InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 17 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 17
He looked at his brother. `Oh shit he heard that.' He thought to himself, the one thing secret he could keep from his brother was now out in the open, he vaguely heard the little girl jabbering on the phone, as if he never pulled away.
His shoulders slumped noticeable when he saw a smirk form onto his brother's lips.
Now his life was even suckyer. He looked like a full demon when he himself knew that his scent hadn't altered into that of a full demon, and his brother was smirking at him.
All good signs of a perfect well thought out miserable life.
He walked away from his brother, that smirk was beginning to bother him, and began to talk to Ash as is he was listening the whole time.
Sesshomaru was laughing in his head, the only emotion he was showing was the smirk on his face he couldn't quite help that.
“Hey Kagome!” Inuyasha shouted in the kitchen, the phone away from his ear, and back into his pocket.
“Yeah,” he heard the human yell threw the door.
She sounded sleepy.
“Ash wants us to come play with her in the park, you up for it?” Inuyasha asked, moving around the kitchen, making the precious ramen he found earlier.
“Yeah, just give me minute.” He heard her yell again.
`So un-lady like' Sesshomaru thought, he walked over to the door to retrieve his coat.
“Whoa!” Inuyasha shouted in his direction…Sesshomaru stopped and gave his brother a bitter look.
“I'm not a horse.” Sesshomaru said, and he continued to walk towards the door intent on leaving.
“…If you say so…” inuyasha said under his breath. “No I mean where are you going? Aren't you going to help me out, on trying to figure out why I look like this?” he said pointing to his face.
Sesshomaru walked up to him, his stride graceful, he grabbed Inuyasha's face forcefully, moving it from side to side and examining it with careful care.
He backed away, releasing his brother's face.
“Was that necessary?” Inuyasha asked grabbing his jaw to make sure it was still attached.
“No not really.” Sesshoumaru admitted he turned towards the door again, this time no matter what he was going to get his coat and head out the door.
“Aren't you coming with us Sesshomaru?” The human had asked that question.
Reminding him so much of the little Rin that he had lost years ago, he turned around and eyed her.
Her long baggy blue jeans looked as if her and inuyasha could have fit in them together, her hair as mess atop her head, held up with what looked like chop sticks and a light baggy sweater.
She looked comfortable.
“If I am invited” he said, sighing at his own weakness, damn him and his weakness, he wanted to slam his fist down in an un-characteristic way.
But he held back.
“Well sure, it would be nice to have some one to talk to while Ash is beating on Inuyasha.” She said innocently, not knowing that, that simple sentence just gave Sesshomaru another reason to make fun of his brother.
Inuyasha was about to protest, but just gave up, it wasn't like his life was already shity enough, why not top it off.
He nodded his head; he too would enjoy the company of someone that talked on his leave of intelligence.
With concealment spells in place, they had made it to the park, along the way they picked up the bouncy little girl, she instantly ran to Inuyasha grabbing on to his leg, shying away from the tall scary man.
Kagome tried to tell her he was Inuyasha's brother, but she wouldn't have anything to do with him.
Secretly, Kagome didn't blame her.
Sesshomaru and Kagome now sat on a park bench, wrapped up in their winter coats, watching Ash and Inuyasha play in the cold snow.
Her dog Jake sitting at her feet, he's butt on a blanket so it wouldn't freeze to anything.
“So… what do you think is wrong with Inuyasha?” Kagome asked tightening her coat around her as a gust of wind blew past.
Trying her hardest to make conversation, it was proving to be difficult.
“Well other then the fact that he's an idiot....nothing.” He said with a straight face, which didn't surprise Kagome all that much.
She chuckled slightly in the short time she had known him. She would have never thought Sesshomaru for a joker.
“I mean about the markings.” She would have hit his shoulder in a playful banter, but she didn't want to figure out the end results of that.
She liked where her head was.
“I don't know really?” The words coming from his mouth sounded foreign, didn't he Sesshomaru, know everything?
“Oh” the human said sitting next to him, he looked over at her; there was something not quite right about her. She seemed sad all the time, that he could tell from the first time he met her, but when she watched as the little human and Inuyasha play, her eyes began to spark, like she too wanted to go play but couldn't.
“Why don't you” he said, pointing towards the playing duo.
She looked over at him to see what he was talking about, and then shook her head. “I can't” she said simply, again tightening her coat around her.
