InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 18 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to the `The Ying and Yang Twins', they may have odd reviews, but at least they review… thanks guys!!!!
Chapter 18
She was trying so hard to struggle against Jinx, but she had like an iron grip around her wrist, and she didn't want to give it away that she was uncomfortable about this.
She didn't want to play in the snow with them, anything but that.
They were getting closer to them; a couple more feet and they'd be there. She was panicking, this probably wasn't as bad as she was making it out to be, but she didn't care. She didn't want those awful memories flooding back into her head, when it took her so long to get rid them.
See looked at the back of Jinx's head with sad eyes, that didn't work she obviously didn't have eyes in the back of her head.
Her feet were moving of there own accord, fear of tripping and making a fool of herself in front of all the children in the park, she remembers what it's like to be a kid. They'd surely point and laugh causing more attention to be brought on herself, and she didn't want that, her life was screwed up enough as much as it is.
She could hear Jinx's breathing, the young elf, was obviously out of shape to be out of breath from running a short distance. She slightly hoped that she fall over from exhaustion, but that was a lost cause. She would've rolled her eyes if it were under different circumstances.
She felt the grip on her wrist go a little, and she figured that meant that they were near. She didn't want to look away from Jinx's head to find out. She was trying her hardest to think up an excuse not to go play with them.
`I'm allergic to snow…. no that wouldn't work. I shouldn't be playing when I have a dog that can barley move it's just not far to him.' She looked over at the dog that was running happily beside her, his tongue hanging out, and his face pushing back with every forceful step he took. “Nope, wouldn't work either.” She said aloud.
“What was that?” Jinx said when they came to a stop, her hand intently going to her chest to slow her racing heart down. “Boy that was a long run”
Kagome looked at the stop where they had been to the place where they were standing, it was about twenty yards. She looked back at Jinx and just nodded her head in agreement.
Kagome spotted a beach not to far from where they stood; she began to walk towards it when a hand came out a grabbed her wrist again. She looked down, this time it wasn't Jinx's.
She followed the hand to an arm and then to a shoulder, it was Ash looking up at her with sad eyes.
“Where are you going Kagome?” Ash asked. Her cute cheeks red from the winter's cool breeze.
Kagome silently pleaded with anyone who would listen, it was hopeless.
She didn't want to have to break this little girls heart. She reminded her so much of her before…
Her mind was swimming with an excuse to tell the child, other than she didn't feel up to it.
But nothing came, she looked harder into the little girl eyes again, those eyes, she swore she remembered them.
Her face fell slightly, she could feel it, so she just shrugged her winter coat clad shoulders and just shook her head.
“I'm not going anywhere.” She whispered, as Ash lead her too where Inuyasha and Jinx were having a snowball war.
Ash lead her to her fort which she gladly called “Ash's and Kagome's Fort” and had Kagome sit behind it on the opposite side of “Inuyasha and Jinx's Fort” she was in charge of making the snowballs.
Her heart fell when she picked up some snow, at least she could pretend to play.
`I don't want to do this' she thought as she looked into the smiling face of Ash. `But I have too.'
Her fingers tightened around the snowball, it making a perfect impression of her hands.
For a while, she pretended to play in the snow not moving from the spot where Ash's hand put her behind the fort, she had made. Having no knowledge of the fact that she had been sitting there for at least thirty minutes making nothing but snow balls, with out gloves, her hands didn't even hurt.
She did though feel a snowball hit the back of her head, it smashing her head into the little girl in front of her, knocking her down. She turned around to see who did it, it was Inuyasha, and the look on his face told her something was wrong.
“What?” she asked her voice barley above a whisper?
“You're crying…why?” he asked, walking towards her to check and see if she was ok. He didn't mean to hit her that hard.
She reached up to feel her face, there was indeed a tear or two there.
She looked back up at Inuyasha, he was in front of her now, bending down to check and see if everything was alright, wiping away the tears that she had managed to miss.
“I didn't hurt you did I?” he asked with concern in his voice that anyone could have caught, elf, demon, you name it, it was clear as a bell.
“No I'm ok.” She admitted, then it all hit her at once, her hands began to hurt, and her butt.
She looked down at her bright red hands you would have seen them in the night if it come to that. She was about to put them in her coat pockets when a pair of strong hands grabbed them, rubbing the life back into them.
“Thank you,' she whispered up at him.
“Heh” he laughed warming her face with that little puff of air, still rubbing her hands. She looked up at him to see what was so funny.
Gold met blue, the rubbing on her hands stopped and the warmth on her face got greater. He was leaning into her, and she into him.
“Is that what you call kissing?” Ash asked, interrupting the moment. “Because if that's what it is, I'm never going to do that.” The little girl made a face, her tongue sticking out in a childish manner, and her eyes crossing.
Inuyasha chuckled, pulling away from Kagome living her feeling empty.
“Yeah, because no boy is going to get within ten yards of you without having to go threw me first.” Inuyasha said, his chest puffing out a little to prove his point.
Ash rolled her eyes, and pointed off into the distance. “What about him?” she said.
Kagome turned her head to see and little boy sitting on a park bench at least a couple yards away, his feet dangling and swaying back and forth to some unknown beat, Kagome looked back at Inuyasha to see what he was going to say.
“Um…” was all he said, a look of bewilderment across it.
“He's got to be at least ten feet.” Ash said, her hands going to her hips, in a very Kagome like way.
“Yeah Inuyasha what are you going to do?” Kagome egged on.
“You're not helping.” Inuyasha whispered.
Kagome, Inuyasha, the dogs, and Sesshomaru, were later that night invited to Jinx's and Cindy's place for dinner, the day was almost over, having only a couple of more hours to let the last rays of light show over the tall buildings.
After Inuyasha had his man to man talk with the little boy about how far he should stay away from woman, they high tailed it out of there. Fearing that the little boy would get a parent telling them that the mean man embarrassed him.
They dropped off the sleeping Ash on Inuyasha's back and headed to Kagome's to get a little dressed up out of kindness.
Plus Kagome didn't think it would look good walking into someone's house wearing a pair of pants with a water stain on the butt.
She walked around her room looking for something to wear, all she had was dark clothing… nothing bright and cheery, and that's what Inuyasha told her to wear.
She didn't know why she was listening to him, but she kind of had this strange feeling to make him happy.
She heard a knock at the door, and went to go answer it.
She had answered the door only in her bra and under ware….
He didn't know how to react to this?
He had brought over a dress that he picked up on the way over here, a simple light blue dress that he brought at a local shop.
And then he goes to pick her up and she answers the door in her black lacy bra and black matching thug under ware.
He vaguely wondered if this was pay back for answering the door when they first met in only a towel.
She smiled at him, and moved to let him pass, grabbing the dress from him as he walked by.
Sesshomaru stood outside her door staring at the door that was just slammed in his face. He looked down at the dog that was at his side.
Well that's all I got!