InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 14
She had been laying there for an hour it felt like, his arms wrapped around her small frame. Tightening with every little move she made, and she desperately had to pee.
She had woke up not to long ago, Inuyasha's warm breath on the back of her neck made her feel warm and fuzzy.
It was a new experience, and she welcomed it. But she soon grew tired of him tightening his hold on her every time she made a move to get up.
She sighed as she looked at the clock on the floor half way across her bedroom. The result of her feeble attempt to hit a button to possibly turn the radio on with the pillow that lay not two feet from it, of coarse that only resulted in knocking it off the table and unplugging it from its place in her wall.
She so badly wanted to kill Inuyasha, grab the pillow that he's head lay upon and smother him with it.
She glared at the hands that again tightened their hold around her, you could only be tightened so much, and she was beginning to wonder if she was going to have bruises.
She rolled her eyes at that thought, wouldn't be the first time.
Plus not to mention it was too quite, the little hairs on the back of her neck were beginning the stand up with every little sound that was made. It was creepy, and creepy things weren't her strong point.
Yes she was wrapped in the arms of a strong half demon, but from what she's witnessed, she wasn't sure that anything would wake him up at this point.
She sighed again, this was becoming more than annoying, this was frustrating. She tried not to think of the fact that she really had to pee. Maybe if she peed on Inuyasha he'd smell it and let her go…no that would be too embarrassing, not to mention she really didn't feel like buying new bed sheets.
She played with the silver hair that was draped over her shoulder; strangely enough it wasn't coarse or rough like she would have thought. No it was soft and silky almost, it kind of reminded her of a flower petal after it rained.
She twirled it around her finger; bringing it to her face to brush it across her nose.
`Autumn' She thought, she felt weird smelling his hair, but she didn't care at the moment. If she was going to be held down against her will she was going to do whatever she pleased to her captor.
She then began to wonder if any make up was near by…
For what was probably the seventeenth time, she sighed. This was boring, she only wished she hadn't of knocked the phone off the table as well, at this point she'd call anyone, and she means anyone, just to no longer be bored.
She felt the half demon behind her move in his sleep, she closed her eye slightly praying to anyone who listened that he'd wake up, or loosen he's hold on her…it was getting rather hard to breath.
But he only mumbled something about not moving and was once again snoring. Her shoulder slumped slightly, as she rolled her eyes again.
She wanted to cry…that or pee on him. She didn't know yet, she was still thinking on it.
Her hand twitched, she was losing feeling in it. Her arm lay underneath her side, and all the blood circulation was being cut off. She didn't look forward to the feeling of it flowing back threw her veins if Inuyasha ever woke up.
Plus he was a blanket hog! She didn't ever remember putting the blanket on in the first place but she was glad she had some of it, but her feet were way cold.
She wondered if they looked like ice cubes or not? She lifted her head to look over her shoulder at Inuyasha, he was still sleeping, she was kind of hoping he was faking it. It would make killing him all the more sweeter.
She turned her attention to her bathroom door.
`bad idea' she thought, she clenched her legs tighter together, thinking of anything other then water and toilets….it didn't help but it was her only option.
She sighed…all she wanted to do was go pee!
He had been awake for hours; in fact he probably didn't even go to sleep. It was too great to listen to her frustration, he knew she had to pee as well; he just liked see her squirm. He almost gave himself away chuckling when she knocked the alarm clock off the table. But he soon covered it up with a little snore and pulling her closer to him.
He was being evil and he knew it, but he didn't want her to get up just yet.
He liked her where she was she fit well against him. And he knew he was going to dread it if she ever figured out that he was faking it the whole time…he could tell by her fidgeting that she really, really had to go.
She was scratching her back a lot too, or trying to for that matter. He wondered if her bra was irritating her or something. He wasn't sure, but he was sure that it was getting on his last nerve.
He tried tightening to see if that would work, but then she began to use his rips in a washboard manner.
He couldn't take it any more.
“Stop it!” he growled, his throat vibrating on the back of her neck. She wondered slightly if that's what it felt like to get a tattoo there. (AN: it does!)
“I can't help it this….wait you're awake!” she said sounding side tracked.
She undid his arms from around her body while he was distracted, and took of like a bat out of hell toward her bathroom, doing the pee, pee dance all the way there.
He chuckled; he'd die a thousand deaths to see that again.
He sat up on the bed when she exited the bathroom. Her cheeks slightly flushed and her hair in a ponytail. She looked over at him.
“Had to pee,” she said sounding nervous, pointing back into the bathroom.
“I figured that much.” He said swinging his legs over the side of her bed and hoping off.
He walked by her smiling, grabbing her hand as he walked away and then letting go, as her arm would no longer reach the distance between them.
He continued to walk, where she didn't know, but she followed with interest.
But then again she wishes she hadn't.
Because when she walked into the living room, he was putting his shoes on.
He was leaving.
She looked at his hunched back with sad eyes; she must have done something wrong. So she just shrugged her shoulder, and walked back into her room, not giving him a second thought.
Men always left her; she should have been use to it by now you think.
She sat down on her bed, white cotton covered feet dangling in front of her.
This happened to her last time, this is the reason why…
She didn't want to think of it right now, it was depressing enough as it was.
She turned to look out the window, waiting for the sound of the front door to slam shut, waiting for the sound of him leaving her…waiting for the nothingness.
But it never came she realized, the sounds, the nothingness.
She looked away from the window to find him standing at her door. His hair pulled back in a low ponytail his perfect doggie ears turning every which direction.
He was almost like a god.
He looked at her with confusion…did she miss something? Did he say something and she not catch it? If that was it then it must have been important, because he was still standing there, with that look!
She arched her eyebrow at him…he did the same to her, his going beneath the bangs of his silver hair.
She couldn't tell if there was anger or confusion showing in his eyes, because his emotions seemed to change as much as the winds.
“What?!” she finally asked, her fingers twitching on her legs…
He only moved forward, closing the distance between him and her. It was almost getting kind of hard to breath. Was she having a panic attack? Or was it just her imagination?
He moved more; his shoe-covered feet barely make a sound as he moved forward. She looked up into his face never breaking eye contact, what was he doing?
He was in front of her now she could almost feel his breath across her lips.
“I wasn't going to leave you.” He spoke, his breath tickling her nose.
She wanted to break down again, he knew. She didn't know how, but he somehow knew.
She closed her eyes, breathing heavily; something was going to happen she could feel it.
He lend in closer, and to her disappointment, he moved away just as quick.
She opened her eyes slowly to look up at him…but he wasn't there. She looked around her room.
She was hallucinating she had to have been.
“Finally” She heard Inuyasha say rather grumpily in her living room.
So she wasn't hallucinating.
She walked up to her open bedroom door and peaked around the frame.
It was Sesshomaru back with the dogs; he was covered in snow, his trench coat dripping on her rug placed neatly in front of her door.
She saw Sesshomaru roll his eyes, showing the only emotion she'd ever seen from him.
He dropped the dogs leashes, and with that the dogs took off with there tails between their poor legs…she made a mental note to never let Sesshomaru take the dogs for a walk again.
She looked back to Sesshomaru he was taking off his coat, which meant in her book that he most likely was going to stay a while.
So instead of walking out into her living room to be a proper host, she walked back into her room and sat on her bed, her feet again dangling in front of her.
She put her hand to her lips and her fingers lightly touched them.
`He was going to kiss me' she thought.
She didn't know weather to be scared by that or…excited.
all done with that chapter! Hopes you like!