But this time there was no gust of wind.
He left it at that, not wanting to pry, it wasn't like him, and he wasn't about to change.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw two human females fighting, bicker back and fourth between each other.
He couldn't really hear what the fight was about, the wind rushing past his ears was making it kind of difficult, and he really didn't feel like putting in the effort to try to either.
They both had short black hair, one had a childish knitted snow cap on with bright pink flowers all around it and the other just had a plain black one, both with heavy winter coats on, the older woman looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place her face.
As they got closer their loud fighting rose a leave or two. He then discovered what it was they were fighting about.
“You're the one who said we should go out in the freezing cold and walk” the older woman said. Tightening her coat around her frame, “that's the last time I listen to you” she huffed, borrowing her head into her coat.
The younger one rolled her eyes, “when have you ever listened to me, and why did you start today?” her coat was unzipped, and to him it was even cold.
He looked at her strangely.
She noticed this and waved to him in a very childish manner, with a big smile on her face.
He pretended to ignore her, but that only resulted in her walking up to him.
“Hey are you ok mister?” she asked him, and then she looked to the human next to him. “Kagome” She said, her smile getting even bigger.
Kagome looked up from the twirling fingers in her lap, “Jinx, Cindy” she said, standing up from her place on the bench to give the strange girl a warm hug.
One that he noticed didn't show much warmth. “What are you guys doing here?” she asked, looking over at the older woman for some answers.
She noticed that they were both in different cloths from earlier today. She laughed in her head at the remembrance of the flour war they had.
“Oh nothing really just walking in the freezing cold weather,” said the older woman, who he assumed was named Cindy. She glared at the girl named Jinx, but she seemed to just flat out ignore her or she was oblivious to it.
He couldn't tell.
Jinx rolled her eyes again. “Oh hush, you know you love me.” She said batting at her older sister.
“Oh I'm sorry” Kagome said looking over at the demon on the bench, “this is Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's older brother.”
Sesshomaru did nothing, he just sat there.
“Hi! I'm jinx” the strange girl said, holding out her hand for him to shake, he again ignored her.
So being Jinx she grabbed his hand from his lap and put it to hers. “See in America we shake hands” she said like a child to a mother, moving his and hers hands up and down.
He pulled his hands away.
Cindy chuckled at this, “You never change do you Sesshomaru.” She said, the laugh line on her face showing more.
He looked over at her, `ah…' he thought, all the little sparks going off in his head. `That's who you are.'
“Hello Cindy.” He said getting up to greet her.
Both Kagome and Jinx looked at each other in confusion.
“How have you been my dear boy?” Cindy said grabbing his face to make sure everything was in place and alright.
She then grabbed his left hand, looking at his ring finger; she sighed at something and let it drop back to his side.
“I have been just fine ma'am.” He said half heartedly. Trying not to roll his eyes at his old nanny.
“Whoa.” Both Jinx and Kagome said.
“Did you just say… what I think you said?” Kagome asked, pointing to Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru looked over at Kagome.
“Yep that's what he said.” Inuyasha said from out of no where. They all looked behind them to see him and Rex getting attacked by pink bows, Rex of course looking as if he'd given up long ago.
Kagome looked back at Cindy. “Are you one too?” she asked innocently.
Cindy chuckled. “No, I'm an elf.” She looked at Kagome. “I'm judging by you're expression that Inuyasha didn't bother to tell you this.”
She slowly shook her head, looking over at Jinx to see her nodding her head, and what Kagome had come to understand as her trade mark smile on her face.
“What?” Jinx asked.
“Nothing...” She said nervously shrugging her shoulders, this was just too much, first Inuyasha telling her he was a demon, then changing, now this!
This was a hectic day.
Jinx also shrugged her shoulders, and then looked around. She hadn't been standing here for more then two minutes and she as already bored.
So she grabbed Kagome's arm and dragged her in the direction of Inuyasha and Ash, forcing Kagome to come along with Jake following slowly behind.
“She has grown up quite a bit.” Sesshomaru said turning to whisper to Cindy, eyeing Jinx intently.
“Yes, she has indeed.” Cindy said smiling.
She vaguely noticed the spark in Sesshoumaru's eye, but she played it off as her eye's playing tricks on her.
I was forced to type this, so you people better like it *grumbles*