InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jinx: *heads bangs to techno music*

Tennyo: *looks at Jinx* … I wonder when her headache will start … *goes sit in front of jinx*

Jinx: *evil laughter* NEVER! *continues head banging*

Chapter 7

She was actually having a good time! Something about the way he, at the moment, was making her feel was just great!

She had chased him around her apartment for, she'd say, a good hour. Threatening to kill him every chance she got, but with laughter in her voice, a laughter she just couldn't help but enjoy.

She chased him into her bedroom where they now lay, on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. The sounds of their uneven panting echoing threw her almost empty room.

"You know?" Inuyasha said, finally catching his breath. "You should laugh more often." He smiled when he heard her breath hitch. That's the reaction he was going for.

"I laugh all the time." She lied, that had been the first time she had laughed in a long time. She could have sworn she almost forgot how.

"I'm sure you do" he said turn to his side and resting his head on his arm. Raising his dark eyebrow to let her know that he clearly did not believe her one bit, he smirked when he saw her eyes widen slightly.

Looking at her from the side he examined her beauty. Taking in every detail of her face that maybe he might have missed when he first met her.

"Would you stop looking at me, please?" She didn't like the way he was looking at her, he seemed to be actually looking at her, instead of what most people do, "stare". Staring she could deal with she could just turn away, but the way he was looking at her she just couldn't bring herself to do that.

It made her feel funny, like her insides were on fire, something she had never felt before. Maybe she was afraid, she didn't know? But she needed him to just stop.

"Alright" he said, turning away back onto his back, staring back up at the ceiling. "What do you want to do today?" he asked after a couple minutes of uncomfortable silence.

"I don't know? All I was going to do was veg out in front of the TV." Kagome answered as she sat up and began to wiggle off the bed, but an arm around her waist prevented her from doing other wise.

Looking to her side she caught sight of Inuyasha holding her with a smirk on his gorgeous face.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked, tightening his hold on her waist, clearing having something else in mind other than watching TV.

"Uh…Inuyasha, could you please let me go so I can go into the living room?" she asked, she didn't like that look on his face. To her it read `run'.

"Nope, you're going to stay here on this bed with me until you find something better to do then `veg out' on the couch." He grinned, he was going to get her to do something different with her free time if it was the last thing he did.

To prove his point, he whistled. In came the dogs.

"Hold her down boys!" he laughed, patting the space next to him. Inviting the dogs to jumps up to nap next to him.

They both gladly accepted of course, Rex took a little longer then Jake. Being as old as and fat as he was that one jump took more then one time. They both made themselves comfortable next to Inuyasha, ignoring the fact that they were sent in there to hold Kagome down.

She sighed, flopping back down on to her king sized bed not bothering to remove his warm arm from her waist. She was actually being to enjoy it being there.

She didn't know what else to do? All she knew was going to work, school, and maybe vegging out in front of the TV every once in a while. She looked over in he's direction, hoping maybe to get some ideas out of him, only to find him napping on her shoulder.

She didn't even notice he put his head there in the first place. `When did that happen?' she asked herself looking at his angelica face, he wasn't a bad guy really, he was actually really sweet.

She never really thought to keep up her protective shield around him, she felt comfortable around him for some strange reason. Like maybe he was at times he had given up too.

She raised her small hand to brush back a strand of his silver mane, he really was attractive.

`No! You can't think he's attractive!' her voice shouted in her head. `You just can't!'

(Little Tennyo: Why not? I mean LOOK AT HIM! … owh well give him to me then if you don't want him

Jinx: *sigh* you know that's not the point! but I do agree I'd take him if she didn't want him *evil laughter*

Tennyo: I thought you liked Sesshy?

Jinx: and your point would be?)

She moved her finger tips lightly over his face, tracing the curves of his soft lips, the softness of his cheeks nose, and the smooth surface of his closed eyelids.

"But I do find you attractive" she thought aloud, not noticing the innocent grin that played across the silver haired man napping on her shoulder.

She frowned slightly to herself when she thought about how she treated him when they first me.

She didn't mean to be, that's just how she was. She got tired of being nice to people that weren't nice back, so she one day just gave up. She just gave up on life, her feelings, her happiness, her will to live even at times. Not caring anymore at all, maybe that's why she was so unhappy?

She shut her eyes for a brief moment, concentrating on her thoughts, but she couldn't open them back up. Maybe she was way more tired then she first thought? Shifting her weight a little bit to get more comfortable.

She couldn't help but smile when she felt Inuyasha's strong arm tighten around her small form. Him mumbling something about `mine' and snoring lightly, but she didn't think anything of it.

It was good to have a friend, even if it was a butt head like Inuyasha.

The last thing she remembers thinking was how comfortable she was in his arms before she drifted off into a dreamless slumber.


Jinx: *dances to spongebob squarepants theme song*

Tennyo: No down girl, DOWN! Oohh I swear to god that I'll NEVER give her another lollypop in my life again! … *Looks at Jinx* don't-you-even-dare to snap your fingers! … ….

Jinx: *Snap … lollypop appears*

Tennyo: SHE JUST DID IT … ooohhh *rubs temples* so frustrating to live with Mary poppins … still love her though.

Jinx: *rolls eyes while running into "care bears" land*

Hope you all enjoyed!!!!!!!! *big smile* NOW REVIEW DAMN IT!!!!!! *big toothy smile*
