InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

SHE'S BACK!!!!!!

Chapter 1

Looking up into the dark night's sky with her dark blue eyes, a sad smile on her face, the winter's cold wind blew her long dark raven hair into her elegant pale face, her silk dark red pajamas clinging to her thin petite body.

Standing on the balcony of her new apartment, high above the noisy city and flashing lights, she sighed heavily. It wasn't supposed to be like this, she was supposed to be happy to get out her house, and be going to college, the very small house that she grew up in, the very same house of her pushy mother and grandfather and her little brother.

Yes she was unhappy, she was very unhappy.

Walking back into her dark green room of her expensive apartment, provided by her college scholarship, she slowly closed the glass French doors behind her. Walking over to her king sized bed, she flopped down onto the dark green comforter. Staring up at he ceiling she sighed heavily again, but this time a single tear slid down her face.

Sitting back up on her comfortable bed, she heard the phone ring in the other room, swinging her silken clad legs over the side she jumped off, and walked lazily out the door and into her ordinary living with the walls painted white and the furniture black, and a medium sized television that she hardly ever used sitting in the corner on a dark brown wooden table.

Walking over to the end of the table next to her couch she picked up the cordless phone, putting it up to her ear she sighed again.

"Hello" she said half heartily not really caring to talk to anybody at the moment

"Well hello to you too Kagome, is that anyway to answer the phone." Especially not her mother

"What do you need mom?" Kagome asked still not really caring

"Well, I was wondering if you were going to come to dinner this evening, we haven't seen you in a while." Kagome's mom said sounding concerned

"Not tonight, I've got stuff to do." Kagome lied

"Kagome, what do you have to do?" Kagome's mom began "You live alone, you don't have any friends, you hate your job, and not to mention college doesn't start for another two months, what do you have to do?"

"Things alright" she said in her defense

"Alright honey, you go do whatever you need to do, just remember that we'll be here if you need us." And with that she hung up the phone not bother to say good-bye.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Kagome shouted into the phone, and hung it back up roughly onto the charger.

Running her small hand roughly threw her hair; she let out a frustrated growl. Turning on her heels she walked over to her under stocked plan black and white kitchen. Turning to the black refrigerator, she slammed her fist it out of frustrating.

"Why is that she always has to remind me that I have nothing?" she asked to no one in particular.

Leaning her head against the cold painted metal, she let it all out. She cried until there was nothing left to cry anymore.

She had been along time since she had a friend, or some one to talk to. They always found her too weird to talk too, because of how quite she is. It's not her fault she doesn't talk up a storm when you ask her a question about where she got her cloths or what she had to do to get them. She wasn't like that, she didn't care what people thought of her. So as a result of this she had no friends.

Pushing herself off of the refrigerator, wiping away the fallen tears in the process with her sleeve, she made her way to one of the many cabinets that decorated the kitchen to pull out a package of chicken flavored ramen.

Preparing her usual dinner for herself, she made her way back into her bedroom. Holding her dinner in one hand and a book in the other. This was what she normally did ever night, it was a routine for her, and it depressed her even more.

Setting the steaming bowl of ramen on the nightstand next to her bed, she leaned back onto the headboard, resting the open book on her chest; she began to zone out, forgetting about her ramen and her book.

`Why is that I can't be happy?' she asked herself, looking over at the wall clock the hung beside her bathroom door, she sighed again for the hundredth time that night, it was one in the morning and she still wasn't in bed.

This depressed her even more than usually, she had insomnia really bad, and she'd be so tired from a days work at the office she worked at as a sectary. All she'd want to do is go to sleep, but she'd end up tossing and turning all night. The most sleep she's ever got was eight hours in one week.

Throwing the book to the floor, she curled up into a tight ball and tried to get some sleep.


Sitting on a park bench next to a lake in her white pinstriped black slacks that clung to her in all the right places, and her matching blazer that covered the dark blue blouse underneath, on her lunch break, she feed the geese brave enough to venture out of the cold mid afternoon water to eat the crumbled dry bread out of her hand.

