will you." All three of them eyed Miroku then Koga.
"What?" They responded together. The girls weren't sure about Koga but they couldn't forget he was a healthy young male who was capable of spying on them or at least Kagome. Inuyasha was their safety net because he didn't seem that interested in sex and could also be punished by the wrath of Kagome and her spells. Sango smiled as the four of them separated from the three mature males. She supposed Koga could feel the same wrath and maybe even Miroku but… Her mind stopped functioning at the mere mention of him and she blushed at something.
"Sango?" Shippo inquired, studying the blush and look of her eyes.
"Did something happen last night after I left?" Kagome leaned forward to look past Shippo who was perched on her shoulder.
"I…um…well you see…" Sango's blush deepened. "There was a little rat demon and Miroku and I easily took care of it. The elder told us whatever we wanted we could have…Miroku…so we…" By now a massive crimson splotch covered most of her face.
"Yeah?" Two voices became one and inquiring eyes peered at her with much anticipation.
"How long is this going to take?" Koga huffed in impatience.
"This time is usually spent relaxing Koga, just as they are." The lecherous monk replied.
"For you maybe." Inuyasha barked. "I'm stuck playing babysitter." He barked.
"I don't need one. I'd never do anything to displease or dissatisfy her." The wolf shot the canine a spiteful look. Inuyasha didn't give a retort but just looked off in the woods trying to hide his smug face. Koga looked at Miroku then back at Inuyasha and back again at the monk. "You've been acting strange too." His eyes glanced at the half-breed at the mention of his last word. "Did something happen with that demon exterminator?" Miroku formed a faded blush across the bridge of his nose.
"What makes you think that? I mean…um…that is…why did she say - no of course not. Nothing happened." Miroku cleared his throat after he finished his mini monolog. By then Inuyasha had turned his attention to the stammering monk and away from thoughts of Kagome bathing.
"What was that monk?" He snickered, Koga smirked as well.
"Lady Sango…"He cleared his throat again. "…and I simply killed a demon rat last night." Miroku rearranged his hands in his sleeves and looked rather nervous.
"Come on Sango what happened?" Kagome asked as she slid into the steaming water.
"Yeah do tell." Shippo sang as he splashed around.
"Sango." Kagome practically whined, the other woman evaded her friends prying eyes.
"Um…" She replied but then something seemed to strike her. "Kagome what happened with Inuyasha last night?" She smirked as the magically inclined girl backed away slightly sliding deeper into the hot liquid.
"What do you mean?" She tried to ask innocently, while washing her arms.
"You spent the night with him." Sango answered bluntly.
"And Shippo…and it's not like I haven't before remember? Besides Inuyasha isn't a letch so I can sleep beside him and know I won't be groped." Kagome's voice cracked a bit during her detailed response, Shippo swam around with a smirk on his face.
"Kagome have you ever kissed Inuyasha or him you?" A slight pinkish tint crossed Sango's nose and she played with her fingers anxiously.
"Why?" Kagome jumped back as if the warrior next to her were going to bite or attack her. "Why do you ask?" She questioned settling more into the discussion.
"No reason." Sango rushed out and turned away but a little to late, Kagome had already seen the deep blush appear.
"Gee Miroku I think something else happened," teased Inuyasha.
"Really," Koga contributed, both demons wore a mocking expression.
"Nothing happened. End of story." The monk replied. "Besides the focus should be on Inuyasha who spent the night with Kagome." Miroku said the last part of his response methodically for Koga to understand all of it.
"That's right Mutt-face." The wolf demon turned to the third young male sitting around the fire.
"Shippo was with us the whole time." He answered trying to defuse the potential fight.
"And I'm suppose to believe you." Koga dimly retorted.
"Good one." Miroku added sarcastically.
"Well then I guess that means I could have said 'I took her until the sun rose' and it wouldn't have matter…because after all you don't believe a word I say." Inuyasha made a sassy impression of Koga in the last part of his statement.
"Why you!" Roared the wolf and rose from his seat.
"Oh pipe down the both of you." Miroku ordered with slight annoyance, he turned to the full-blooded. "You know she's not that kind of girl." He turned to the other, "and I'm sure Kagome would have sat you for that last comment, you should have waited." He chuckled to himself out of sheer amusement.
"Oh shut up, letch." Inuyasha retorted.
"Sango." The young woman turned at the call of her name. "I'm sorry about before, I shouldn't have been so nosy."
"No it's ok." The exterminator smiled. "You know…um…" She looked to see Shippo off playing with Kirara. "…him and I…well we sort of…"
"Yeah?" Kagome's eyebrows rose.
"Kissed." The priestess wanted to fall over like she saw in the cartoons.
"Kissed?! That's it? The way you two have been acting I thought maybe…well you know." She wiggled her brow indicating something; Sango took a few steps back.
"Kagome." She stated in shock and disbelief at what she had just heard.
"Well…" Kagome smiled then shrugged and began to laugh. "Since we're telling kissing secrets…then yes Inuyasha and I've kissed." Sango's eyes widened and she leaned forward.
"Who kissed whom?" She inquired.
"Which time?" Both women giggled.
"What's going on?" Shippo asked coming over to them with the fire cat.
"Nothing." Kagome responded. "Just girl talk." She added after seeing his skeptical look.
"Kirara where're the boys?" Sango asked her feline friend.
"Inuyasha's over there." Kagome answered thoughtlessly.
"That's right Kagome's sensing power has grown a bunch." Shippo explained to no one.
"I imagine the others are with him. I sense another demon with jewel shards and no evil aura." Sango followed the kind girl's eyes into the forest.
"Well then let's get some lunch into our bellies and hit the trail again." She suggested and the little group of four headed in the direction of their friends' camp.