Looking up just in time to see a big, fat black and white dog come running at her, with its big ears flopping in the wind along with its floppy cheeks, she tensed, and closed her eyes, and waited for the impact. Which it did full force; she fell off the bench and landed with a hard thump on the ground with the dog over top of her, happily licking her face.

Opening back her eyes, she was met with a gold shinny round tag hanging in front of her face that read `REX' in big letters.

"REX!" a man shouted from in front of her "REX!" he shouted again more forcefully when the dog refused to move off of the stunned Kagome.

Kagome figured she make an attempt and slowly reached up for the dogs big floppy ears, and began to rub them.

"Rex, could you please get off of me?" She asked the dog quietly, knowing she got its full attention.

Rex did as he was asked, and slowly got of Kagome and walked over to he master.

Kagome lay there for a couple of minutes, staring up into the light blue sky. She was cut out of her thoughts and gasped when a stunning man with long silver hair in a thick heavy ponytail hanging over his shoulder, and the most gorgeous golden eyes, came into her line of sight.

"Are you ok?" He asked, sounding some what concerned

Kagome only nodded and sat up slightly, resting her weight on her now sore elbows, she winced, and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Are you sure your ok?" He asked again,

Turning her full attention to the silver haired man kneeling down beside her, now holding the leash that was attached to Rex, she found what he was wearing to be rather delicious looking, he was wearing a pair of dark tan Cargo pants that were baggy enough to barely see his black and white converse, that fit him perfectly, with a worn out dark red tee-shirt that showed off his well toned body.

"Yes, I'm fine." Kagome said finally with a fake smile, shaking her head slightly of unnatural thoughts. She got back up off the chilled ground and she dusted herself off, walking back over to her park bench as if nothing happened, she sat back down and proceeded in feeding the geese.

The hole time the silver haired man, and his dog stared at her as if she were nuts.

"Um…I'm Inuyasha" He said walking over to the bench as well sitting next to the strange girl. "Inuyasha Deatherage" he said offering his hand for her to shake.

"Kagome…Kagome Higurashi" she said faintly tuning to him, and lightly shaking his offered hand. Giving him a sad smile she turned back to her geese.

"I know you've met Rex." He laughed pointing to his tail-waging dog sitting peacefully beside him, staring at the geese as if they were his next meal. But soon his laughter died down when the beautiful women next to him didn't even crack a smile, still feeding the geese as if it was her job to. "Are sure you're ok?" He asked yet again, gently placing a hand on her shoulder for some kind of comfort.

For so odd reason she couldn't help but relax at his gentle touch, dropping all the crumbled bread that was in her hand, she brought her trembling hands up to her face, she couldn't help it, she cried.

Inuyasha's eyes went wide, he didn't mean to make her cry, whatever he did he didn't mean to make this beautiful women cry.

Going on instincts, he did the only thing he could think of, he wrapped his strong sun kissed arms around her, and held her tightly and began to rock back and forth; hoping that would ease her of whatever pain she was in. listening as her sobbing began to die down as did his rocking back and forth.

Kagome couldn't help it; she could not help but fall asleep in his strong gentle arms. `He smells so good' was her last thought before she let her eyes drift shut.

`Well…. that's odd' he thought to himself, as he found out the reason she was so quite was because she was now asleep, looking over at Rex he gave him a confused look, as if the dog would answer any questions he might have.

Doing the only thing he could think to do, he tied the dog leash to his belt loop, and slowly picked Kagome up bridle style, and began to walk the short distance to his apartment, with a girl he doesn't know in his arms, and his troublemaker dog by his side.


Well what do you think? It's a little boring I know, I just had to type something though, I'm tired of beginning on break.*.* it's not edited, so sorry ^^ I'll have Tennyo edit it when she gets back, ok?


Daniy jinx